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STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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I was tempted to get SFxT and opted not to. Not because it was GFWL, but because I just don't want a third service to have to worry about.

Wait this works?

I'm guessing he means a controller. Not the DVD/Universal remote.

Edit: Shit. I didn't wait long enough, and AMD sends me a code for a free copy of FC3BD and I just bought it yesterday. :(


I was tempted to get SFxT and opted not to. Not because it was GFWL, but because I just don't want a third service to have to worry about.

I'm guessing he means a controller. Not the DVD/Universal remote.

Wait for SFxT to drop on Steam. It's the only store that will put the (much needed) DLC on sale.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I have yet to see a good defense for the game that proves you aren't all crazy. You can only avoid so many guardposts and randomly spawned enemy vehicles.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I have yet to see a good defense for the game that proves you aren't all crazy. You can only avoid so many guardposts and randomly spawned enemy vehicles.

There is much joy to be found in watching tanks fly about the ether before the inevitable explosion sets alight the nearby savannah.


Hey Everyone!
After a few weeks I just got in the forum, and to celebrate with my first post.
Will give a few steam keys:

Larva Mortus
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World
Crash Time 2
Pacific Storm
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes
Scratches - Director's Cut
Greed: Black Border
Space Trader: Merchant Marine
Vigil: Blood Bitterness
Tank Universal

IF you want anyone quote this with your choice (2 max per person please) and I'll PM it to you.
I don't own ShadowGrounds for some reason. If that's not taken, may I have it? Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
I have yet to see a good defense for the game that proves you aren't all crazy. You can only avoid so many guardposts and randomly spawned enemy vehicles.

Well I can only really speak for myself in why I love it so much so I'll try to explain. I'm not trying to convince you of anything just giving my reasons why :) I certainly wouldn't expect anyone who dislikes FC2 to all of a sudden go, 'Eureka that's brilliant!' :p

For me it's mostly about the game world, it's as much a character in the game as anything else. The atmosphere, the sound of everything in the world, the changing weather, the way it naturally shifts from one environment to another (a good example is going from a jungle area to a desert area in a way which doesn't feel forced). It's a game mostly about the journeys you have with some firefights and missions in between. The game is VERY samey in what you have to do, it's mostly kill someone or destroy a truck so you aren't playing it for mission variety. It's the approach it takes to this I love. It's incredibly laid back. Apart from when you are in a firefight you are never under pressure, I honestly find it very relaxing to play. If you get into it, you REALLY get into it. It's a very immersive world if you enjoy it. I would honestly prefer it over something like Crysis in terms of an actual game world. I can just enjoying wandering about the world looking for diamonds, taking in the atmosphere and walking through the jungle. There's a real sense of loneliness and place to FC2 that I really enjoy and I just don't get from other FPS. Even with games like Crysis, Stalker and FC3 I don't get that same sort of immersion or sense of place. Africa just really draws me in and keeps me engaged for hours upon hours.

Apart from the actual world it's also about the choice you have in approaching situations. Do you

1. Get as close as you can with a silenced pistol before finishing everyone off with a silenced machine gun ? (this is admittedly not easy to do, the stealth mechanics are flawed but it IS possible, the Dylans realism mod helps with this too)

2. Start throwing grenades and go in with a heavy machine gun ?

3. Stand atop of a hill nearby and use a sniper rifle to kill everyone ?

4. Use your flare to shoot at the grass nearby which somehow manages to engulfs everyone with flames ?

5. Stand atop of a hill with a big fucking rocket launcher killing everyone with that ?

6. Drive in with your vehicle and quickly switch to your mounted 50 cal shooting every motherfucker that moves ?

7. Go in guns blazing with your shotgun and run around like a madman ?

Every single one of these is a viable option to a situation and it just gives you a lot of freedom to fuck around. I love experimenting, I'm the sort of person who has to try every weapon and lots of combinations. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop everytime I go into the weapons room and can pick and choose. I can actually stand there and talk to myself for 5 mins on what I want to take to a mission. I love how every single mission is 'do what you want, just fuckin kill them'

Plus on the missions themselves you may have a plan and things go absolutely pear shaped making you think on the fly.

"Haha you fuckers I've killed you!"
"Oh wait there's one left, come here you"
"Shit, I'm out of ammo!"
You get shot and are on one bar of life left so you hide and pull the bullet from your leg. The guys still shooting at you and you're like "fuck I need to heal"
You heal and you run looking for the closest gun you can find. You pick one up and you shoot, your gun jams and you think you're screwed. Then right in front of you the guy you were shooting at keels over dead. You thank your lucky stars you escaped with that one. This all happens under various conditions too, it could be pitch black in the middle of the night, it could be during a beautiful sunset or sunrise, it could be during a thunderstorm or when its pissing with rain or even in the moonlight.

