Cross-posting from the Indie Bundle Thread:
PSA regarding Croixleur:
If the game is Greenlight, Nyu Media won't give Steam keys to those who got it in the Groupees Doujin Bundle.
They have tweeted
I can understand their reasoning, but I think it's a pretty shitty move nonetheless. According to the Groupees chat,
they've decided this after watching La-Mulana's lack of success, which they attribute to appearing on the Groupees Retro Bundle before its Steam release.
I'll get Cherry Comedy Club and Ether Vapor for the cards, I'm not going to lie, but I've already downvoted Croixleur on Greenlight afer having upvoted it since I first saw the game long before this bundle started.
EDIT: It looks that our very own wilflare asked them about this on Twitter, thanks dude!