It deletes some things necessary for first time boot, afterwards which just sit around.
So if you just select all, make sure you have launched said games at least once, otherwise you won't be able to play said game until after another validation (which itself creates these files).
The files themselves are in that posted config above a couple of posts.
I found a program the other night that cleans the crap from your steam game installtions (redist, temp files, etc.). I'm pretty sure I got the link from GAF, it was hosted on google code, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet!
I think it was something like, SteamCleaner, or SteamCondenser (or SteamKondensor).
Edit: Found it! TikiOne-Steam-Cleaner
There is a survey about the HIB bundles and store by Frozenbyte, with a lottery for Trine 2. It is really easy and fast to fill out.
Does anyone have opinions about Port Royale 3? It looks pretty cool and I don't see any third-party DRM mentioned.
Also wondering about Port Royale 3
It's out in Germany now I think... There must be a couple reviews you could Google Translate.
I found a program the other night that cleans the crap from your steam game installtions (redist, temp files, etc.). I'm pretty sure I got the link from GAF, it was hosted on google code, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet!
I think it was something like, SteamCleaner, or SteamCondenser (or SteamKondensor).
Edit: Found it! TikiOne-Steam-Cleaner
There is a survey about the HIB bundles and store by Frozenbyte, with a lottery for Trine 2. It is really easy and fast to fill out.
8. Do you check Metascores before you purchase video games?
9. Do Metascores affect whether or not you buy a game?
6. Answer these questions about your willingness to buy the example bundle of games: 1 = Strongly disagree, 7 = Strongly agree
10. Answer these questions about this Humble storefront: 1 = Totally agree, 7 = Totally Disagree
I'm one of those rebels who keeps all their redist files since they have a 2tb drive for Steam and on top of that I let Steam download every Dungeon Defenders patch- no bitching.
Oh man, I've been waiting to play this one for ages! Diablo-killer!The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
Looks cool!The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
YO why is Witcher 1 downloading a 15GB update?
The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
It's becoming self aware. It needs that 15GB data to achieve its destruction of mankind.
YO why is Witcher 1 downloading a 15GB update?
The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
The Dream Machine coming to Steam on May 11th.
Point-and-click adventure with a unique graphical style.
Why doesn't it say Steamworks on that page. It best be Steamworks.
We'll never know till they announce something but I can't see a good reason for them to ditch Steamworks. Of course, they might announce that COD is now integrated into
Wait, after downloading a little bit it froze, so I paused it and resumed and it said it was done. WTF Steam.
Anyway, Halo: Monster Hunter Edition is out and 4 pack makes it $6.75. I wouldn't be able to host till monday but I could join if someone else will host.
Well, shit.
Shit!Well shit.