At the moment I just have the base, non-GOTY version of Civ 5 with no DLC. Since it's 75% off today, which DLCs are worth buying?
I heard CivIII is bad, is it true? Then again is there a point for it when I have IV and V?
Weird. Indigo Prophecy isn't on Steam anymore? How long has that been a thing?
Civ 3 is fine, but you can skip it unless, like me, you have a friend who hasn't upgraded his computer in 10 years and wants to play multiplayer.
If you are buying all the DLC, there are 3 bundles available that will save you even more than buying individual packs.
Then you add the Polynesia, Spain/Inca and Nebuchadnezzar DLC and it comes out to $10.55 instead of $12.26. I know it's not much but... *shrug*
If you buy Civ 5 GOTY, you only need to have everything.
Civ 3 is fine, but you can skip it unless, like me, you have a friend who hasn't upgraded his computer in 10 years and wants to play multiplayer.
Good gravy, I ordered that Sword of the Stars 2 from GG last night at midnight and the thing is still processing at 6pm. Ridiculous.
Edit: Oh wait I just noticed there was a grey button at the bottom that said complete payment and when I went through paypal again it completed it. So apparently they had my order and did not receive the information for payment the first time I went through paypal and then never indicated that they were still awaiting payment. It just said pending.
Daily deal: Blocks That Matter 66% - 1,69Euro.
Heard a little bit about it, it's been in a couple of indie bundles already, hasn't it? Either way, looks interesting, and I've heard some good buzz. But my backlog is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, and I really wanna finish off Dark Messiah or start up some Alice: MR. So...Yay or Nay?
nab 2k12 has no 3rd party drm correct?
I'm glad to hear that. The graphics looked good, and the game looked like something I'd want to support.I'm really liking Stacking so far. I'm glad I jumped on it while the 33% off promotion was still active.
I'm nearly finished Stacking myself, and while the game is fairly short and has a really slow start, it comes together in an amazing way that's well worth $10. I haven't played the side Hobo King yet either. Shame this game got overlooked last year. Much better than the overrated Bastion.I'm glad to hear that. The graphics looked good, and the game looked like something I'd want to support.![]()
new registry entry for humble indie bundle 6 (no games listed tho). will probably be launching this week or next, HiB is usually fast. sweet, ready to see what they have instore.
Honestly, I wish they'd kind of pull back on the indie bundles. I lose track of them so easily. They should be a once a year kind of thing.
Why don't you just make the minimal effort needed to keep track of them instead of wishing there was less of a good thing?
Humble Indie Bundle 6? Did I miss one?
Oh and thanks for the head's up.
new registry entry for humble indie bundle 6 (no games listed tho). will probably be launching this week or next, HiB is usually fast. sweet, ready to see what they have instore.
Anyone know what DLC is missing from the Civ V GOTY...? Sooo much DLC for that game it makes my head hurt and steam search function is useless.
Honestly, I wish they'd kind of pull back on the indie bundles. I lose track of them so easily. They should be a once a year kind of thing.
The Humble Bundle, IndieGala, & IndieRoyale all have the ability to e-mail you every time there's a new bundle. I don't see what the big deal is. I like getting cheap indie games.
HIB and Indieroyale are both pretty slow on actually sending out those emails, if I didn't keep an eye on Gaf I wouldn't be getting in 'on the ground floor' as often.
Could anyone tell me which, if any, Civ V DLCs are worth the money? I've got the vanilla game but have barely played it so I don't know anything about this stuff.
Personally I think they are all worth the money. Although if you are looking for something to sink more time into the Scenario packs add a lot to the game.
Which single scenario pack would you recommend?
I spent a happy few hours on the Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca yesterday.
If you are buying all the DLC, there are 3 bundles available that will save you even more than buying individual packs.
Then you add the Polynesia, Spain/Inca and Nebuchadnezzar DLC and it comes out to $10.55 instead of $12.26. I know it's not much but... *shrug*
So playing Mass Effect 3 non stop since last tuesday really makes me want to go through the first one again. Looking at things right now, looks like it's still on steam but I have two problems with that:
1-The DLC is only available on Origin. I could get the DLC on origin and it would work on the steam version of the main game but I don't want to have stuff in the two's messy lol. I'll probably end up getting it on Origin instead because of that.
2-It's still 20$!? WTF. Anybody heard anything about some kind of promotion or somewhere cheaper?
Also, any good mods to suggest? I imagine that there's at least a HD Texture Pack somewhere but is there also mods that fix some of the problems in the game design?
Thanks for the help guys.