Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
You assholeSupport good games.
I can't find the actual DD trading thread, so I'll ask it here: anyone willing to trade a Quantum Conundrum Steam key (likely from the Amazon Bundle) for a Steam code for Blackwell Deception?
I've got a Blackwell key.
I meant the other way around. Gonna clarify my language.
Yeah, I feel bad about not having money to support mark the ninja, stop making me feel worse gaf. was looking forward to it
Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
This game. THIS GAME. This game is incredible.
It has no demo and is not priced correctly![]()
2D games can't be worth USD14.99 now?
It has no demo and is not priced correctly![]()
good answer bro
You guys suck
good answer bro
Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
Any word on Viking: Battle for Asgard? Is it still this week?
I don't trust the Shank devs, because Shank is shit and wank.
I don't trust the Shank devs, because Shank is shit and wank.
Fun Fact!
Rocksteady Studios first game was Urban Chaos: Riot Response. They then came up with Batman: Arkham City.
Not a fan of Shank too actually, but Mark of The Ninja is fabulous.
Fun Fact!
Rocksteady Studios first game was Urban Chaos: Riot Response. They then came up with Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Not a fan of Shank too actually, but Mark of The Ninja is fabulous.
Fun Fact!
Rocksteady Studios first game was Urban Chaos: Riot Response.
I don't trust the Shank devs, because Shank is shit and wank.
Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
You guys got my interest. I'll pick this up soonI'm glad I'm not the only one having a blast. A demo of the first level would work wonders.
Btw, that number only represents the concurrent peak, so it's far larger than 507.
is there a ninja named mark
Damn right it was. The riot shield mechanic for mobile cover was genius, and the weapons had a real sense of punch and power to them. The final assault rifle you get in Urban Chaos is one of the best videogame weapons of all time.And it was fucking BOSS
Mark of the Ninja though, I'll wait until it shows up in an indie bundle. All these sort of games do, and most of the time I foolishly bought them already.
Has anyone else noticed that Steam now has the worst discounts and offers compared to the other DD services? GMG beats them soundly on new and pre-orders, Amazon has more frequent sales on AAA games, Origin hands out free games (lol). It seems like Steam is getting complacent and resting on its laurels.
I'll get it when its price drops.Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
I am one of the Mark of the Ninja buyers. It is awesome.
TotalBiscuit has a video about it where he uses mouse/kb. Says it's fine.Is Mark of the Ninja fun with the keyboard + mouse?
Mark of the Ninja.... all of you get it. It's a damn shame only 507 people played it on the day it released on PC
TotalBiscuit has a video about it where he uses mouse/kb. Says it's fine.
I take some umbrage with this. He's not being an "asshole" for waiting on a game to hit a pricepoint he can afford and/or he feels comfortable with. He's not pirating it; he's waiting for market prices to reduce the cost so it goes within his wanted pricerange. That's like enjoying some new sausage at a grocery store, and then getting pissed at someone for thinking it's too expensive because they should "support good meat" because otherwise the store might not carry that sausage anymore. Wow, this was a forced metaphor...
Anyway, it's not like he's pirating it. Honestly, if it wasn't for Steam sales, I doubt 1/10th of these indie games would even be coming out--on PC, at least.
I don't trust the Shank devs, because Shank is shit and wank.
Mark of the Ninja though, I'll wait until it shows up in an indie bundle. All these sort of games do, and most of the time I foolishly bought them already.
It won't be anytime soon.This is the main reason why I'm not jumping on it yet. Shank ended up on a Humble Bundle so I wouldn't be surprised if Mark of the Ninja did as well.
It's great with a mouse and keyboard.Is Mark of the Ninja fun with the keyboard + mouse?
I hope you realize most people in this thread are fine with that.Shank 1 came in a bundle, but Shank 2 has yet to come in one and its been out for a while. You might not be playing this game anytime soon if you wait.