My God, Papers, Please could be the most harrowing thing I've played all year, and it's only in early Alpha. What a fantastic premise for a game. The things you could do with this. I'm actually tempted to make a thread for it to have more people talking about this, but I think it's too early for that yet. My father's family had a lot of problems with the [border] authorities in the GDR and ultimately fled from the GDR when he was a teenager to come to West Germany, and I also had family in Berlin who lived through the whole East/West separation, so maybe that's why the setting and idea of this hit me deeper than I thought. Fantastic pixel art, too.
I was worried that he wouldn't really take advantage of the setting and its possibilities, but after the end of the first day - I let everyone through, fuck the system - the (not yet working) stats screen came up and I've got chills as it showed "family status: wife - OK; son - OK; uncle - OK".
Chills. This thing could be something really intense.