dave is ok
aztek is ok
first to quote gets a Mad Riderz Xtreme Bros 4lyfe!! steam key
That game looks... yeah
first to quote gets a Mad Riderz Xtreme Bros 4lyfe!! steam key
So my question was stuck at the bottom of the last page, so I'll ask again:
Is there any way to add "Packages" to your wishlist, or just individual games?
first to quote gets to shoot some brobots
So... just roll with console AC3?
So... just roll with console AC3?
So my question was stuck at the bottom of the last page, so I'll ask again:
Is there any way to add "Packages" to your wishlist, or just individual games?
You're awesome!sent
Shit guys what's the likelihood AC3's gonna be on sale this holiday? Should I just bite the bullet and grab the 360 version for $35 on Black Friday?
first to quote goes to space
Me?first to quote goes to space
Fallout 3 is a terrible game.Man, Fallout 3 is just so bland. The first time I played through it, I pretty much stuck to the main quest line and hammered through the game in under twenty hours. I don't recall there being too many interesting bread crumbs to draw you off the main quest line and into side quests. The only real stand out moment for me in the main quest line was walking behind a giant propaganda, laser spewing robot in the assault leading up to the final area. Other than that I just don't remember much about the game.
For whatever reason I got it into my head to replay Fallout 3, to try different things, do a little more exploring off the beaten path, dig into the game to find interesting side quests and unique items/armor/weapons. First thing I did was blow up Megaton, didn't even bother to follow up on the lead for the main quest, looking for leads on your fathers whereabouts. I just went looking for Mr. Burke, accepted his proposal and blew the fuck out of Megaton. I was kind of disappointed when that only resulted in a different apartment, it didn't even open up a whole new series of quests. There was one, to deal with some ghouls in a nearby location. I thought there would be more to Tenpenny Towers, maybe there is and I just haven't spoken to the right NPC. The main quest line didn't even adapt itself well to my actions, Rivet City was just a location on the world map, there wasn't even a marker pointing to that location to forward the main quest. The main quest didn't change due to my actions, it was just kind of interrupted. When I got to Rivet City it just carries on like I didn't nuke a small town. I didn't have my first run-in with Three Dog or the Brotherhood of Steel but I don't know if nuking Megaton resulted in that or if I simply haven't stumbled across them due to the DC area's convoluted layout.
Karma doesn't make much of a difference aside from who occasionally ambushes you, it's either the Regulators if you're bad or the Talon Company if you're good. If you're neutral, nobody seems to jump you. It really feels meaningless with how the karma system is implemented in Fallout 3, especially compared to New Vegas's individual faction ratings.
The main quest really doesn't do a good job of drawing you across a good portion of the map and aside from the kid who seeks you out to help with the ants invading his town, Fallout 3 doesn't do all that fantastic a job drawing you off the main quest line. I've found a few more side-quests by discovering way points on the map through conversations, books or just general exploration. Events like the superhero/super villian stand off in that trading town, the Republic of Dave, Nukalurks in the basement of the old Nuka Cola factory or Vault 108 filled with numbered clones of a guy named Gary. Soem of these events are kind of funny but for the most part it's kind of, I dunno, flat. Devoid of personality.
I stole this for you from the store when they left the door unlocked over night.
I am generous and deserve praise.
first to quote gets Assassin's Creed III
I never said you asked for praise. It was more a reference to the way people react to the give aways. I was looking at the situation through a rather amusing light.
This doesn't just apply to you.
I never said you asked for praise. It was more a reference to the way people react to the give aways. I was looking at the situation through a rather amusing light.
This doesn't just apply to you.
Despite my thoughts on the game itself I grabbed GTA4 Complete.
So where do I go to get those sexy as hell mods?
Amazon is selling Steam keys.Was there some news about Assassins Creed 3 and Steam that I missed?
Was there some news about Assassins Creed 3 and Steam that I missed?
