STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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Edited my post, sorry about that. Only bought steam keys so far on Nuuvem so I did not think about checking which DRM the games on sale have.
I just played Borderlands 2 for two hours with friends, and boy is that game bad.
Every weapon sucks, every enemy is a bullet sponge, everything is unfunny.

Why do people like the game, someone please explain it to me.
I just played Borderlands 2 for two hours with friends, and boy is that game bad.
Every weapon sucks, every enemy is a bullet sponge, eveything is unfunny.

Why do people like the game, someone please explain it to me.

It is actually pretty easy to explain. In a lot of ways it is superior to borderlands 1 and offers a much better experience all around.

Now explaining why people like borderlands 1 is the real tricky bit.


Will TWD 400 days release simultaneously on all platforms?


  • Tuesday, June 2nd – PlayStation Network (North America)
  • Wednesday, July 3rd – PC/Mac (Steam, Telltale Games Store)
  • Friday, July 5th – Xbox Live (Worldwide)
  • Wednesday, July 10th – PlayStation Network (Europe)
  • Thursday, July 11th – iOS (Worldwide)

edit: late >.<


Unlimited Capacity
I just played Borderlands 2 for two hours with friends, and boy is that game bad.
Every weapon sucks, every enemy is a bullet sponge, everything is unfunny.

Why do people like the game, someone please explain it to me.

I enjoyed BL but got bored with 2 in about 20 minutes. I was playing alone as opposed to with all my friends, though.

No weekly deals huh? interesting....

The mid week stuff usually start on Tuesday, no?


Damnit GMG, the first key was actually the season pass. I sent the giveaway winner a code for the season pass :p

LUCKILY, he couldn't activate it because he doesn't own Borderlands 2. I'm not home so I asked a friend to activate the pass on my profile. Sent the right key to the winner this time.

My heart skipped a beat when the winner told me I gave him the wrong key. For a moment, I though he activated the DLC because steam automatically does that when yoy enter a code. Luckily, you cannot activate it without the game itself..

Who said that Thomas Was Alone was an relaxing platformer? FU. That game had the most aggravating platforming since Little Big Planet. Hell, as far as I know they even shared the same physics. How about floaty controls and jumps that need pixel perfection? Hey, how about you need to micromanage not 1 of those rocks, but 7? Doesn't that sound great?

I did really like the aesthetics, the graphics, the music and especially the narrative but sheesh! That game made me go nuts.

Thanks for posting that. It made me realise that I had seen the game mentioned before but had absolutely no idea what sort of game it was. So I installed the demo and just finished it and OHMYGOD!!! what a delightful, charming, amusing, fun game! It has just supplanted Bastion from the top of my Steam Wish List which I really would not have expected as I fell in love with Bastion within very short order of starting to play the demo. The only criticism I can concur with [although admittedly I have only played the demo so the full game might make me change my mind] is the pixel perfection. However, whereas in a 2D Mario or a VVVVVV I would just get frustrated and irritated with myself for being rubbish, this game is so delightful that I really don't mind it. I'm sorry ymmv :(.

If you like NightSky, you should definitely vote for Knytt Underground. :)
Made by the same guy. Very weird but quite lovely metroidvania like exploration platformer (try saying that ten times in a row) wich becomes frigging huuuuuuuuuge in the third chapter. Wich is the last one but actually the first, after playing for three-four hours...'s got some weird stuff going for it. Even the menu is a maze.

Thanks very much for the heads up Maxwood. I'll definitely look into that. I haven't dared venture into the Greenlight area as I have decades worth of pc games to catch up on so am already feeling pretty intimidated and overwhelmed already! However, I adore NightSky so that game shall be the exception to the rule! :)


It looks like MK might be going up soon. I'm excited to see the damn store page.

Seriously, what were they trying to hide/why were they waiting so long to post it?

Also, Rogue Legacy is so good. I just lost two hours out of nowhere.


Unconfirmed Member
If you like NightSky, you should definitely vote for Knytt Underground. :)
Made by the same guy. Very weird but quite lovely metroidvania like exploration platformer (try saying that ten times in a row) wich becomes frigging huuuuuuuuuge in the third chapter. Wich is the last one but actually the first, after playing for three-four hours...'s got some weird stuff going for it. Even the menu is a maze.
Thanks for the link, upvoted.


No need for that, pretty sure the DLC update will delete your saves for you.

It'll also be standalone so everybody is starting from scratch.

Please research before you post. Its dlc not standalone, and choices you made in the game will carry over. Also choices from the Dlc and original game carry over to season 2.

To the guy who lost his save i did the same. Why not marathon play though before Wednesday?


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for posting that. It made me realise that I had seen the game mentioned before but had absolutely no idea what sort of game it was. So I installed the demo and just finished it and OHMYGOD!!! what a delightful, charming, amusing, fun game! It has just supplanted Bastion from the top of my Steam Wish List which I really would not have expected as I fell in love with Bastion within very short order of starting to play the demo. The only criticism I can concur with [although admittedly I have only played the demo so the full game might make me change my mind] is the pixel perfection. However, whereas in a 2D Mario or a VVVVVV I would just get frustrated and irritated with myself for being rubbish, this game is so delightful that I really don't mind it. I'm sorry ymmv :(.

Thanks very much for the heads up Maxwood. I'll definitely look into that. I haven't dared venture into the Greenlight area as I have decades worth of pc games to catch up on so am already feeling pretty intimidated and overwhelmed already! However, I adore NightSky so that game shall be the exception to the rule! :)
I think you have great taste.
Please research before you post. Its dlc not standalone, and choices you made in the game will carry over. Also choices from the Dlc and original game carry over to season 2.

To the guy who lost his save i did the same. Why not marathon play though before Wednesday?

I was thinking about doing that, but the cutscenes and dialogue can't be skipped.
Please research before you post. Its dlc not standalone, and choices you made in the game will carry over. Also choices from the Dlc and original game carry over to season 2.

I stand corrected. On the other hand, based on my experience with the previous episodes and choices carry over, I suspect I'll could still be 100% right.


doesn't seem that any week-long deals went live today besides Grotesque Tactics (for unknown reasons) and X3 (a sale celebrating it becoming Linux compatible)

that would suggest to me at least that the sale will start this week
I think you have great taste.

Well thank you very much :).

Incidentally I meant to say about Thomas Was Alone how delightfully nostalgic it made me feel. The narration took me back to my childhood when I would always tune into Jackanory:

after school and watch/listen to a thesp/celeb read a story to all us little boys and girls :).

Also, I bet the dev is a fan of the Hitch hiker's Guide to the Galaxy as I got a definite Adams vibe from the writing and sense of humour.
Has it ever been that cheap before? I think there is a 10% off code floating around as well, so I don't think you'll beat the gmg price.

All my money is invested in Gabens anyway. Even if I had the cash I gave my GMG account to someone who wanted Crysis 2 and it wont let me re-register with the same email. Strange since I know I had all my details changed to the other guys email.


I remember the characters looking weird and squashed in Fable: The Lost Chapters, but maybe that was my ancient laptop screen I played it with.

I picked it up since I only had it in old PC box form. I actually have decent memories of it being a reasonably fun game, but I never tried the other Fables.
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