STEAM announcements & updates 2013 II - ITT we buy $1 games and complain about them

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So never having played a Civ game and even though i had Civ V for a little while I never installed it, I'm not 100% sure that all of the gold upgrade DLC is in the game. Under DLC it shows

Spain and Incan
wonders of the Ancient World

The title screen now shows Civ 5 Gods & Kings as well

But some things are missing from the list for Civ 5 gold

Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mediterranean, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Asia, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Americas, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mesopotamia, Civilization V: Explorer’s Map Pack.

Also, I've been away from the thread for awhile, any word on when or if there will be a summer sale this year?
So never having played a Civ game and even though i had Civ V for a little while I never installed it, I'm not 100% sure that all of the gold upgrade DLC is in the game. Under DLC it shows

Spain and Incan
wonders of the Ancient World

The title screen now shows Civ 5 Gods & Kings as well

But some things are missing from the list for Civ 5 gold

Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mediterranean, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Asia, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Americas, Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mesopotamia, Civilization V: Explorer’s Map Pack.

Also, I've been away from the thread for awhile, any word on when or if there will be a summer sale this year?

It looks like Gold has everything, but someone can verify

Sid Meier's Civilization® V,
Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mediterranean,
Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Asia,
Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Americas,
Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - Mesopotamia,
Civilization V: Explorer’s Map Pack,
Double Civilization and Scenario Pack: Spain and Inca,
Sid Meier’s Civilization® V: Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II),
Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings,
Civilization and Scenario Pack: Polynesia,
Civilization and Scenario Pack: Denmark - The Vikings,
Civilization V - Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea,
Civilization V - Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack


Oh, I've beaten the game and the DLC on PS3, I know it's great, I just want the PC version for some of the mods, especially Sawyer's Mod.

oh in that case you still want the dlc since some mods are dependent on them

just wait two/three weeks

e3 might keep you entertained 'til then


Axel Hertz
So does anyone still vote on greenlight?

I hadn't touched it in months until today.

I vote every time I know about a game I want is on there (for instance, Dive Kick) or when I buy Indie Bundles and they give me the link to directly vote for it (because I want all my games on Steam at all times 24/7 no trading no lending no used copies bullshit).

But that's about it. I never go there and vote for games I never heard about or shit like that.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
So and so, I bought a 360 pad for my pc. Since games like Revengeance and Lord of Shadows are coming, i figured it would have been the best thing.
Any way to turn off the led though?

Anyway, playing Hotline Miami... Talk about taking inspiration, did anyone notice this? :lol



So and so, I bought a 360 pad for my pc. Since games like Revengeance and Lord of Shadows are coming, i figured it would have been the best thing.
Any way to turn off the led though?

Anyway, playing Hotline Miami... Talk about taking inspiration, did anyone notice this? :lol

What is that supposed to be? I dont get it :/


I think this was discussed before, but why doesn't the "Badges" page show all available games that have trading card options. I mean I'd have no idea some games would have cards if not mentioned here. All I see now is CS:GO and FS and L4D2. Is the answer "Beta!"?


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
I think this was discussed before, but why doesn't the "Badges" page show all available games that have trading card options. I mean I'd have no idea some games would have cards if not mentioned here. All I see now is CS:GO and FS and L4D2. Is the answer "Beta!"?

I think it's just the ones you own/are eligible for drops for. It should show them all, dunno why it doesn't.


I think this was discussed before, but why doesn't the "Badges" page show all available games that have trading card options. I mean I'd have no idea some games would have cards if not mentioned here. All I see now is CS:GO and FS and L4D2. Is the answer "Beta!"?

It just shows your owned games eligible. I'd imagine that after the beta it will just be a bulletpoint on the storepage.


I think it's just the ones you own/are eligible for drops for. It should show them all, dunno why it doesn't.

It just shows your owned games eligible. I'd imagine that after the beta it will just be a bulletpoint on the storepage.

But I've got all my drops for those games, and why would it not show other things I own, like TF2 and the other games that apparently do have cards? Bah. I'll just count it up to BETA.


But I've got all my drops for those games, and why would it not show other things I own, like TF2 and the other games that apparently do have cards? Bah. I'll just count it up to BETA.

Sorry, I think I got the wrong end of the stick here. So games you own with trading cards aren't showing up on your badges screen? All the games I own that have cards are on my page.


Think smaller, think more legs. [cit.]

On the floor, one of the jackets is white with a scorpion on the back, like the Driver in Drive, a movie that has an atmosphere very similar to the game (the music, the colors, the setting)

Yes! Love that movie.

