It's going to be on sale for $15 on amazon soon if you're okay with a non-steam copy.
It's fine if you have beefy hardware. It's just poorly optimized.I loved this game and wanted the PC version alas I hear it was a super shitty port. Anyone?
WTF I thought it was the original JSR.Any word on an actual release date for Jet Set Radio Future for Steam?
WTF I thought it was the original JSR.
Offline mode is mad janky. It needs to be fixed.
In my experience, it works fine if you remember to load up the games you wish to play offline prior to switching to Offline Mode, as any games that Steam has detected an update for will otherwise refuse to load. At the very least, Valve should have the Offline Mode option force an update check on all installed games prior to switching; though, ideally, any installed game should run fine as-is.
Dungeons of Dredmor is definitely worth it, but it may get a discount pretty soon when they enable Steam Workshop integration and add the new DLC.
Completed chapter 3 of The Dream Machine and I can't wait for chapter 4. While the first 2 chapters were a bit on the lean side, the 3rd chapter kept me busy and had me stumped on a puzzle for awhile. Really glad I jumped into this game blindly, really digging the story and presentation so far.
How different is the new game from the mod, besides the graphics?
for 10USD. worth it?
I think this one is running out of names to use ><
I don't even know who half my friends are anymore lol
I don't think I've ever seen it below $15 before on Steam, so bought me Divinity II.
Steam should have added nicknames a long time ago.
Every other messenger service already has them.
I will try the demo then.
SR2 patched should play just fine on Win 7. I played it on Win 7 a few months back on my laptop (which obviously isn't as well specced as your rig) and had no problems at all. The issue is the key Gamersgate sells registers on Steam as the German version which is heavily censored and does not work with the community patches/mods. At least this used to be the case, I'd not risk it unless you can find confirmation that this is absolutely no longer true.Saint's Row 2 is $4.49 at Gamersgate and is a steam key. Does this run on windows 7 after applying the community patches/mods? I have a x6 AMD cpu, a 460 GTX and 8GB of RAM.
It was $9.99 during Steam winter sale.I don't think I've ever seen it below $15 before on Steam, so bought me Divinity II.
Yeah, you're right. I found confirmation in a FAQ on the Steam forums. Also good reading if you're considering buying the game, the main issue with Win 7 is the speedup bug which you'll probably need to use Powertools to correct. Luckily it's a simple fix. I don't believe I even used the Gentlemen of the Row mod when I played thru the game a while back as it add/changes a lot of stuff that's more suitable for a 2nd playthrough.They've fixed that, I believe. It's the standard edition now. I had that problem but they replaced the key with a US one, which I assume they do now by default.
How is the Serious Sam:SE DLC?
Whoa. SS DLC? On it.
So awesome. I will wait until all episodes are out before I buy the rest though. I want to play them in one go.The Dream Machine is awesome, fyi.
I think one thing you can do is put certain friends in a friends list group called "Weird People Who Change Their Name Constantly" which will let you find them easily.
We call these people dota 2 gaf.I think one thing you can do is put certain friends in a friends list group called "Weird People Who Change Their Name Constantly" which will let you find them easily.
Yeah, but by this point, those people have changed their name so many times I don't even know who they originally were anymore.
The Bioshock double pack price is updated btw., $7.50
I have been playing some of my backlog: although Hamilton's Great Adventure looks like a casual game with nice 3D effects, it can get quite frustrating if you try to get into the high-score tables, in which case it get literally supermeatboyee. I have finally been rewarded by beating on one level this milk_T guy at the top of every high-score tables.
Why'd they have to put SecuROM on Bioshock 2... I wanted to play Minerva's Den at some point. Guess I'll have to find a console copy in some bargain bin.
Oh I didn't care about that. I have spareUnlimited activations. But you can't buy Minerva's Den on Steam anyway thanks to GFWL.
Quote for Brainpipe - A plunge to unhumanity
I don't like DRM, and I don't like SecuROM, but what are your objections for this particular game? I could understand if it was the SecuROM level 7 or whatever from days of yore that used a kernel driver, or a SecuROM like Crysis 1 where they had limited installations you couldn't revoke...Oh I didn't care about that. I have spareMicrosoft pointsAllards anyway. And GFWL lets you pay in cash now if you don't anyway. Fair compromise for something so lauded. But not the DRM.
Eh, I wasn't really impressed. If you like Euro ARPGs (Gothic, Risen), you might enjoy it though. The combat had no oomph, or visual flair whatsoever. It has neither Skyrim's visual eye candy, nor KoA:R's impactful combat. The setting is pretty generic European medieval stuff. I just couldn't get into it enough to make it to the parts where the dragon-ish stuff start happening. Maybe I should give it another go. Too many better things to play atm though (Tropico has completely sucked me in).Impressions for Divinity II: DKS?
Impressions for Divinity II: DKS?
Impressions for Divinity II: DKS?
So what was the deal with the recent Steam patch?
I've had the CD version lying around for years. Heard it had good 3D, so I figured I'd finally play it. But when I installed it, my 360 controller would not work at all (briefly tried it years ago and worked with a generic controller). Also, couldn't go any higher than 1680*1050@100hz or 1920*1080@60hz (wanted 1080P@120hz). And when I exited out, it crashed to black. And then the entire Windows OS was running in windowed mode. Finally closed it down and was going to uninstall, but I did a google search for patches and saw Steam got a recent patch nobody else did?
So is the Steam patch really all that? Does it include default 360 support? I guess I'll pick it up next time it's on sale if it truly does address some of these issues.