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STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread 3 -

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I'm sorry but that is bullshit.

There was a point in the game where I had to go fight a guy before I could meet with some important guy. But before I could do that I had to get 3 blahs before the target would appear. After collecting 3 blahs and beating the guy everything was ok right? Wrong. The important guy wanted me to hunt down 3 derps before he would help me, after all that shit I just went through. While scouring the entire zone for the 3 derps, about halfway through I had to find 3 whogivesashits before I could find one of the 3 derps I needed.

If that doesn't qualify as a fetch quest somewhere in there then there has never been a game with a fetch quest. Your theory works the other way too. If you're into a game then it makes you blind to all of the bullshit it's making you do.

Sounds like Ocarina of Time.

The greatest game ever made.


Sounds like Ocarina of Time.

The greatest game ever made.

It's been a while but I don't remember going through all of that. You'd meet with an important story character and then be on your way to get X amount of whatever you needed.

If OOT was like this then when you first get to the castle to meet Zelda you would be told you have to prove you're worthy to look at her feet by going through 3 dungeons. And then after doing that and going through the hedge maze area you meet up with her only for her to say before she can tell you about Ganon and all that stuff you have to go hunt down her 3 pieces of missing jewelry which are scattered all across the land. Only after doing all of that does she then tell you what you need.


I'm sorry but that is bullshit.

There was a point in the game where I had to go fight a guy before I could meet with some important guy. But before I could do that I had to get 3 blahs before the target would appear. After collecting 3 blahs and beating the guy everything was ok right? Wrong. The important guy wanted me to hunt down 3 derps before he would help me, after all that shit I just went through. While scouring the entire zone for the 3 derps, about halfway through I had to find 3 whogivesashits before I could find one of the 3 derps I needed.

If that doesn't qualify as a fetch quest somewhere in there then there has never been a game with a fetch quest. Your theory works the other way too. If you're into a game then it makes you blind to all of the bullshit it's making you do.

And I'm finding every single one of those dungeons to be an extremely enjoyable place to visit. Which is my point. Every game in this genre sends you on an endless parade of shit. If you like the atmosphere and the dungeons, you consider it a fun adventure. If you don't, it's a fetch quest. My whole point is it's a good game. It's entirely valid to not like it personally, but it's a very good game. It's not different than any other game in the genre. Whether you consider it a fun adventure or a fetch quest comes down to whether or not you're enjoying the dungeons. This is the root cause of our perception. Clearly you don't. Which is fair. But that doesn't make it a parody or poorly designed game. Because it's not.


^ That's another thing, the dungeons did blow. None of them were even slightly challenging or frustrating to get through and the bosses were ridiculously easy due to the unbalanced loot system.
Sorry, but I just played through OoT last month and I didn't anything like that.

Man this game sucks. I have to fight this asshole who stole zelda. But before I do that I have to get these 3 dumb stones, they don't even do anything, I can't use them. But to get those I have to do this dumb shit in a tree, and then a volcano and then kill this fish. Now that I have these three stones I can just fight that guy and beat the game right? NOPE.

So now I'm an adult and I have to go collect these dumb sages. But to even do some of the later ones I have to beat these other three dungeons first and collect all these dumb items.

Being really reductive doesn't really help anyone.
The biggest problems of DS 2's fetch-quests for me were

- They aren't integrated into the story at all. I never felt what I was doing in the quests had no logical reason in the game world. To get to some place I have to fight some guy in an arena and to get there I have to collect some macguffins.

Zelda has somewhat similar questlines, but they feel important and have some kind of mystery around them. DS 2 does not.

- DS 2 has a lot of (side-)quests and that's one of the strongest points of the game, but the quest themselves are insultingly linear. There's so much handholding going on, that I was seriously bored during most of the dungeons.


Man this game sucks. I have to fight this asshole who stole zelda. But before I do that I have to get these 3 dumb stones, they don't even do anything, I can't use them. But to get those I have to do this dumb shit in a tree, and then a volcano and then kill this fish. Now that I have these three stones I can just fight that guy and beat the game right? NOPE.

So now I'm an adult and I have to go collect these dumb sages. But to even do some of the later ones I have to beat these other three dungeons first and collect all these dumb items.

Being really reductive doesn't really help anyone.

I'm not being reductive, that's what DS2 is. Everything I described happens to the letter. There's no story to speak of and no important characters. They exist to ferry you along on your ultimate fetch quest, they don't play a part in the heaven/hell war or the 4 horsemen they're just there.

In zelda all that stuff exists to put you through its great dungeon design. But there are no great big sprawling or difficult dungeons in DS2, because they chose a quantity > quality design that DS1 tried to stay away from. As the devs bragged in the OT here, there's more dungeons in the first world of 2 than the entirety of 1. But they're all shorter and thrown together easier.


