What are people's thoughts on Lone Survivor. I still haven't picked it up and am wondering if it's worth worrying about?
I'll take a free copy of They Bleed Pixels
Yeah, I'll buy now on sale and just wait until then. Only reason I ask is because I'm stuck away from home due to all the flights being canceled during the big hurricane here in America, so I only have this laptop =[
try clearing any invites you may have received.
i have that problem too
Who wouldn't?
Tried to play it but could not get past the terrible controls. Amazing a game like that could be made in 2012. The worse controls ever.What are people's thoughts on Lone Survivor. I still haven't picked it up and am wondering if it's worth worrying about?
I keep getting the same update from Oct 23rd about DLC compatibility... It says a new update is available, do you want to restart steam to apply the update? This is like the 3rd time I've said yes to it.
Well someone offered but I couldn't accept, I feel bad when I probably wouldn't play it for a while, lol
Tried to play it but could not get past the terrible controls. Amazing a game like that could be made in 2012. The worse controls ever.
Only if you like games that take 10 hours just to learn how to control on a basic level.Should I get the Magicka Collection for $4.99 at GMG?
Looks like it's time to pick up the Walking Dead
Only if you like games that take 10 hours just to learn how to control on a basic level.
If you're on the Steam beta and it's telling you to update, it's because they don't update the changelog for those, they just repeat showing the changelogs for the proper nonbeta version.
I half wanted to buy Condemned as a vote for Bayonetta, but I don't like scary games.I didn't even make it through Penumbra Overture. Half-Life 2 and Bioshock are also pretty much too scary! Plus jump scares are probably the worst and I might have heart problems or something.
Only if you like games that take 10 hours just to learn how to control on a basic level.
10 hours? lol l2p.
I hate jump scares and all that shit, but I think I'mma do it. I need something to play right now.
Hoping no more than 9.99$ here honestly.How much is the halloween dlc for Sleeping Dogs gonna cost?
Only if you like games that take 10 hours just to learn how to control on a basic level.
Aw crap, forget that.
Only if you like games that take 10 hours just to learn how to control on a basic level.
Good luck! Let us know what you think.I hate jump scares and all that shit, but I think I'mma do it. I need something to play right now.
this game is easy man, you guys be whack
k there drake sword
this game is easy man, you guys be whack
stop trolling and spoiling salsajerk
Also, Vampire the Masquerade worth it?
this game is easy man, you guys be whack
Hardest enemy is yourself kinda thing
yeah its like the third time someone mentions that. Im lazy
aint it the truth
dark souls is teaching me things
If a game is Steam Cloud enabled, is that a guarantee your game saves transfer over multiple installs, or could that just be preferences/options/other junk? Wanna go lie down in bed w/my wife and dog and keep playing Mark of the Ninja on my laptop 'cuz the game is shit hot and I don't want to stop, but only if my progress will transfer over.