Getting a 360 in the first year broke me of that habit after about the 3rd or 4th year with it
Can someone send me a PM to Dunders store?
Getting a 360 in the first year broke me of that habit after about the 3rd or 4th year with it
I only get this bug when I'm close to all achievements, like lookie! I have only 2 left, and then - unreasonable time spent on doing what I don't want to do. So it's not like habit, but it still gets me sometimes.
fuck it I can buy this ASUS combo for 25 bucks locally
I've had Hard Reset on my backlog for years and have made 2 attempts to clear it but it's just so goddamn boring. The enemies are bullet sponges and it's too mindless, similar to Serious Sam or Doom. I know it's meant to be that way but that's not my cup of tea.
I thought it was 75% off throughout the summer sale.
I missed Dunder's again...
And well even Van Helsing
This was posted yesterday but the prices weren't live in the US. Maniaplanet has Trackmania 2: Stadium and Canyon for half off; $5 and $10 respectively.
The serials should register on Steam.
It seems that you have a bad habit on missing on great deals, not only from the Dunder shop, but from everywhere else![]()
We have to start discussing the title of Steam Announcements and Updates V
What do you guys think the title should be?
I missed Dunder's again...
And well even Van Helsing
Good thing I haven't started the game yet. Need to grab this final piece of DLC before I do.
ShootMania Storm is also half off ($10). I can confirm that the keys register on Steam.
Same, same, my friend - was busy a'working during the mini-revival - one last hurrah of Dunder generosity and all that, was good times, even reading back over it now. Dunder! <3
Still, we have the whole gamut of end-of-year sales (that will be upon us before we know it) to look forward to now, right?
I missed Dunder's again...
And well even Van Helsing
Were you able to buy it in the US store with a non-US credit card?
Were you able to buy it in the US store with a non-US credit card?
How? VPN? What address did you use?
Maybe it works for you because your credit card uses $ too?
I wouldn't think so. AUD and USD are still distinct currencies, after all. Maybe my order was accepted since there's no AU-specific store.
Really surprised to see Payday 2 doing so well. I don't recall the first game making a huge splash.
Grand Theft Auto 5 will reportedly release to Windows PC this fall, Nvidia senior director of Investor Relations Chris Evenden stated in an earnings call transcribed by Seeking Alpha.
That's probably it. Or the payment system isn't smart enough to distinguish between different $ currencys and so doesn't care.
Over your Payday 2 installation apparently likely being corrupt?![]()
morningbus so jelly
@Salsashark - Why kind of AOC monitor is that? I own a very nice IPS one and it's probably the best one I've had. Nice socks.
Over your Payday 2 installation apparently likely being corrupt?
Your pin-up board is looking a little empty. It needs some Saoirse Ronan film posters.
Your pin-up board is looking a little empty. It needs some Saoirse Ronan film posters.[IMG]
morningbus so jelly[/QUOTE]
O la bombilla es muy grande o la matera es muy chica.
More adventures playing on the red team in Chivalry, now with customisation.
I run into battle and valiantly slay one of the opposing blue force.
Team mate> WTF Toddhunter!
Vote to kick me starts.
Me> Mate you are wearing fucking blue
Kicked from server.
Customisation and success of steam? Good. Letting you wear the same colours as the other team in a game that is already mostly a clusterfuck (albeit a fun one)? Jury is still out.
O la bombilla es muy grande o la matera es muy chica.
Really surprised to see Payday 2 doing so well. I don't recall the first game making a huge splash.
I admit the hype for 2 surprised me given how negative my experience was with the first game on console.
Really good to see a developer turn a game around and make something of it, especially with a multiplayer focus. I'll be keeping an eye on it from here.
RAGE and Um Jammer Lammy, so I clearly only put good stuff there, no scorsese romulan
I have some splendid decoration ideas. Let's fly over and makeover his shack.
Not enough things tacked onto the board!
We can craft Port Rayale 3 badges en masse and use the resulting :weed: money to fund our trip!