Clearly it's a divisive game that's split about 50/50. This is my 2012 version of Rage. Don't care who hates it, I'm gonna fly the flag that it's an enjoyable game.

Speaking of not caring about popular opinion, the 3D is absolutely fantastic in this game. It's probably why I didn't mind spending so much time on Lord Bones/Gilded Arena. Because it's an absolutely incredible world to spend time in. The atmosphere of that place in 3D is absolutely insane.


I just bought Borderlands 2 on GMG, I dont see my key.. Do I have to wait until the release to get a key and redeem it on steam ?

edit: just saw this on the website: Any required keys will be made available on that date.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That's what I thought as well but he insists that he's done his research. I want people to enjoy my 2012 GOTY from 2011 the way it was intended :(


I just bought Borderlands 2 on GMG, I dont see my key.. Do I have to wait until the release to get a key and redeem it on steam ?

edit: just saw this on the website: Any required keys will be made available on that date.

Generally speaking GMG gets keys from publishers in time for pre-loading.
I just bought Borderlands 2 on GMG, I dont see my key.. Do I have to wait until the release to get a key and redeem it on steam ?

edit: just saw this on the website: Any required keys will be made available on that date.
Yeah, they don't get keys until the run up to release. The only place where you can pre-order and get a Steam key right now is Steam.



Haha. Definitely like his style. Not only does he love Rage, but he's one us that tends to have his GOTY contenders be from the previous year.
I can't help it, the enemy encounters are just that good. Mutants dodging at point blank or using door frames evade your shots were some of the best wtf-moments ever. Some of the posts around release made me think this was a solid at best title but it's fantastic.

Are there any other games that let you switch between 2-4 different ammo?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I may be late to this, but it seems pre-orders have popped up for The Art of Portal 2 (Amazon US/Amazon UK/Book Depository). It's being published by Dark Horse, the same folks behind The Art of Alice: Madness Returns (and indeed various other "The Art of ..." books), so it should be amazing.

The book was originally scheduled for release in October, but apparently that's slipped to November. Valve Time™.
Clearly it's a divisive game that's split about 50/50. This is my 2012 version of Rage. Don't care who hates it, I'm gonna fly the flag that it's an enjoyable game.

Speaking of not caring about popular opinion, the 3D is absolutely fantastic in this game. It's probably why I didn't mind spending so much time on Lord Bones/Gilded Arena. Because it's an absolutely incredible world to spend time in. The atmosphere of that place in 3D is absolutely insane.

I'm only about 7 hours into DS2. I loved the first one.

Here's what I think of DS2 so far... the story feels detached from what I'm supposed to be doing. In DS1, I was out to prove War's innocence, and at the beginning he had his powers stripped away. So it made sense that to have the power to go after the dude who set War up, he first had to do these "fetch quests" that enabled him to regain his powers.

Now, in DS2, I'm Death. Death is supposed to be doing something to help prove War's innocence, and yet I feel like I'm out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere running around doing things for other people that have no relation to helping War. Furthermore, I feel like it's more interesting for Death to find the bomb thingy that breaks the corruption around the chest so Death can get at the loot inside the chest than it is for Death to be helping War. Isn't time of the essence here?

Bottom line: I like that it's basically more Darksiders, because I love the combat and the art style and the atmosphere. But the story, which they tried to parallel with DS1, feels detached... I don't feel like I'm doing tasks that help War so much as I'm doing tasks that better outfit Death.

Swag >>>> brotherhood


I may be late to this, but it seems pre-orders have popped up for The Art of Portal 2 (Amazon US/Amazon UK/Book Depository). It's being published by Dark Horse, the same folks behind The Art of Alice: Madness Returns (and indeed various other "The Art of ..." books), so it should be amazing.

The book was originally scheduled for release in October, but apparently that's slipped to November. Valve Time™.

UK getting boned again on pricing, hooray


Starting playing Alan Wake;

1) Why do people look like they had a stroke?

2) Dialogue in the dream sequence (intro) felt quite... Stiff, at times.

3) Where is the FOV slider? Current FOV hurts my eyes, but there's nothing in the options that resembles FOV. I've got LOD, Grass, Draw Distances for 'sliders' and that's it.

Thanks :)

I may be late to this, but it seems pre-orders have popped up for The Art of Portal 2 (Amazon US/Amazon UK/Book Depository). It's being published by Dark Horse, the same folks behind The Art of Alice: Madness Returns (and indeed various other "The Art of ..." books), so it should be amazing.

The book was originally scheduled for release in October, but apparently that's slipped to November. Valve Time™.



