How's Spelunky, worth the dollar?
Where is it this cheap at?
Can someone help me with Dunder's Store? I'm trying to place a comment and I really don't know how to do it...
How's Spelunky, worth the dollar?
Until which day will the the inmortal pack be avaliable on amazon?
How's Spelunky, worth the dollar?
Oh god, what have I done.
I'm guessing "worth the dollar?" means "worth the money?". Calm down everyone.
Yo dawg, I'd like to live in your world where 15 Mbps (5 Mbps more than my current download speed) is bad for upload.I'm from Brazil and I'm on home fiber:
Did I do good?
Fucking bullshit upload this is almost unacceptable. Except it's like 5 times better than the alternative.
Is anyone else not having their cards show up immediately on the marketplace when they put them up for sale?
It's normal for newly-listed items to appear after about 15 seconds or so.
It's been about 30 minutes D:
Can someone please help me out with Dunder's store? I really want a copy of Rayman Legends
Wow this page was so fascinating. So much interesting discussion.
the doc isn't loading properly for me, just in simple mode (read more), therefore I can't add any comment or see which spots are still free. anyway, if you want to add a comment you just have to right-click over the spot you want to add your comment and select "insert comment", then add your gaf profile link and your steam link profile link and you're done.
Yeah, it's not letting me do any of that right now. I'll try later
Thanks for the help though!
Oh, well in that case something is definitely awry.Have you tried relisting it?
it seems to be locked out because of too many visitors accessing the doc, you should try it later but I'm afraid it will be full until 12 hours or so :\
Yeah twice. I don't think I'm the only having this problem though because the price for the Intro card from Portal 2 has gone up from what it normally is and nobody is undercutting the abnormally higher price.
Just managed to get a copy of Spelunky on Dunders sheet. Feels like winning the lottery.
He has quite a few copies left at the moment though.
That's just because other users can't edit a spreadsheet when it's locked to Simple Mode. Once the traffic dies down and the restriction is lifted, they'll most likely be taken in a heartbeat.
That's just because other users can't edit a spreadsheet when it's locked to Simple Mode. Once the traffic dies down and the restriction is lifted, they'll most likely be taken in a heartbeat.
it seems to be locked out because of too many visitors accessing the doc, you should try it later but I'm afraid it will be full until 12 hours or so :\
Is that on a per user basis? Because I was (and am) able to edit just fine after refreshing a few times.
Yeah that's the biggest weakness with his current system. He's so popular that unless you get on at a very, very specific time there's not a chance in hell you'll be able to secure a copy of anything remotely popular. It isn't his fault and it's gotta be a godsend for the dude though.
I'm not sure what the problem is as I just listed a BioInf card as a test and it was viewable shortly thereafter.
Yeah that's the biggest weakness with his current system. He's so popular that unless you get on at a very, very specific time there's not a chance in hell you'll be able to secure a copy of anything remotely popular. It isn't his fault and it's gotta be a godsend for the dude though.
I figured out the problem. For some reason the cards arn't being listed from lowest to highest correctly. For the first seven or so pages there are cards for $.24 then starting on the next page are the $.23 cards and then it goes back to $.24
They are setting up the pre-purchase for Pac-Man now. gg August.
What's the release window for DayZ?
Is that the release date or beta/alpha dateSometime in September now.
so many games, too little time
Is that the release date or beta/alpha date
Still unfinished: Remember Me, Metro LL, Bioshock Infinite, Dishonored, FC3 Blood Dragon, DMC.
And that's only on the PC.
Still unfinished: Remember Me, Metro LL, Bioshock Infinite, Dishonored, FC3 Blood Dragon, DMC.
And that's only on the PC.
We should all feel sorry for Xelios and JaseCs backlogs.