STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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I don't know if it has been posted and I just have not seen it but it looks like uPlay passwords have been hacked.

Edit - and just as I post I see there is a thread already made. oh well, if anyone missed it.

It's already being discussed here. My understanding is that there's no conclusive proof edit: that passwords were taken, just unaccounted data traffic that may or may not be a password grab. Regardless, a password change is precautionary and highly recommended.
I don't know if it has been posted and I just have not seen it but it looks like uPlay passwords have been hacked.

Edit - and just as I post I see there is a thread already made. oh well, if anyone missed it.

And I was about to post it. is down for maintenance.

Dear Member, 

We recently found that one of our Web sites was exploited to gain unauthorised access to some of our online systems. We instantly took steps to close off this access, investigate the incident and begin restoring the integrity of any compromised systems. 

During this process, we learned that data had been illegally accessed from our account database, including user names, email addresses and encrypted passwords. Please note that no personal payment information is stored with Ubisoft, meaning your debit/credit card information was safe from this intrusion.


Those are surprisingly good mid-week deals.
Wasn't expecting Dust to go to 50% so soon.

Now to decide it to pick it up now or not, it would usually be a no-brainer but the timing makes me think twice. Good thing I have until thursday, even if I have few hours less than usual to decide seeing as the weekly end up sooner than usual (which bodes well for this thursday). My bad, they usually state local time on the text but this time they're showing Pacific time for some reason.

Had nearly forgotten that we're likely to get new cards today.
Hopefully they finally add them to Thomas was alone so I can play it.


Are not card announcement now in wednesday instead of tuesday and thurdsay?

Btw thanks to everyone who answered my question, now I had the app on my smart


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
twenty minutes to new card drops and/or sale.



arbitrary time is arbitrary.

Wish I actually had time to play Dust. Going to be a few weeks before getting into it. Definitely buying now to support a fellow GAFer, though.

Thanks, it's honestly appreciated ;) For everyone new to Dust:AET, have fun!

What, no Dust trading cards/profile backgrounds? Nooooogy!!!

Sadly not yet, but they are coming soon! In fact I'm painting them as I type this.


Unconfirmed Member
Well it would probably cost more for shipping than the book would cost :) but according to the Royal Mail website you are in the same price band as North 'merka so it's not too bad.

I tell you what, I'll have a look around locally and see if I can get an omnibus of the books for uber cheap and pop into the local Post Office to see how much it would cost. You could always gift me something on Steam or something.

Well I have mentioned that I tried the Steam demo and fell in love with it and then very quickly picked up the full game for £2.50 IIRC. It may not have been this thread though.

I haven't really got into it however as I've been distracted by other games! :) From what little I've played though I almost feel guilty to have paid so little for what is clearly a very high quality game. I'm not a great FFS exponent though; I'm more the occasional FPS than a steady stream of them like many Western gamers seem to be. So frankly I'm just not very good at them and often don't understand all the internal logic of such games that regular FPS players take for granted. So I tend to play a game on Easy until I've got to grips with it. Then if I really like the game I will often re-play it on successively harder difficulty levels until I have to tap out. That might not be the 'gamer' way to do it but it's what works for me so meh :).

GMG has both GOTY editions up for £7.49 right now and I'm very tempted although I've not played either before. Demo time! :)

At some point I need to get over my noob enthusiasm of OHMYGOD!!!PCGAMINGISSOAWESOME!!!WHYHAVEINOTBEENDOINGTHISBEFORE?!?!?!!! and settle down to play some of the games I already own! Perhaps after the Steam seal :).
Man, you're awesome. Thanks a lot :)

Don't worry about the "gamer way", one has to play however it's more enjoyable for them, not how other people think it has to be played. If you have fun playing those few FPS on Easy, then by all means keep doing so! You can always up the difficulty level if you feel like having more of a challenge, but fun should come first (sounds hypocritical coming from me, I know; do as I say, not as I do).

I take it you liked the atmosphere and setting of BioShock? It's extremely well done, which is why I feel the bad gameplay is a shame. It deserves better than that.

Yeah, that's the price for the bundle, but I only need AC GOTY, so I'll wait for an individual sale. Regarding AA, I had tried the demo at a friend's a couple of years back and didn't like it, it looked just like any other random brawler. But the whole game was completely different: played it a few months ago and totally loved it. It's not just a brawler, but also a sort of metroidvania. Along your journey you acquire new equipment, which in turn grants you access to new parts of the asylum, and are also able to grab some collectibles and stuff in parts that were inaccessible before, so you need to backtrack if you want to get everything. The gameplay is great, and I'm not even a fan of the character or anything (never watched any of the movies, nor read the comics).


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wow BG: EH is 75% off but the base price is so high... think I'm gonna skip it for now :/

I would buy it, but I own all the BG games already, and I can mod them to do exactly what the EE does already, so I think I'm going to save my $5. It is tempting though.
Oh law', Duke Nukem 1 & 2, take my money. That's my entire childhood right there. Holy shit. ROTT yesterday and Duke today.

Cosmo and Monster Bash, let's be 'avin' ya.
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