So I just bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pripat (Sp?) off of Amazon for $2 - and then was disappointed I couldn't activate it in Steam. However, it did give me an activation code for Gamespy, wth is that exactly?
So I just bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pripat (Sp?) off of Amazon for $2 - and then was disappointed I couldn't activate it in Steam. However, it did give me an activation code for Gamespy, wth is that exactly?
I was excited to play this game because the first 30 minutes or so were very good. But the next hour was nothing but the same crap I had already done. Killed my interest dead immediately, given how many other games I have yet to play. Does the variety of the puzzles improve or does it keep rehashing the same things over and over again? My free time is super valuable these days
IIRC, only the themed areas are different when using another character; the rest of the cave remains exactly the same, so much (or most?) of the game plays out the same as before. In fewer words, you're not exactly missing out on much.
Edit: BHfhahfuaskhfas
So I just bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Call of Pripat (Sp?) off of Amazon for $2 - and then was disappointed I couldn't activate it in Steam. However, it did give me an activation code for Gamespy, wth is that exactly?
If I were to guess, I would have said something like "saurcy" with an Irish accent. The way it actually is... it has to be some really weird transliteration stuff from Gaelic text. Shitty transliteration has messed up many things.
If I were to guess, I would have said something like "saurcy" with an Irish accent. The way it actually is... it has to be some really weird transliteration stuff from Gaelic text. Shitty transliteration has messed up many things.
If I were to guess, I would have said something like "saurcy" with an Irish accent. The way it actually is... it has to be some really weird transliteration stuff from Gaelic text. Shitty transliteration has messed up many things.
I posted a video somewhere in this thread of Saoirse telling people how to pronounce it.
We should probably gif that video.
ahh ok
Has any confirmed that the steam edition of Dungeons & Dragons Collection is not using GFWL? I'm just a little worried after seeing Ms. Splosion Man release with GFWL.
Has any confirmed that the steam edition of Dungeons & Dragons Collection is not using GFWL? I'm just a little worried after seeing Ms. Splosion Man release with GFWL.
It's entirely a personal problem and goes against the point of it. You aren't suppose to try to get badges for every game. You are suppose to get badges for the games you really like by trading cards from the games you don't dickride on forums.
I don't want a badge for Borderlands or Dota.
Well, you're talking about a system that's in beta. Whether or not they add other ways to get cards, who knows. But look at your objective -- you want to have everything, you don't want to pay, and you don't want to trade any non-monetary thing. It's kinda... against the spirit of the system
Ah Caroline, always tempting me to aspire to the JaseC method.It's weird, she looks so much like Caroline Dhavernas (french Canadian actress) on The Host's poster.
Has any confirmed that the steam edition of Dungeons & Dragons Collection is not using GFWL? I'm just a little worried after seeing Ms. Splosion Man release with GFWL.
Your recommendation is to play games that I don't like to get badges for the games that I do like? Even worse, I could just launch the game and let it idle and collect everything with little to no effort at all. That seems odd. I'm not against paying for them but the concept needs some work.
Ok guys I want to play borderlands but everytime I do I seem to lose track of time is there anyway to display the time in game without exiting to the desktop?
Ok guys I want to play borderlands but everytime I do I seem to lose track of time is there anyway to display the time in game without exiting to the desktop?
When does the Steam summer sale begin?
It'll begin anywhere from late June to late July.
Ok guys I want to play borderlands but everytime I do I seem to lose track of time is there anyway to display the time in game without exiting to the desktop?
Man I completely forgot that was coming out. Excite all over again!
Has a release date been pinned down?
Oh crap, summersale.
I've ordered a high-end PC wich hopefully will be available to pick up in about 1-2 weeks. (waiting is hard)
Wich also means, right now, those summersales are looking more dangerous than ever.
Also, when my rigg arives, I can finally play some games bought from previous sales my old machine could never run in a million years! Yay!
Indeeed, I am. But some parts are delayed due to weather issues. Those freight ships don't like storms.Are you having it built for you at a shop?
When does the Steam summer sale begin?
Also, any more impressions on wargame airland battle?
Origin lies about speeds. Steam maxes out my connection every time. Just under 10MB/s.
Always includes July 4th so somewhere arpund there.
It lies to me all the time. I pay for 76mbs (technically 80 advertised as 76), speedtest reports around 74-75 Origin claims I can sometimes download at 20+MB/s (160mbs~)I've seen people claim that Origin is reporting the real speed and that they ran network tools to verify it.
In my own experience, Origin greatly exaggerated (almost doubled) my download speed from what I was actually getting.
So I think the truth may be somewhere in the middle: Origin reports a number and depending on a person's connection, proximity to a content server, etc. it is either accurate or a fabrication.
Well it seams Capcom is spoiling us with 40% off DmC. So expect 50% off at Summer Sale time?
Well it seams Capcom is spoiling us with 40% off DmC. So expect 50% off at Summer Sale time?
Well it seams Capcom is spoiling us with 40% off DmC. So expect 50% off at Summer Sale time? Some places had it cheaper than that at release.
Last year it was July 12-22. But yeah, it's probably safe to say it will be sometime in July.
what a lame Weekend deal.
It was 50% off on Origin, activates through Steam. not sure if it still is though.
I was about to buy the DLC but I can wait. 50% off seems reasonable for the Summer sale. Hope I can get the same or better for Resident Evil 6.