Here you go can i find this steam registry to find out if a game is added?
Here you go can i find this steam registry to find out if a game is added?
cdr.thebronasium.comWhere can i find this steam registry to find out if a game is added?
Let's hope I can get my card sorted out to buy this then. Thanks.As a liker of the FEAR franchise, another wonderful gaffer gifted me this last game and I am loving it.
You will definitely appreciate the story more if you play the first two games, but this game has a decent storyline to get you acquainted with the characters at least. The plot line is basically bullshit anyway.
Since Alice Madness Returns kinda fell flat for me, I wanted to pick up an FPS to play a bit before Diablo III. Since it's been years since I've attempted to play FEAR, I figured I'd give that a shot. Holy DAMN was it poorly optimized. At High/Maximum I'm getting 15 fps or so on my system. And I can run Crysis 2 at a decent setting. :/
1680x1050 with max settings (4x FSAA/8x AF); E6420 @ 3.2GHz, 4GB DDR2-800, GTX 570.
There's an infamous bug in fear where you'll get a performance hit unless you disable HID USB devices in device manager.Since Alice Madness Returns kinda fell flat for me, I wanted to pick up an FPS to play a bit before Diablo III. Since it's been years since I've attempted to play FEAR, I figured I'd give that a shot. Holy DAMN was it poorly optimized. At High/Maximum I'm getting 15 fps or so on my system. And I can run Crysis 2 at a decent setting. :/
Try rebooting. Upon reading your post I ran the in-game benchmark and was getting no more than ~50fps (averaging around half that), but after rebooting the game ran as it should:
Finally bought Portal 2. i wonder if it will get cheaper in the summer sale.
Characters and projects are referenced throught out the first game (and expansions) as well as the 2nd one as far as i remember.I know I know, "lol@fps game story", but would you recommend me to play the other FEAR games for story sake or are they separate other than a few characters or something?
The third game wasn't even developed by the geniuses at Monolith.
I know everyone doesn't read the Dota 2 thread, but Valve is starting to send invites for their next International. They look classy as fuck.
Since they made Blood 1 and 2, Shogo, No one Lives For Ever and FEAR i'll give them 1 or 2 more shit games before i take from them the title of geniuses.I don't know if Monolith is allowed to be considered genius-tier after FEAR 2. I liked the game, but I'm not in denial about the issues it had.
Also, Day 1 really didn't do *that* bad with FEAR 3. The locations stayed fresh and the shooting felt tighter/better than most FPS games. The only level that dragged was the airport one and we all know that FEAR 1 had a 4+ level segment that dragged so I can't really harp on Day 1 for one level.
Since they made Blood 1 and 2, Shogo, No one Lives For Ever and FEAR i'll give them 1 or 2 more shit games before i take from them the title of geniuses.
Which will happen since the envelope of FPS isn't being pushed any more.
Oh god, there are 255 Portal 2 test chambers in the Workshop already. Some of these look horrifying and evil.
Some of these look pretty complex -- I wonder how people managed to get them up so quickly. Have they been plotting designs in CAD waiting for the DLC to come out?
Bound in Bloods visuals could have been amazing if there wasn't severe pop-in/lod issues. I loved the use of color-grading or whatever you want to call it to make most areas feel visually distinct.
My favorite segment of the game was when you go to the Indian territory and all that crazy shit goes down.
I would say that if you liked the story, the original game is worth checking out, but it sounds like you aren't very into wild west games.Yet another game cleared from the backlog, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. I have to admit, I never played the original, but on the recommendation of stump, I picked up the sequel last year somewhere in a sale.
The original COJ feels quite rough in comparison to the second one. It had really ghetto stealth segments and the visuals don't hold up very well due to some hideous artistic decisions.
However, it is reknowned for (one or two?) really bad stealth sections that are the worst parts of the game, as far as I know. Kabouter beware! And yeah the visuals are great in some places but probably very dated in others.I liked the original better than Bound in Blood, for what it's worth.
I liked the original better than Bound in Blood, for what it's worth.
I liked the original better than Bound in Blood, for what it's worth.
Since we are talking about Monolith Ledsen, i keep forgetting i need to finish Condemned but i haven't found it on Steam. Is it because of my region?I found NOLF1+2 for cheap in a store a couple of weeks ago. I bought them so hard (have only played the second one before).
Since we are talking about Monolith Ledsen, i keep forgetting i need to finish Condemned but i haven't found it on Steam. Is it because of my region?
It does however have this level where you need to climb this mountain to get an eagle feather. That level is utter garbage.
Also i just realized they never ported the second game to the PC. Which is the better Condemned 1 or 2?
Nah, unfortunately it's just not on Steam.
That's a relief at least. Any DD service with the game available?Definitely the first. The second has its moments, but I felt it was very inconsistent.
That's a relief at least. Any DD service with the game available?
That's a relief at least. Any DD service with the game available?
I wonder why. It's not like it'd be any real work for Sega to throw up what they're selling on Gamersgate or Amazon.
Hi guys, I have a question about Steam cloud. I play games mostly offline (steam that is) and I want to know what happens if I log into steam and start to play the game I've been playing offline. Will my saves get replaced by the one on steam cloud?
Is it true that sometimes games with Steam cloud saves mess up and delete one or the other? I thought I saw people complaining about the Steam version of Witcher 2 for this reason, and getting the GoG version instead.In the event of a version discrepancy, you're asked which one you'd like to keep/use.
But see you want it so it's not going to happen. Just like how we all want Bayonetta and Vanquish to be ported to PC.
In the event of a version discrepancy, you're asked which one you'd like to keep/use.
I'm actually fairly bummed out that Vin Diesel Wheelman was taken down. It's been the running joke of previous Steam sales between my circle of friends, but I never actually grabbed it, thinking I'd wait for the next sale. I actually thought the Xbox demo was silly fun.
And now it's gone. Sorry Vin.