Then you've also got your buddies. They are essentially 'second chance' mechanisms but I love the way they are implemented. The one thing that always happens with me is that I completely forget about my buddies when in the middle of a firefight. Then I get shot and I'm on my last legs, the screen goes black and I'm thinking "alright, fuck, need to start this again" But you then hear shots, you're like "Fuck that's right!" Your buddy grabs you, moves you to a place, shoots a few bad guys nearby and hands you your pistol. You're back in the game son and you hide behind a tree with bullets whizzing past you whilst you heal up, removing bullets from legs and injecting yourself with 'health' You take that pistol and you shoot the last bastard dead in the head. You survived it, you don't know how the fuck you survived it but you did. Things like the malaria, gun jamming and guard checkpoints I don't mind at all but of course many folk hate them.

It's very much about the emergent moment to moment gameplay you can have and all the little stories it creates unique to you. Even now, 2 years after Far Cry 2 first came out, not a single other FPS has given me the experiences that game gives me and still continues to give me even now. Even Far Cry 3 didn't really gel with me. Apart from the amazing crossbow, the animal interaction and some takedown moves I didn't really feel a part of the world and I eventually got bored. It also doesn't help that I find its tropical island really boring and not very interesting to traverse or walk around. Again that's just my own personal opinion, I know some folks prefer that setting. I would never call FC3 a bad game but it simply isn't what I fancied out of a FC2 sequel, but well that's just me.

I apologise for the rambling, just typing what comes into my head. It's also by no means a perfect game, I can list various problems it has but everything good about that overcomes it. People easily call it 'boring' or a 'load of shite' and to be honest I can see how it comes across like that. There's nothing really like it. I still have friends on my friends list who will give me shit the odd time when they see me playing it :p

However it remains up there as one of my favourite FPS of all time and I don't regret that for one second. People can mock me for it and laugh away or whatever, I really don't give a fuck. For me FC2 is a completely absorbing game and one of the most interesting shooters ever made.

Anyway I'm not trying to turn this into a FC2 discussion thread (or trying to change anyones mind) and I certainly won't go on about it (and apologies for the length of the post) but I had a bit of time and just thought I'd write some thoughts on it and give my perspective :) Carry on! *slinks back into darkness*


64, DS, or Seven. Can't forget 64

I have Mario Kart 64 still and Mario Kart 7 (put 100 hours on the DS one). DS and 7 are the best. If you go back and play MK64 today, it is pretty bad. It has horrible rubber band mechanics in the speed model and completely destroys the fun for me. Mario Kart DS had almost no (if any) rubber band speed mechanism and it appears very limited in the 3DS game.


Axel Hertz
Wait for SFxT to drop on Steam. It's the only store that will put the (much needed) DLC on sale.

What SFxT DLC are we talking about?

Useless gems and palette swaps?

I believe the extra characters DLC was already on sale before, as I have it.


Fez has been near the top of the Steam charts for nearly twenty-four hours. Considering preorders eclipsed day one XBLA sales, I can't imagine where they're sitting at now.


What SFxT DLC are we talking about?

Useless gems and palette swaps?

I believe the extra characters DLC was already on sale before, as I have it.

... I'm talking about the character pack. I know it was on sale before, that's my point.
Me said:
Has anyone beaten and enjoyed Grimrock? I need some motivation to keep going with it. I may be missing the appeal of it, but I willing to look for it.

This got lost at the end of a page a few days ago. Can anyone help?


Axel Hertz
Oh, I was wondering what you meant by "classic" :D

Here is a classic pack for $15

I already have Legend, Anniversary and Underworld. I'm specifically talking about "classic" on Steam because the classic (I-VI) games were added later, but they never got a deal by themselves (I already got the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld on Steam before, on a pack sale)


I already have Legend, Anniversary and Underworld. I'm specifically talking about "classic" on Steam because the classic (I-VI) games were added later, but they never got a deal by themselves (I already got the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld on Steam before, on a pack sale)

Not as attractive deal as the previous ones, but still a deal
Gamersgate has them for 50% off each


This got lost at the end of a page a few days ago. Can anyone help?

How far are you in? The game is pretty similar in terms of focus throughout so if the puzzle-y nature of the game isn't drawing you in, I don't see the later parts being inciting. If you're hoping the combat gets better than strafing around a 2x2 block, I would give up now but the puzzles do get more elaborate and interesting.


