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STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread 3 -

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Port begging, apparently, although I've poked through his recent post history (call it "virtual morbid curiosity" :p) and didn't see anything that would raise such a red flag.

Far be it for me to backseat mod, but if mods are going to be strident about things, I really wish they would add the "E" word to port begging and master race as things that are bannable. Nothing shits up a thread faster and people are absolutely out of control with it lately.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I thought he was banned due to hastily making that Big Picture Mode thread.

As long as the OP is updated with info as it becomes available, there's nothing wrong with the act. E3 time is a particularly heavy period for hastily-made threads, for instance.

Far be it for me to backseat mod, but if mods are going to be strident about things, I really wish they would add the "E" word to port begging and master race as things that are bannable. Nothing shits up a thread faster and people are absolutely out of control with it lately.

I'm expecting it to happen sooner rather than later; the use of the word is already firmly within territory that's destructive to discussion. The Dark Souls PC port thread alone is littered with posts that essentially amount to nothing more than, "Lol you're just a typical entitled PC gamer."


I have an extra Beta community invite if someone wants it. I'm Kelegacy on Steam, and first person to say they want it will get it.


I have not used cocaine
Far be it for me to backseat mod, but if mods are going to be strident about things, I really wish they would add the "E" word to port begging and master race as things that are bannable. Nothing shits up a thread faster and people are absolutely out of control with it lately.

So saying, "Man i wish this would come to the PC!" is bannable? Am i missing something?


I have not used cocaine
Technically. They had gotten really lax though recently. Guess it got bad enough to go hard on it again. Just starts with each generation again it looks like.

Ah, well i remember posting about how i wish Demon's/Dark Souls should come to the PC before it was announced so i'll have to be more careful in the future.


Well, in retrospect, begging for that turd Epic Mickey turned out to be rather silly as well...

Spector needs to go to Valve.

When somebody bumped an old Warren vs Gabe gameplay discussion, I'd forgotten all about this:

Eurogamer: You're working with Valve on a new game to be delivered over Steam - has that game got a name, and are you willing to give away any details as yet? There seems to be some speculation that it could be based on Toon. Any thoughts on that? Care to confirm/deny those reports?

Warren Spector: I'm afraid we're still in "work don't talk" mode here at Junction Point. When the time is right, we'll let you know. As far as the Toon rumours, I'd caution people not to leap to too many conclusions based on very limited data! There's a story behind that but, sadly, I may never be able to tell it!

Eurogamer: How long have you given yourself to make this game? Given that the studio was only founded in November 2004, can we expect something as soon as next year, or are we more likely to see the first fruits in 2008 and beyond?

Warren Spector: One nice thing (among many) of working with Valve is that they're pretty darn committed to quality! I don't believe in "We'll ship it when it's ready" - I mean, you have to stay in business - but we're taking the time to make sure things are as right as they can be. And we're talking with people about other projects, too, so my guess is that you'll see some things from JPS maybe a little sooner than expected and some other things a little further down the road. But, again, I'm pretty committed to radio silence on details these days.

'Direct distribution is a big part of our future' - Warren Spector.

Eurogamer: It's interesting that you've partnered with Valve on this project. What's the reason for breaking away from the traditional developer-publisher model? Will you do the same as Valve and Ritual and release a boxed version anyway?

Warren Spector: Working with Valve is a natural outgrowth of my belief that Steam is a great experiment in direct distribution, and direct distribution is a big part of our future. I left Ion Storm with the goal - well, it was one of my goals, anyway - the goal of testing the digital distribution waters. When Valve offered the opportunity to do that, I jumped at it. But that doesn't mean there won't also be traditional boxed games, in partnership with publishers and traditional retailers from JPS.


What could have been.


listen to the mad man
Hi, I'm still not really doing any modding because I'm indisposed so I can't really draw any conclusions about Salsa's ban in specific--I haven't read the thread, checked recent ban lists, or talked to any other mod about it--but...

- We do frequently ban people for sarcastic or serious use of "master race" when it is a low-effort threadshit troll.
- Banning people for being disrespectful to others or whining is literally the single most commonly banned for thing on the site. It's the first thing in the posting rules I posted in the FAQ forum a few years ago. Don't focus too much on "is the specific word entitlement bannable" and focus more on trying to be respectful of others and contribute to the conversation

- Port begging is obviously a grey area thing. We haven't done a big rules post thing on it, but the short version is that there's a distinction between talking about the platform something is coming to and gumming up a thread running system wars stuff.