Oooooh wow, couldn't even notice the scorpion. With the rush of the game, I thought it was a puddle of pixels xD
But I've got all my drops for those games, and why would it not show other things I own, like TF2 and the other games that apparently do have cards? Bah. I'll just count it up to BETA.

after all your drops expire and you get rid of all the cards (via trade or selling), they no longer appear. It currently only shows cards you are ELIGIBLE to drop. Since I've sold everything, I don't see any cards under badges...despite owning TF2, Don't Starve, BL2, etc.


So and so, I bought a 360 pad for my pc. Since games like Revengeance and Lord of Shadows are coming, i figured it would have been the best thing.
Any way to turn off the led though?

Anyway, playing Hotline Miami... Talk about taking inspiration, did anyone notice this? :lol

wow that's pretty cool


Junior Member
Had a bunch of steam wallet money and I spent way too much of it crafting a bunch of badges. I don't know why. God help me.

On the upside, I got a coupon for 50% off Sanctum 2, bought it, and it's really fun. Normally hate tower defense games but played the first set of stages with a random who was helping me understand about lanes and shit. If you've got a coupon, it's definitely worth 7.50.


Axel Hertz
after all your drops expire and you get rid of all the cards (via trade or selling), they no longer appear. It currently only shows cards you are ELIGIBLE to drop. Since I've sold everything, I don't see any cards under badges...despite owning TF2, Don't Starve, BL2, etc.

I think it has to do with games you've been playing recently.

I got all the cards from TF2 on the first week, but I still have the TF2 Card thing showing up on my profile. The only other games with Cards showing up on my profile are the games that came out this week. Which I played this week.

I don't have any of the other games showing up. The only difference: I played TF2 this week.


I feel so silly now, got myself all setup for the walking dead episode 3 only to notice the game doesn't support Steam Cloud saves.
re:Bioshock Infinite being revoked that I brought up a couple days ago, got the response from support I figured I'd get

Hello [buy some apples],

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

We apologize for the delay.

Your CD Key for this game has been revoked at the request of the publisher.

You will need to contact the seller for further assistance.

Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

So I ended up contacting the seller and he hooked me up with another code. Looking into that SteamGifts thread it stemmed from the AMD promo codes recall and wasn't anyone's fault. Crisis averted.


Axel Hertz
re:Bioshock Infinite being revoked that I brought up a couple days ago, got the response from support I figured I'd get

So I ended up contacting the seller and he hooked me up with another code. Looking into that SteamGifts thread it stemmed from the AMD promo codes recall and wasn't anyone's fault. Crisis averted.

You know what really bums me out?

What I DON"T NOTICE if a game I bought for cheap from one of those giveaway codes gets removed from my account?

I mean, my backlog is huge. Maybe I didn't have time to play game XYZ that was given away.

Hell, I even bought Tomb Raider twice the other day, because I forgot I had it.

They really should give you a heads up when things like this happen.
You know what really bums me out?

What I DON"T NOTICE if a game I bought for cheap from one of those giveaway codes gets removed from my account?

I mean, my backlog is huge. Maybe I didn't have time to play game XYZ that was given away.

Hell, I even bought Tomb Raider twice the other day, because I forgot I had it.

They really should give you a heads up when things like this happen.
That is exactly what I replied to support with. My list is getting huge, I only noticed that this was missing by happenstance. Could you guys gimme a heads up next time? Plzkthx.

They'll probably just ignore that request.
By the way I have:
50% OFF Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars
50% OFF Guns of Icarus Online
75% OFF Nexuiz 4-Pack

I just want Skyrim Deluxe Edition in return of them. I can add a Dota 2 to the deal if needed.
Just kidding, find me on steam to get one of them.


That's not a good price for XCom at this point.

Xcom is an amazing game though.
They should have gone with that $20 Amazon Firaxis Complete Pack deal a week or so ago that had XCom, Civilization V: Gold Edition, and Civilization IV: The Complete Edition.
I think it has to do with games you've been playing recently.

I got all the cards from TF2 on the first week, but I still have the TF2 Card thing showing up on my profile. The only other games with Cards showing up on my profile are the games that came out this week. Which I played this week.

I don't have any of the other games showing up. The only difference: I played TF2 this week.

Well if you still have cards in your inventory, it will show up. I've never played TF2 and the badge was there for me.

I Think anyway. When in doubt, beta.
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