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STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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I'm glad I read the community forum for Evoland -- no built-in controller support at release in a game like that? That's a head-scratcher of a design decision.

Alright guys, I've been at the opera all day.

I miss anything interesting?
Not really. The usual ruckus over XBOX720 always-online, and people claiming they can't see the difference with 60fps and how 30fps is fine.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm with you. I bought it for $12.50 during the Winter Sale and have spent about 30 minutes getting my ass kicked before setting it aside.
It's possible that it may get better if I gave it more time, but I don't have it. Or more accurately, I don't want to waste it on something I'm not enjoying, and that I don't know if I ever will. Therefore I won't buy it.

Haha, no, it has neither of those thankfully. Yeah, those were a couple of my main complaints about Binary Domain as well. I also found some of the voice acting of inconsistent quality. Faye didn't sound even remotely Chinese, and Shindo (who curiously had brown hair that didn't appear to be dyed, despite supposedly being Japanese) was just plain awful. And the repetitive "you're amazing, you impressed me" voice clips.
To be honest, I can't remember the name of any character. They all felt annoying to me, though Big Bo had some funny lines once in a blue moon. I'm glad to see that Republic Commando has none of that bullshit.

Not really. The usual ruckus over XBOX720 always-online, and people claiming they can't see the difference with 60fps and how 30fps is fine.
Smart people. 60 fps is a lie.

Screen tearing is where the problem lies. Not some ridiculous fps count that doesn't even make sense.


Because 30 fps doesn't bother me. Not in the slightest.

I can't see 60 fps :|
I wish I were this fortunate. I would be able to play Dark Souls, AOE II HD, and Arma III without feeling like I was punishing my eyes.

Some game, I think it was Costume Quest, tried to fake 60fps by rendering the 30fps frames twice. Sorry, but no, that doesn't work! I can see that it still looks like shit whenever the camera pans.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm so sorry.
Don't be. I'm not the one suffering when a game doesn't have a great framerate :p

I assume you don't play fighting games/competitive shooters/RTS's/racing titles?
Only fighting game is Brawl. Competitive shooters were Quake 3 and UT2k4 (though I wasn't good at them). No RTS, and NFS 4/Porsche 2000/Underground 2, Colin McRae Rally 2, Midtown Madness 1&2, Driver: San Francisco, Gran Turismo and SW Episode I: Racer as racers (not the only ones I've played, but the ones I cared the most for).


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
If you think you can't tell then difference between 30 and 60, get Dark Souls and install Durante's mod. You can switch between the two framerates by hitting backspace.

It is impossible to not notice the difference. 30fps feels like you're moving through that shitty peanut butter made with oils instead of just peanuts. 60fps is like all-nut peanut butter: you move effortlessly across its surface because it is solid.


Unconfirmed Member
Please don't take this the wrong way, but do you have vision problems? Honest quesion.
I wear glasses, could it have any relation to this?

If you think you can't tell then difference between 30 and 60, get Dark Souls and install Durante's mod. You can switch between the two framerates by hitting backspace.

It is impossible to not notice the difference. 30fps feels like you're moving through that shitty peanut butter made with oils instead of just peanuts.
That game doesn't even hold a steady 30 fps on my PC, so I can't try your little experiment, lol.

I will once I finally get myself a new rig.


I wear glasses, could it have any relation to this?

I don't think so, I also have glasses.

I would rather not be able to see it. When a game like Crysis 3 dips to the 40 fps, I feel like I am pushing my luck and the frames remind of that fact.


Only fighting game is Brawl. Competitive shooters were Quake 3 and UT2k4 (though I wasn't good at them). No RTS, and NFS 4/Porsche 2000/Underground 2, Colin McRae Rally 2, Midtown Madness 1&2, Driver: San Francisco, Gran Turismo and SW Episode I: Racer as racers (not the only ones I've played, but the ones I cared the most for).
I think this...quirk...of yours is fortunate for your wallet. The whole reason I had to upgrade to a 8800GTS from a 6800 was because I couldn't play NFS: Carbon at 60fps. It was just unplayable in terms of responsiveness. As in, I would overshoot things and collide with obstacles because of it.

I wear glasses, could it have any relation to this?
No. I wear contacts and glasses. I don't know of a specific eye condition that involves how many frames a person finds acceptable.

I'm sure people have a wide range of hearing capabilities as well. Some are fine with onboard sound and can't detect the static and interference.


Unconfirmed Member
You have some very odd opinions.
Tearing I cannot tolerate. I'd rather deal with input lag than seeing those annoying lines and stuff. Everyone says Super Hexagon is much better with v-sync off, but I refuse to turn it off. And the OpenGL version of Duke3D controls way better without it too (I tried it), but I simply can't deal with those graphical aberrations.