I already have Legend, Anniversary and Underworld. I'm specifically talking about "classic" on Steam because the classic (I-VI) games were added later, but they never got a deal by themselves (I already got the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld on Steam before, on a pack sale)

Best thing you could do at this point would be to find someone to split that pack with.
How far are you in? The game is pretty similar in terms of focus throughout so if the puzzle-y nature of the game isn't drawing you in, I don't see the later parts being inciting. If you're hoping the combat gets better than strafing around a 2x2 block, I would give up now but the puzzles do get more elaborate and interesting.

Not far in. I just put the jewels in the eyes of the statue and fought a bunch of mushrooms.

Yeah. It's the combat. I don't think I can do it. Thanks.


I'd like to put in a recommendation for Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, for £2 you get a long (~30 hours) game with a great battle system all in a pretty nice RPG wrapping. There's a key for it hidden in this post as well.
Been wanting to try that out. Thanks!


Not far in. I just put the jewels in the eyes of the statue and fought a bunch of mushrooms.

Yeah. It's the combat. I don't think I can do it. Thanks.

For what it's worth, the combat is mindless enough for the most part that you can just circle (square?) strafe through it to focus on the puzzles. Though if you're really not liking it there are sections later on with multiple enemies at once that will probably destroy your enthusiasm.

Grimrock really surprised me with it's puzzle design. I was going into it expecting just a dungeon crawler in the sense of it being a test of attrition but it's one of the few recent games where I was actually thinking about puzzles outside of the game because I got stuck.


I already have Legend, Anniversary and Underworld. I'm specifically talking about "classic" on Steam because the classic (I-VI) games were added later, but they never got a deal by themselves (I already got the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld on Steam before, on a pack sale)

I am in the same boat. Wish there was a comparable classic 1-6 bundle.
Is Mafia II for £3.75 good? Will it get cheaper in the future?

I played Mafia II back on the 360, so I'd be buying it for a replay in the distant future. Looking at Steamprices the game has never been lower than £5, but I'm not sure if that will hold for the Summer sales and beyond. £5 seems like a high price for a 2.5 year old game, so I could see it dropping in price this year.

Should I jump on it now?


I feel like an idiot. I've been staring at my phone for 3 minutes now waiting for the page to load thinking this was a gif and not a jpeg lol

Edit: Oh shit it is a gif. Mobile Chrome fooled me

Yea that happened when Far Cry 3 came out. People like to pretend it's some kind of "hardcore" shooter compared to 3.
I must have missed that. I never paid any attention to Far Cry but when FC2 hit a sale in Steam I decided to try it on an impulse.

I was severely disappointed. The game was just uninspired and boring. I especially couldn't stand the malaria stuff. I let out an audible "what the fuck" when I discovered that was actually a core concept of the game. Ugh.

no cause Mario Kart DS > Wii
This I can agree with

Edit- for the record I don't like Crysis either.


Is Mafia II for £3.75 good? Will it get cheaper in the future?

I played Mafia II back on the 360, so I'd be buying it for a replay in the distant future. Looking at Steamprices the game has never been lower than £5, but I'm not sure if that will hold for the Summer sales and beyond. £5 seems like a high price for a 2.5 year old game, so I could see it dropping in price this year.

Should I jump on it now?

I really liked it. Others were disappointed but I guess my expectations weren't super high and it was good fun. For that price, it's highly recommended personally.
I really liked it. Others were disappointed but I guess my expectations weren't super high and it was good fun. For that price, it's highly recommended personally.

I've already finished the game, was more looking to see if it will drop by the time the summer sale rolls around.
Not far in. I just put the jewels in the eyes of the statue and fought a bunch of mushrooms.

Yeah. It's the combat. I don't think I can do it. Thanks.

Just my opinion: I warmed up to the combat as the game went on. Leveling up certain skill trees and finding the best combinations of weapons, armor, and magic became really fun. Plus, now that I am stronger and quicker, I always have a weapon waiting to attack instead of waiting five seconds between each attack. The combat started out slow and boring but by about the 6th or so floor, I was really getting into it. As mentioned above, though, the real satisfaction in this game is the puzzles. For me, figuring out a secret and hearing the little chime and seeing SECRET FOUND flash on the screen is extremely gratifying. I also like how each floor has its own personality which makes it very memorable, as well as changing the wall types as you progress rather than just being the same stone all the way down. I'd say at least make it to floor 6 or so before you really judge it. It just takes awhile to get used to it, but it is worth it once you get comfortable.


Ragnarok Online 2 doesn't want me to play the game, it seems. It's probably for the best
I'm still shocked at how poorly it's going. I was fortunate enough to somehow squeeze a successful registration through the Steam launcher last night considering it kept rejecting any User ID I entered. The actual game seems relatively stable from what I played so far today. Registration on the other hand continues to be horrible.
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