He was probably nailing something together using his lap as temporary staging.
I think we all need to hear this story.
In which case, he's damn lucky it was only his femur that got nailed and not anything higher.
I used to work at a place that built boat trailers. I worked in the area where we stacked them for shipping. I would have to climb all around the stack nailing 4x4 blocks of wood in strategic spots to keep the trailers from sliding around on top of each other. When I jumped down off of a stack the hose got caught on something and when I landed on the ground it yanked the air line just perfect for the nose of the gun to hit my femur as I landed in a crouch.
Only the head of the nail was above the skin so I had to spend the entire time with my leg bent like I landed or it would have pulled the head of the nail under the skin. Once they started the work it took the doctors 40 minutes to get it out. They had to get a guy in maintenance to weld a piece of plate metal to the top of a pair of vicegrips. Then they clamped the vicegrips on the head of the nail and hit the plate with a hammer until the nail came out.

Damn it!
So, does GOG give refunds? lol