Tearing I cannot tolerate. I'd rather deal with input lag than seeing those annoying lines and stuff. Everyone says Super Hexagon is much better with v-sync off, but I refuse to turn it off. And the OpenGL version of Duke3D controls way better without it too (I tried it), but I simply can't deal with those graphical aberrations.

if you dont want tearing with v-sync off then go windowed

works in Super Hexagon too


It may be difficult-to-impossible for me to see 60 vs 30 fps side to side if it's an animation without background panning. The feel in a game, or if you can switch back and forth, is another story. Latency is irritating, and framerate fluctuation can be super annoying. So I think 60 fps is important even if I can't tell the difference in non-game circumstances.

Tearing is awful though.


Unconfirmed Member
I think this...quirk...of yours is fortunate for your wallet. The whole reason I had to upgrade to a 8800GTS from a 6800 was because I couldn't play NFS: Carbon at 60fps. It was just unplayable in terms of responsiveness. As in, I would overshoot things and collide with obstacles because of it.

No. I wear contacts and glasses. I don't know of a specific eye condition that involves how many frames a person finds acceptable.

I'm sure people have a wide range of hearing capabilities as well. Some are fine with onboard sound and can't detect the static and interference.
Oh fuck. I feel like an alien now.

To be honest, I hear some weak static noise when using headphones at a high enough volume. But not with speakers.

I think it may be because I got used to playing games at low graphical settings, and with a framerate than most of you would consider plainly unplayable. That's how my old GeForce 6200 and Athlon XP 1800+ lasted until mid-2009, when I got my current machine.

if you dont want tearing with v-sync off then go windowed

works in Super Hexagon too
This I didn't know. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it next time I feel brave enough to face Hexagonest.



I really dont get how is it some people supposedly dont notice different framerates. Blows my mind

it's not comparable to hearing/not hearing static or anything like that.. at all


Unconfirmed Member
so RionaaM cant tell between 30 and 60fps and he was a Quake/UT player
15 fps forever, baby!

(just kidding, don't lynch me)


So smooth, you can't explain that!
3rd time I see that site, 3rd time I notice no more than an almost imperceptible smoothness when it comes to 60 fps compared to 30. Which I obviously can't recognize when looking at the game without both images simultaneously on screen to compare.


if you dont want tearing with v-sync off then go windowed

works in Super Hexagon too
I think I prefer that game in windowed anyway. Mainly because there are things that, in fullscreen, would be in my peripheral vision instead of right in front of my eyes.
I really dont get how is it some people supposedly dont notice different framerates. Blows my mind

I think the bigger issue is the people who hide behind the "human eye can only process 28fps so anything over 30 is a waste" arguement.

The issue there is the offset in frames. 30 does not divide evenly into 28 so every so often you're going to run into a scenario where the refresh of the image and the "refresh of your eye", for the sake of this argument, is offset. Increasing the frames increases the likelyhood you don't run into a offset which I presume is what causes the "jagginess". Framerates below 30 are self-explanatory beyond that point.

I don't know that I've explained this very well but nonetheless...
3rd time I see that site, 3rd time I notice no more than an almost imperceptible smoothness when it comes to 60 fps compared to 30. Which I obviously can't recognize when looking at the game without both images simultaneously on screen to compare.

Man I have a lazy eye and coke bottle lenses and even I can see a noticeable difference. Astigmatism even.


I think stuff like Youtube is what fucks up people's perception. That's the only way I can explain it.

If there was a site to upload video at 60fps that was as popular people would think it's some voodoo smoothness magic crap at this point

it's the same thing with people thinking there's no perceivable difference between 60 and 120fps. That's a much more popular statement and the same rule applies in the sense that people think that because they havent gotten used to 120 yet

give them a while and then make them go back to 60

I think RionaaM must just be used to playing 30fps games? like I get this argument when console folk bring it up because it's just the fact that they probably havent experienced any better


Unconfirmed Member
I think stuff like Youtube is what fucks up people's perception. That's the only way I can explain it.

If there was a site to upload video at 60fps that was as popular people would think it's some voodoo smoothness magic crap at this point

it's the same thing with people thinking there's no perceivable difference between 60 and 120fps. That's a much more popular statement and the same rule applies in the sense that people think that because they havent gotten used to 120 yet

give them a while and then make them go back to 60

I think RionaaM must just be used to playing 30fps games? like I get this argument when console folk bring it up because it's just the fact that they probably havent experienced any better
I was always a PC gamer, though. Fuck, I'll stop talking about it, before you make me an outcast :(
So, what proportion of your Steam games do you have installed at any one point in time?

Back when I had fewer game and used an HDD as my C drive I had most of my games installed. After switching to a 256GB SSD as my primary drive, and getting 100Mb internet, I found no reason to install games I wasn't currently playing. When Steam allowed for multiple install folders (without me having to create junctions) I started installing a much larger proportion of my games on my 1TB drive, moving games to my SSD if I intend to play them for more than a couple of hours.

