Well it would probably cost more for shipping than the book would cost

but according to the Royal Mail website you are in the same price band as North 'merka so it's not too bad.
I tell you what, I'll have a look around locally and see if I can get an omnibus of the books for uber cheap and pop into the local Post Office to see how much it would cost. You could always gift me something on Steam or something.
Well I have mentioned that I tried the Steam demo and fell in love with it and then very quickly picked up the full game for £2.50 IIRC. It may not have been this thread though.
I haven't really got into it however as I've been distracted by other games!

From what little I've played though I almost feel guilty to have paid so little for what is clearly a very high quality game. I'm not a great FFS exponent though; I'm more the occasional FPS than a steady stream of them like many Western gamers seem to be. So frankly I'm just not very good at them and often don't understand all the internal logic of such games that regular FPS players take for granted. So I tend to play a game on Easy until I've got to grips with it. Then if I really like the game I will often re-play it on successively harder difficulty levels until I have to tap out. That might not be the 'gamer' way to do it but it's what works for me so meh

GMG has both GOTY editions up for £7.49 right now and I'm very tempted although I've not played either before. Demo time!
At some point I need to get over my noob enthusiasm of OHMYGOD!!!PCGAMINGISSOAWESOME!!!WHYHAVEINOTBEENDOINGTHISBEFORE?!?!?!!! and settle down to play some of the games I already own! Perhaps after the Steam seal
