Just a few days after I bought Trine 2. Awesome.New cards.
Trine 2
They Bleed Pixels
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
If only my internet connection worked
Just a few days after I bought Trine 2. Awesome.New cards.
Trine 2
They Bleed Pixels
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
They Bleed Pixels is $3.39 on amazon.com right now. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CXVO5PK/?tag=neogaf0e-20
did anyone else get an email from War of the Roses? they gave me a key for War of the Roses: Kingmaker but I never bought the game (I was in the beta though)
First time I didn't have any of the games.New cards.
Trine 2
They Bleed Pixels
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
Oh man I laughed so hard I spit my drink all over my keyboard and monitor.
Oh man I laughed so hard I spit my drink all over my keyboard and monitor.
They could have found earlier prior art on that lean.
Incredible stuff. That logo is BOSS.
You're welcome...for the laughing part not for the spilling your drink part.
I've watched that video about 10 times now.
'No one saw Call of Duty Ghosts coming!!!' Gets me every time.
I thought the same thing too, but they were probably just looking for something with video that was high enough resolution you could downsample it and still look good.
Hell COD used to have lean, iirc. Wasn't it COD:MW2 that was responsible for the quote "It's not balanced for lean?"
Mere months before the impending release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Infinity Ward announced that the PC version of the game was to remove features like dedicated servers and the ability to lean. In a Best Buy-hosted online chat following the announcement, Vince Zampalla and Mackey McCandlish attempted to answer the questions of understandably angry PC fanboys, leading to this memorable exchange between McCandlish and user zach426:
02:34 zach426
What was your guys logic behind removing the lean feature for PC, a feature that was a mainstay from all of your previous call of duty titles?
02:34 Mackey-IW
The game is not balanced for lean.
The awkwardly-phrased response became a meme in the PC community equivalent to that of Giant Enemy Crab from Sonys E3 2006 conference.
Leaning is for ADS schmucks who stand still when shooting.
Leaning is for ADS schmucks who stand still when shooting.
Doesn't ADS force you to roughly stand still?
They're selling for 5ish dollars, what are you talking about?I don't think I could give my FTL foil away at this point
Yeah, it clamps your feet to the ground. Multiplayer is like whack-a-mole.
And still no more card drops. I think my Steam is broken.
And still no more card drops. I think my Steam is broken.
I don't think I could give my FTL foil away at this point
Either something is broken or they increased the time that it takes for things to drop.
My cards are dropping VERY rarely as well, half an hour idling in Trine 2 and still nothing, 104 minutes in TBD and ARES got me 2 cards for the former and 1 for the latter. They must have done something to the dropping ratio/time necessary, whatever they're using for normal drops.
So you aren't getting cards either?
Haha, did they same a few times. I though something was broken.Good to know, now I can stop restarting Steam and the games.
Nope. 4 games running for 2 hours, got like 4 cards total.
I assume this is happening to everyone, since the market is weird and prices are dropping fast since no one is buying yet because they don't know what cards they're missing.
Makes the prices much less volatile and kind of takes the fun out of it.![]()
I think it will give more value to the cards in the long run, even if by a small margin. Right now people probably still haven't realized about the increase in the time required for drops and are applying the same old prices, except no one is buying and everyone is undercutting like hell => prices dropping like flies.
Still, I am sure right now, while it is still in Beta, it is the best time to sell cards.
I am sure the card-prices will drop to 5-10cents or even lower when it finally goes public.
I was so sure I bought Unepic in some bundle or sale but I just can't seem to find it. I didn't get the right Indieroyale for sure... seem to remember it was in a Groupees but I can't seem to find it in my purchased list. Can't even fucking keep track of all these bundles these days :\. Looks like no Unepic for me.
The Steam forums for Planetary Annihilation are on fire right now. The devs have released an official statement saying that the $90 price corresponds to their Kickstarter pricing for early access and that it will be $60 in beta. I think this is first game ever to go backwards in price using the early access model? In any case, they've drawn a shitstorm upon themselves but according to a PA dev on reddit, they think all publicity is good publicity (or something to that effect).
edit - I also ended up with a copy of the Maw. I was fortunate enough to get one from a kind Gaffer earlier today so I figure I'll pass mine on to someone else. First to quote gets a PM with the key.
Why did the Operation Payback passes price tank? Is it about to expire or something?
did anyone else get an email from War of the Roses? they gave me a key for War of the Roses: Kingmaker but I never bought the game (I was in the beta though)
Everyone that gets the newsletter.
Heading to Valve headquarters in a few hours. If I don't update, it's because I dug out half life 3 and they had to lock me up
What the hell Planetary Annihilation...are they serious with that price??
What the hell Planetary Annihilation...are they serious with that price??