I know Nirolak wanted to knock out a thing clarifying port begging a few months ago, and this was the feedback I sent him then:
It's port begging when it derails the thread or when the person seems to be primarily in the thread to talk about the platforms and console wars, rather than the game itself. It's port begging when it's been clarified and hashed out a thousand times and someone just has sour grapes. It's port begging especially when someone is informed that a first-party publisher is publishing or developing the game, and the person goes on about it anyway. It's port begging when the title's platform is very clearly in the subject or the OP and someone dramatically asks what platform something is for and then stealth-edits their post in disappointment, oh the horror.

It's not port begging when someone highlights the way a particular platform can improve a particular experience, or argues that the game is probably not well suited to its destination platform based on the market realities. It's not port begging to discuss whether first-party devs are being held back by their owners.

Port begging should be bannable when it significantly negatively impacts the topic of conversation or makes it hard for interested people to talk about the game. It should be bannable when it's part of an overall pattern on a poster's part of system war stuff. The rules should be stricter when it's in conversation about the game rather than an off-the-cuff, fast-moving news or announcement thread. It should bannable when it derails the thread.

The line between OK, discouraged but not punishable, and punishable is somewhat arbitrary. Deleting posts is always an option as well--if a person seems to mean no harm but inadvertently causes a controversy, just delete the discussion from the thread and let bygones be bygones.

I don't actually feel like we need a posted policy clarification. The existing TOS is quite parsimonious and already rules out the worst kinds of behaviour that compose the underlying motivations or offences that occur when someone port begs.

Please don't take this as an official rule or exact list of what to do or not to do, but rather just hopefully something that helps explain that it's a tough issue and that it's very contextual and that a mod's opinion is going to come into play. The above text was literally just the off-the-cuff feedback I gave Nirolak when he asked people to offer input on how they view port begging stuff, it wasn't a new rule, rule change, rule clarification, or anything like that.

I would hazard a guess that in Rayman's case, the thread went to shit since it's an exclusive for an unreleased piece of hardware and emotions are running high and so posts that may have been, by intent, innocuous... ended up maybe causing a more negative turn than they expected to. Again, I haven't checked the thread or post.

If there are any other moderator questions or concerns, please PM any other mod except me and don't post them in here. Subsequent posts on rules concerns will probably be deleted. I won't be doing moderation stuff until probably early next week (yeah, I know, this is doing moderation stuff), and I'll change my tag back when I'm back.
Do I need to play Mafia 1 inorder to play Mafia 2? As in story/lore wise?
I know this should be answered by someone who played both games, but I only played the second one and found its story to be quite self-contained. Pretty enjoyable as well.
Edit: Now I feel like PSY is lookind down at my post in disdain.


So Legend of Grimrock is awesome. As someone who basically started their PC gaming career with things like the Might and Magic series, it scores a pretty solid hit to my nostalgia center. Just a couple gripes. I wish there was a spell book that you could refer to when you discover a spell (either by accident or by reading a scroll). I guess I could just write the rune combos down on a piece of paper, but I am lazy. Keeping all the spell scrolls on your character also eats up inventory space. Secondly, I wish there was a way to map your party's attacks to keyboard keys. Make the right hands U,I,O,P and the left hands H,J,K,L or something.

I also had to swap my strafe and right/left turn key bindings, but everything else is great.


Junior Member
I didn't quite read the entire conversation, but try moving everything into the Arx Fatalis folder on Steam, rename the original .EXE from arx fatalis to something else and rename the updated renderer engine executable to arx fatalis .exe name.

If there's no outside calls to the .EXE in question, it MIGHT work.

Also, don't "verify game cache", otherwise your .exe will be overwritten.

Even then, it might not work.

Oh crap that might have actually worked. It at least played the opening movie and the title screen but I haven't tried to actually play the game yet.
I just got two Steam Community beta invites. One is going to be for my bro, the other one is for the first person who quotes this with his SteamID.
When somebody bumped an old Warren vs Gabe gameplay discussion, I'd forgotten all about this:

First bolded almost gave me a heart attack. I hadn't heard about this.

I wonder why the deal fell through though. Was it JPS not delivering, Valve demanding too much, company philosophies being incompatible, financial reasons... Or a bit of all. The second game with the newly-formed Turtle Rock didn't make it either.


Wait a minute, you can actually get banned for wishing a game was on another platform? Yikes!

Edit: I'm sure everyone already owns it, but I have a Portal 2 75% off coupon as well if anyone wants it.

