So what sort of game is Mount and Blade like? TES?
The game doesnt have a story, its more of a sandbox game set in medieval times and the main mechanics are devolpment of your character, mantaining an army and fightin battles.
You can be of any background and there are tons of skills you can invest in. One handed, two handed, archery, horseback, shields etc for combat skills. Outside of combat you have skills like tracking war parties on the world map, or looting skills, medical skillsto prevent your troops from dying in battle , trading skills. Plusyou can buy weapons, armour andhorses to outfit your character as you see fit.
You can visit towns and hire peasants for your army. You can upgrade them after some battle exp and you can compose an army as varied as you want. Viking infantry, crossbow archers, steppe horse archers and heavy cavalry for example. You can use your army in battles, first against small parties of bandits and later you could sieges the castles of enemy factions.
There is not really a clear goal. First order of business should be creating an army so thatyou wont get harassed by every bandit you see. Youcan perform quests for thenobles, become vassal to a king, fight for him and keep some of the spoils if the king likes you. Or you can become a bandit, attacking convoy and looting peasants. Or start your own faction.