booIt's kinda cheeky.
booIt's kinda cheeky.
I didn't think anuses had summer sales to be honest.
To be more precise he actually said "when will this anus' summer sale be?"año = year.
ano = anus.
You probably wanted to say "comes out this year", but you said "comes out from this anus".
It seems that Rift is removed from Steam now. I thought it would be added as Free to Play. Did anybody found a way to add it to their library?
Started Mars: War Logs
Got into game
Saw 360 controller prompts
Unplugged 360 controller
Started game
Saw 360 controller prompts
Maybe there's a way to disable it through settings, too tired to look right now so for the moment I'm putting it down to a stupid design decision and going to bed. Is it that difficult to have keyboard prompts?
If it's not on Steam as a F2P title then there's no way for users to add it to their library. I guess you could always add the shortcut and launch through Steam, but I supposed that's not quite what you want.With all the games coming back to Steam I would like to repeat my question:
Anyone know when Crusader Kings 2 will go on sale again? I missed it a few weeks ago and now it's up to full price.
Anyone know when Crusader Kings 2 will go on sale again? I missed it a few weeks ago and now it's up to full price.
It's currently 50% off at Gamestop and activates on Steam, but if you want to wait for the summer sale (within the next month), Paradox is usually 75% off.
I think the game crashed on me once or twice, but nothing serious.Is it me or is there a crazy amount of freezes in Brutal Legend?
Try playing it in co-op. It becomes a lot funnier when you are rolling double or triple wizards.I really liked Trine 1, but I'm having the hardest time motivating myself to continue chipping away at Trine 2. I don't know if it's the game's fault, or if I've just changed as a gamer since playing through Trine in 2010, but man I've lost momentum with that one.
Try playing it in co-op. It becomes a lot funnier when you are rolling double or triple wizards.
How much are you guys throwing in your account for the Summer Sale? Looking through the games I want but don't own. I think I can make it by with $50-$75
I basically want:
the Battlefield 2 Collection
Metro Last Light
COH2(Doubt itll go under $30 like Id want)
Remember ME(Tho I've already played through it on Xbox, I'd add it to my collection for under $20)
Not really a huge list of stuff I want.
Try playing it in co-op. It becomes a lot funnier when you are rolling double or triple wizards.
I really liked Trine 1, but I'm having the hardest time motivating myself to continue chipping away at Trine 2. I don't know if it's the game's fault, or if I've just changed as a gamer since playing through Trine in 2010, but man I've lost momentum with that one.
Started Mars: War Logs
Got into game
Saw 360 controller prompts
Unplugged 360 controller
Started game
Saw 360 controller prompts
Maybe there's a way to disable it through settings, too tired to look right now so for the moment I'm putting it down to a stupid design decision and going to bed. Is it that difficult to have keyboard prompts?
Strange that there has not been any client updates in a while. I thought after them working on the steam nav and community pages that more was to come. I hope something big is coming.
I think I mention how much I hate Uplay every time I have to play Assassin's Creed again. I don't remember my password and it's not sending me a recovery form, stupid ubisoft! xD
I'm looking for a custom Borderlands 1 launcher application that I used back in 2010 that allowed for me to turn off the black outlines on stuff, and let me play in third person. Does anyone remember that thing? I've poked around the places I sort of remember seeing it, but I don't see it anywhere.
I guess I could just edit the .ini's but I remember this being a fairly elegant solution to all of that. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I think you mean this one
The download links are dead, but the are mirror links which are not listed. I found it in the gearbox forums
Bless you! This is totally it.
Thanks a million.
I've had exactly the same experience and I don't know why. I wrote a pretty loving review for the first game and really looked forward to this one, but ugh... I couldn't get through it. It's still very much Trine and so very pretty, but the physics puzzles annoyed me a bit. On paper it should be the better Trine, though. Maybe I should give it another go.I really liked Trine 1, but I'm having the hardest time motivating myself to continue chipping away at Trine 2. I don't know if it's the game's fault, or if I've just changed as a gamer since playing through Trine in 2010, but man I've lost momentum with that one.
I was getting that yesterday when I first tried to play the game (sub hd aliasing galore and weird rainbow shapes), but a simple restart of the game fixed it for me.Oh man, I just got this bug as well. Infinity looks great, while Zero looks... well...
I resized the pics to make it feel more natural.
Is ACIII a good port?
Is ACIII a good port?
Oh man, I just got this bug as well. Infinity looks great, while Zero looks... well...
I resized the pics to make it feel more natural.
I meant that it stutters a lot for no apparent reason.I think the game crashed on me once or twice, but nothing serious.
Is ACIII a good port?
I meant that it stutters a lot for no apparent reason.
I've had exactly the same experience and I don't know why. I wrote a pretty loving review for the first game and really looked forward to this one, but ugh... I couldn't get through it. It's still very much Trine and so very pretty, but the physics puzzles annoyed me a bit. On paper it should be the better Trine, though. Maybe I should give it another go.
It has less bugs than the console versions, but even a heavily-overclocked 2600K isn't enough to prevent framerate drops in towns; the game's CPU optimisation isn't the best. It's certainly playable, though.
Because of that avatar I read all your posts in a crying voice.
Because they don't want the game to be shit (Gearbox), to take 25 years to make (Valve) nor to be brown and white (Epic Games). Also, the latter is busy developing Jazz Jackrabbit III, so they better be left alone.Why single out certain developers though?
Shitty site selling shady game...
I should probably change it; it's been about a week.![]()
I was going to, but my internet connection failed before I could do so. I meant to purchase the whole Carpe Fulgur pack, so I may do it on the Summer Seal.Now I wish I had picked up a copy of Raccetear during the last sale.
Might I suggest a saoirse ronan one this time?
Has 'The Witcher' been on sale for 75% or greater during a Steam sale? Is it worth buying now, during the weekend sale, if I'm not going to play it immediately?