STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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What's the idle command line again? I deleted from my other Valve games because it got me to actually play the games again.



Thanks. I also found this one:

-textmode -nosound -noipx -novid -nopreload -nojoy -sw

Seems like it might not use any resources at all.

Of course, I forgot I deleted it last week in a rage fit over the AI refusing to kill SI two feet in front on them.


Thanks. I also found this one:

-textmode -nosound -noipx -novid -nopreload -nojoy -sw

Seems like it might not use any resources at all.

Of course, I forgot I deleted it last week in a rage fit over the AI refusing to kill SI two feet in front on them.

No joy, indeed.


Just went and looked at the L4D prices. Those are terrible. And it's flooded with foil cards already. I'll wait and get them next time I actually play the game.


I'm blown away at how interesting trading cards are. When this was first introduced, I thought "huh valve is so weird now". But now it's like the first meta-game that actually matters because money (albeit a small amount) is at stake. Even if I never earn a cent from cards, the possibility of a few dimes of profit makes every card drop tantalizing.
My "Achievement Showcase" feels a bit hollow since it's only showing Ys Origin achievements, which have broken global stats or something.

Steam needs to not show achievements with a 0.0% clear rate or let us pick our own to display.


My "Achievement Showcase" feels a bit hollow since it's only showing Ys Origin achievements, which have broken global stats or something.

Steam needs to not show achievements with a 0.0% clear rate or let us pick our own to display.
I'd suggest posting about it on the Steam forums, but your thread would just get buried under a mountain of begging, Russian posts, and Russian begging.

Edit: Feel free to bump my thread about this issue.


They are?

When the Steamworks API was unlocked for all developers, people found out that Valve was working on L4D3.

My "Achievement Showcase" feels a bit hollow since it's only showing Ys Origin achievements, which have broken global stats or something.

Steam needs to not show achievements with a 0.0% clear rate or let us pick our own to display.

I'm hoping they put in a way to select your own achievements.



What should I do?


LOL, L4D2 cards are selling like cake, even faster than two days ago. Good job at constantly getting that gold mine you're sitting on bigger, Valve.
Sell it.

I am sure when the Beta goes online, the card-prices for most of the Games will drop and foil-cards will be at the price-range of normal cards. Just my guess though.
I seriously don't know how to hide activation codes, for them to be only view-able by quoting. Sorry.

Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam Random Encounter


Damn you to hell! I've only got Half life 2, Borderlands 2 and one drop from Portal 2 remaining. No god damn foils.

4 LFD2 cards
4 HL2 cards
3 Really Big Sky cards
5 Faerie cards
4 Portal 2 cards
4 Team Fortress 2

For a grand total of 24 cards. Not a single foil card was dropped. FML.

EDIT: on the bright side I made more than 15€ from cards (actually a couple euros with TF2 items that I wouldn't have gotten if I hadn't launched the game to idle). Can't complain. Dat Summer Sale is already half paid for :D
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