Looking at Stumpo's post above, I'd imagine it becomes (more likely to be) bannable when it crosses from

"I would like game b to be on system x"


"This should be on system x. Why not on system x? I don't want to have to buy system y. I have system x. It would run better on system x. I would get more chicks if it was on system x. I hate developers of game b!"

That's my interpretation.


Wait a minute, you can actually get banned for wishing a game was on another platform? Yikes!

Edit: I'm sure everyone already owns it, but I have a Portal 2 75% off coupon as well if anyone wants it.

Read Stump's excellent clarification above.


So I started up Mafia 1..played the tutorial. Alright all good! Start new game..okay have to shake off guys.

Why can they go 20 MPH and I go like...10? They just beat the daylights out of me. This is lame. They can even PUSH my car at a stand still yet I can't PUSH them.

* I am just going to forget about this game. 12 restarts already. I am in AUTO so its not that. They can power through AI cars and just keep on me. This is not fun when I can't shake cause they obviously have a supercar and I drive a foot powered flintstone car.


LOL Salsa. The only time I've been banned was due to a post in which I was being sarcastic, but it read what like a terrible person would truly say, so I don't fault them =/

He is still going to make the top five posters list from this thread :p


So I started up Mafia 1..played the tutorial. Alright all good! Start new game..okay have to shake off guys.

Why can they go 20 MPH and I go like...10? They just beat the daylights out of me. This is lame. They can even PUSH my car at a stand still yet I can't PUSH them.

* I am just going to forget about this game. 12 restarts already. I am in AUTO so its not that. They can power through AI cars and just keep on me. This is not fun when I can't shake cause they obviously have a supercar and I drive a foot powered flintstone car.

Sounds like you may have the speed limiter on? Been a long damn time since I played Mafia, but that's something I feel like happened to me too.
What happened to the war in the north sale? I must have missed it.

It seems to be still on at my region. Too bad I already bought it and GMG don't allow buying a second time for gifting.

False alarm, it seems that they forgot the %75 Sale banner, accessing the site without logging in I see the price at $19,99.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So, I finally completed The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (Borderlands DLC #3) earlier tonight. Christ, what a hopelessly uninspired and lazily-designed campaign. The individual maps are rather large, but there are no additional fast travel stations, so at times you're forced to drive from the opening map to another map that is two or three transitions away, and there are points along the way where you're forced to continue on foot; so what should take 20 seconds with a fast travel station ultimately chews ~10 minutes. Even worse is that this padding permeates to some of the quests, with you being required to complete certain tasks two or three times (Marcus' armory runs being the most obvious example).

There is one thing I did like, though, and that was the inclusion of an optional uber-boss. By the time I accepted the quest, I was still ~15 levels behind the level the quest is tailored for, so I decided to just use a trainer... which ended up being a bit of a mistake, as I didn't level up enough before killing the boss, so I couldn't (and still can't) use the loot he dropped. Oops.

With DLC #3 out of the way, all that's left is the fourth and final DLC campaign. Please tell me Claptrap's New Robot Revolution is a smaller, more focused affair a la The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (which I actually enjoyed).


Why couldn't the deal be for Supreme Commander 2? :/

edit: reading some reviews, seems like most people hate the second one. Hmm.
With DLC #3 out of the way, all that's left is the fourth and final DLC campaign. Please tell me Claptrap's New Robot Revolution is a smaller, more focused affair a la The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (which I actually enjoyed).

I agree with your opinions of Knoxx. The driving back and forth is obnoxious, and the vehicle handling in the game is pretty suspect to begin with, so it's pretty painful. For some reason, people cite Knoxx as the best DLC of the game and that has me scratching my head.

As for Robot Revolution, I have some bad news for you. It's a little more like Ned in that there are proper, open maps where you can explore and do your main and sidequests. However, the sidequests are of the 'collect 350 broken parts of claptraps' which is pretty boring. The main quest is (spoiler, but not really, but still a spoiler)
a zerg rush of reanimated versions of all the bosses you've already fought throughout the game. There's very little thought put into the design. And one of the maps is a proper maze in which you will get lost. Not sure why it had to be like that except to pad out the time it takes to play it.
For what it's worth, I still thought Claptrap was better than Knoxx because it does have some cool areas and the design of the hub is neat. But yea, temper your expectations. It's also much shorter than Knoxx. What my friends and I did was to just power through the main missions for the sake of completion and then we were done with the game.
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