Ok, guys, I have some free Steam keys to give away.
One per person, just quote what you'd like to have together with your Steam ID (if it's incorrect I move on to the next one, so make sure it's correct)
cthulhu saves the world
la noire
breath of death vii
the ship 2-pack (2x)
1000 amps
the void (2x)
ben there, dan that + time gentlemen please
gemini rue
bad rats
beat hazard
pixeljunk eden
nuclear dawn
airmech beta
oddworld (don't ask me which one, could be the collection)
commandos collection (4 seperate keys)
puzzle agent
space rangers
dead to spies + moment of truth
king's bounty
theatre of war africa
guns of icarus
Also have coupons for Nexuiz 4-pack (75% off) and Portal 2 (75%).
The Ship please! Thanks!
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993524566