I just beat Home, very interesting game. I'm assuming it has different endings depending on what you do right?

I beat Home yesteday. It took me only one hour but I think it was worth it. And yes, it has different endings.

edit: I just saw Home in the top 20 sellers on steam. Nice, it deserves it. :)


Check Controls

Wow, so there it is. What an odd choice. The game is freaking beautiful! The gameplay is fun too and I can definitely see other non-gamer type people playing this. But I'm still not sold on why everybody has their mouth open when not talking/barely moving their mouth while talking.


News from the To The Moon thread: To The Moon will be released on Steam on Sep. 7. I'm not sure about price, but I'm guessing $10. Everybody should buy it if they're okay with visual-novel type games, RPG maker graphics, and emotional storylines.


Wow, so there it is. What an odd choice. The game is freaking beautiful! The gameplay is fun too and I can definitely see other non-gamer type people playing this. But I'm still not sold on why everybody has their mouth open when not talking/barely moving their mouth while talking.
Make sure to disable the hud.
Starting playing Alan Wake;

1) Why do people look like they had a stroke?

2) Dialogue in the dream sequence (intro) felt quite... Stiff, at times.

3) Where is the FOV slider? Current FOV hurts my eyes, but there's nothing in the options that resembles FOV. I've got LOD, Grass, Draw Distances for 'sliders' and that's it.

Once you beat the game, don't forget to go back and use Chapter Select screen to access the 2 Epilogue chapters that are the DLC that came with the PC version.


Once you beat the game, don't forget to go back and use Chapter Select screen to access the 2 Epilogue chapters that are the DLC that came with the PC version.

Nearly everyone I know who got the PC version missed those. They really should have added something to the end of the game to remind people to look in there.
Ok, I know I've basically turned this into a LTTP: RAGE thread but this is important...

I just finished the mission
Gearhead Vault
and I feel that this is the point where combat really opened up. I was enjoying myself before, going mostly with the AR, shotgun and wingstick but this time I was really forced to use the whole arsenal and it was oh so glorious. Quickly reacting to enemy types and formations was crucial (so I really can't recommend playing this on a console). In fact, I regret playing it at Normal now and as soon as I've trimmed down my backlog I'm gonna attempt a Hard or even Nightmare run.

the encounter with the two Minigun Gearheads in the two small offices
was intense.


People, buy this game. It looks like it's from 1995 and has no gameplay to speak of, and yet it has one of the most beautiful stories I've ever had the privilege of experiencing in a game. No hesitation in admitting that I had tears in my eyes while playing through it.

Co-sign this. The story is compelling enough that you don't care about the gameplay at all and will probably finish it in one sitting.


Stormy Grey
I beat Home yesteday. It took me only one hour but I think it was worth it. And yes, it has different endings.

edit: I just saw Home in the top 20 sellers on steam. Nice, it deserves it. :)

I beat Home yesterday and I uh, I feel a little disappointed.

At the end, my guy had decided that his wife may or may not have existed, and that he may have used her as a fantasy, but that he had no idea if Norman was involved in some way or why his gun showed up and he completely ignored the strange house he started in.

I also found myself annoyed at how very little of anything ever happened. The only time I felt any decent tension was when I found the bloody clothes in the basement and the game literally asked me "Did I find her?" which blew the scene for me. Really, you're going to ask me that?

I don't regret picking it up, but I do feel like it is trying a little too hard. Going to give it a second and maybe third spin later tonight to see just how different it can end up and see if this changes my opinion. I'm a huge psychological horror fan and it's obvious the guy who did this has respect and care for the genre but I just feel like I missed everything other than conclusions I can draw that just don't really gel with the ending whatsoever.
I beat Home yesterday and I uh, I feel a little disappointed.

At the end, my guy had decided that his wife may or may not have existed, and that he may have used her as a fantasy, but that he had no idea if Norman was involved in some way or why his gun showed up and he completely ignored the strange house he started in.

I also found myself annoyed at how very little of anything ever happened. The only time I felt any decent tension was when I found the bloody clothes in the basement and the game literally asked me "Did I find her?" which blew the scene for me. Really, you're going to ask me that?

I don't regret picking it up, but I do feel like it is trying a little too hard. Going to give it a second and maybe third spin later tonight to see just how different it can end up and see if this changes my opinion. I'm a huge psychological horror fan and it's obvious the guy who did this has respect and care for the genre but I just feel like I missed everything other than conclusions I can draw that just don't really gel with the ending whatsoever.
You decided that, not your guy.

Metro 2033 isn't on that list.
Add it!
Does Darksiders 2 incorporates filler BS to the degree of say Skyward Sword? Or it's more or less torable than the first game? Only stupid sh*t in the first one were those combat trials.
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