Revelations was 50% off last year, around a month after being released on Steam, which is similar in terms of timing with AC3 and this year sale. I wouldn't expect a repeat of the 50% off with AC3 (though it's not impossible), but 33% off is probably a fair bet.
Not at all, It's a great game.Fallout 3 is a terrible game.
I stole this for you from the store when they left the door unlocked over night.
I am generous and deserve praise.
I never said you asked for praise. It was more a reference to the way people react to the give aways. I was looking at the situation through a rather amusing light.
This doesn't just apply to you.
Did you even read my initial comment? What I find amusing about the situation should be pretty clear.
They didn't ask for praise in response. Are you comparing taking advantage of a pricing mistake in an online store, to stealing a physical good from a physical store? They were just sharing games from what was presumably a pricing mistake. If there's anything illegal about it by all means bring it up.People paid nothing for those games. Ubisoft made an EA style fuck up.
My mistake. I apologize, sorry about that.Did you even read my initial comment? What I find amusing about the situation should be pretty clear.
People paid nothing for those games. Ubisoft made an EA style fuck up.This seems both a pretty rude response, and not really necessary -- can't we just let people enjoy giving away games, and getting games, even if no one paid much (if anything) for the originals? I don't even see people asking for praise for it, so why mock the people giving games away? Has anyone actually been stealing games, as your original post jokes about? If not, isn't that borderline offensive?
Come on people, let's try to keep things classy. :/
Interesting, because the only way I enjoyed Fallout 3 was spending a lot of time exploring the wasteland while completely ignoring the main quest. While nothing was really there to pull me off, I just saw a giant area and decided that I wanted to explore it. I loved the feeling of isolation and uncertainty over what was coming up over the next ridge. Every new structure I ran across was a cause for excitement and paranoia. I think I did that for somewhere around 30-40 hours. It was probably one of the more memorable gaming experiences I've had in the past few years.Man, Fallout 3 is just so bland. The first time I played through it, I pretty much stuck to the main quest line and hammered through the game in under twenty hours. I don't recall there being too many interesting bread crumbs to draw you off the main quest line and into side quests. The only real stand out moment for me in the main quest line was walking behind a giant propaganda, laser spewing robot in the assault leading up to the final area. Other than that I just don't remember much about the game.
EA did not provide Steam keys.Ubisoft made an EA style fuck up.
I still don't really get the point of your post.People paid nothing for those games. Ubisoft made an EA style fuck up.
Good god blizzard, that was the whole point of the comment.
This was basically my impression as well. There seemed to be a denigrating aspect to the comment on the backend, I think my response could have been better though.This seems both a pretty rude response, and not really necessary -- can't we just let people enjoy giving away games, and getting games, even if no one paid much (if anything) for the originals? I don't even see people asking for praise for it, so why mock the people giving games away? Has anyone actually been stealing games, as your original post jokes about? If not, isn't that borderline offensive?
Come on people, let's try to keep things classy. :/
I am comparing it to someone stealing something from a store and someone appraising/thanking them for the stolen item.I still don't really get the point of your post.
What it supposed to Derrick-style humor/sarcasm that no one else gets? Or are you genuinely upset that people are thanking him for taking the time to acquire the keys? Or are you mad that people are capitalizing on the promo?
If I grab a free food sampler at the grocery store to give to a friend, that's stealing? They're wrong to thank me for taking the time to do that?I am comparing it to someone stealing something from a store and someone appraising/thanking them for the stolen item.
Perspective, how does it work?
This isn't like deep humor or something.
I'm not gonna question morals or anything here, but I'd more liken it to buying a mispriced item at a store knowing full and well it had been mispriced. It just so happens that this particular time, the items were mispriced to FREE.
I've gotten in on my fair share of price mistakes before, and if I had known about this beforehand, I would've grabbed a game or two on my own. It's not my/Salsa's fault that ubi's web guys didn't fully test/think things through before putting out a coupon.
In the Steam Prison economy, snitches get Shank'd.