Got a couple of dups from the lastest bundle stars to give away.
Thanks a lot, excited to shoot some dudes.
Got a couple of dups from the lastest bundle stars to give away.
Glad I got Really Big Sky. Wanted to try it but missed the last indie bundle it was in and it's one of only two games I wanted from this one. Thanks.
If you are on the fence about Papers, Please get off it and buy the game.
So addicting to work through the game and get your stamp hand a work out.
Got a couple of dups from the lastest bundle stars to give away.
First time trying ModBot
Anyone playing Hammerwatch yet? Any impressions?
Payday and ducktales are acting funny, anyone want any games not on that list let me know, also posted a good site for keys if you want to trade with someone else besides me
Payday and ducktales are acting funny, anyone want any games not on that list let me know, also posted a good site for keys if you want to trade with someone else besides me
Have you played the beta available here: http://www.hammerwatch.com/ ? Can't say I liked it much, it's slow paced and repetitve, if the final game is like this then I'll pass despite the graphics reminding me of good old Bitmap Brothers.
do you sell also skullgirls?
discount if i buy 3 games?
Do you take special requests?
Max Payne 3 is fucking incredible. The experience gave me such a high.
The whole trilogy is pretty much perfect in my book. Each game is magnificent for different reasons.
Yup, Pm, add me on steam or just ask here, I can get discounts on anygame. Only thing that can stop that is the occasional region locked game.
What is up with payday 2?I just PMd you then read the afters.
Any opinion about StarForge?
But are you embarrassed to be a gamer yet?
Don't know if this was posted, if enough people sign up for the Magicka Wizard Wars Alpha everyone gets a copy of Magicka on Steam. http://signup.wizardwars.com
Any opinion about StarForge?
Its a mess, better off to wait a year or two and pay more for a proper game, wasted the remainder of my steam summer cash during the sale on it, huge mistake
Trackmania2: Stadium for 5$/4£, etc
Key registers on Steam.
omg pls... the only reason I've never played it.... will buy at $5 instantly
The only reason why you've never played a pc version of a fps is because it didn't have controller support.
Quick question on the Groupees bundles - Are the Desura keys still valid for a game even if the Steam keys have already been redeemed?
imagine different preferences in control styles
kb/m is awfully awkward for couch gaming, i only use it in mp where you basically have to
Thanks for Ether Vapor! Almost didn't notice that I won, work getting in the wayWelp, bought the Doujin bundle twice by mistake, so giving away the extra keys.
Trackmania2: Stadium for 5$/4£, etc
Key registers on Steam.
We need another Great Steam Leak. I need to know which one of these unknown registry entries is Rising.
This wait. And no info.
Shadowrun now has cards in case anyone else hasn't noticed yet.
The only reason why you've never played a pc version of a fps is because it didn't have controller support.
Guncraft Steam keys are finally up on Groupees Be Mine 8.
Since when did Steam store pages have background wallpaper...