I'd say about 33% of my games are installed right now, either on my SSD or HDD. I'm wondering if anyone has bought additional drives just so they could have more games installed at a time. I remember back in the days before Steam I used to hate having to reinstall games and would therefore keep as many games installed as I could.


lol, im just genuinely interested in how one could not percieve it. It's super weird
For one thing, a 50 Hz GIF on a 60 Hz monitor won't match up exactly. For another thing, most any game is going to have animations instead of a vertical line on a black background, moving side to side, with another line above it moving at a different framerate. If you take a wide landscape view and pan sideways, framerate becomes more obvious.
lol, im just genuinely interested in how one could not percieve it. It's super weird

I think it is one of those things that you just wont notice until you sit down and try...then you'll not be able to "unsee it".

Screen tearing was like that for me. I never even knew what the fuck it was before I started to read the whole "lol PS3 version has screen tearing" type articles at the start of this gen. Now it is my number one most hated thing to see in games.

At the end of the day, I never notice what the frame rate is either unless it drops. Stable 30fps is still better than unstable 60fps for me every time.


So, what proportion of your Steam games do you have installed at any one point in time?

Back when I had fewer game and used an HDD as my C drive I had most of my games installed. After switching to a 256GB SSD as my primary drive, and getting 100Mb internet, I found no reason to install games I wasn't currently playing. When Steam allowed for multiple install folders (without me having to create junctions) I started installing a much larger proportion of my games on my 1TB drive, moving games to my SSD if I intend to play them for more than a couple of hours.

I'd say about 33% of my games are installed right now, either on my SSD or HDD. I'm wondering if anyone has bought additional drives just so they could have more games installed at a time. I remember back in the days before Steam I used to hate having to reinstall games and would therefore keep as many games installed as I could.
I have 346 out of 393 games installed or in the process of downloading, which works out to be about 1.01TB out of a 1.81TB [formatted] hard drive.

The things I don't have installed and have no intention of installing are the Mac versions of games like GTA and CIV, and a lot of crap from the Strategy First bundle I ended up with in order to get Jagged Alliance for cheaper. Plus some games that don't work on Windows 7.


For one thing, a 50 Hz GIF on a 60 Hz monitor won't match up exactly. For another thing, most any game is going to have animations instead of a vertical line on a black background, moving side to side, with another line above it moving at a different framerate. If you take a wide landscape view and pan sideways, framerate becomes more obvious.

oh my example was crap no doubt, even for the fact that gifs max out at 50fps

just did a quick search for something to better ilustrate the difference in obvious ways


Does not have twelve inches...
I can not only tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, I can also tell the difference between 5 ms ping and 30 ms ping. Am I a freak?


I can not only tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, I can also tell the difference between 5 ms ping and 30 ms ping. Am I a freak?
Ping was a lot more obvious to me when I played Sniper in TF2. Shots that should have hit would end up missing due to ping. I picked which servers I played on specifically with ping in mind. As I play Soldier primarily these days, I find a higher ping acceptable.


Unconfirmed Member
lol, im just genuinely interested in how one could not percieve it. It's super weird
Me too, I wish I knew the reason why. And I really wish I could appreciate the difference.

So, what proportion of your Steam games do you have installed at any one point in time?

Back when I had fewer game and used an HDD as my C drive I had most of my games installed. After switching to a 256GB SSD as my primary drive, and getting 100Mb internet, I found no reason to install games I wasn't currently playing. When Steam allowed for multiple install folders (without me having to create junctions) I started installing a much larger proportion of my games on my 1TB drive, moving games to my SSD if I intend to play them for more than a couple of hours.

I'd say about 33% of my games are installed right now, either on my SSD or HDD. I'm wondering if anyone has bought additional drives just so they could have more games installed at a time. I remember back in the days before Steam I used to hate having to reinstall games and would therefore keep as many games installed as I could.

I keep installed anything I may be remotely interested in ever playing. Of course I'll never do it, but I like to have the possibility.

I think it is one of those things that you just wont notice until you sit down and try...then you'll not be able to "unsee it".

Screen tearing was like that for me. I never even knew what the fuck it was before I started to read the whole "lol PS3 version has screen tearing" type articles at the start of this gen. Now it is my number one most hated thing to see in games.

At the end of the day, I never notice what the frame rate is either unless it drops. Stable 30fps is still better than unstable 60fps for me every time.
Exactly. I blame Prey for showing me the realms of hideous tearing (and the magic of v-sync). Fantastic game, but fuck it for that reason.


So, what proportion of your Steam games do you have installed at any one point in time?

proportionally it aint too much, but it's a heck of a lot of space, should really delete some shit


I actually try some times but I end up deleting 1 or 2 games max like a chump
I just played through Home in one sitting. I feel like I missed on a lot of shit even though I was trying to be thorough in my exploration (by my standards anyway).

I didn't understand shit on what happened. :/
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