Well given my stance you can probably tell I haven't put more than an hour or two into the game, but if I recall my primary problem was the fact combat is appalling. The melee animation was, for lack of a better word, 'goofy', felt really off, and made it difficult to predict the the characters extremely limited range when attacking. I seem to recall using a bow / magic and finding the targeting and general feel of them to be equally as unsatisfying and unweidly. It's rare I don't find at least one style of combat bearable..
Maybe it improves as your character does, but every other indication was that the development team didn't know what they were doing so I didn't stick around to find out...for example, the UI is hidious. I understand the intent, it was just confusing to try and use; I can accept that in games like Sword and the Stars because of the strategic depth they offer. Not so in a typical action-RPG. Much like Dead Space, the map is a conveluted and badly displain mess. Unlike Dead Space, it's actually required for general play in Two Worlds.
The story and writing and voice acting were, of course, abysmal [the game is infamous in that regard]. I know most claim it's unintentionally hilarious, like The Room or something, but for me it just fell flat. I crave immersion from these sorts of games and don't want to waste tens of hours in a generic [and it was incredibly generic] fantasy world full of characters I find grating.
It has been a while, and these are pretty generic complaints - perhaps time has soiled my memories of what little I did play even more, but I recall it being terrible in all the areas I prefer compentance from in an action RPG.