STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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dave is ok

aztek is ok
Jasec has an underground bunker built in the middle of a Perth field somewhere, now all he does is wait and buy games on Steam
Finally got the Steam version of BG:EE.

people said the Baldurs Gate enhanced edition isnt as good as the original right?

They did a big patch to fix some stuff so it should be fine now. I haven't played it in a few months though. At $5 and you don't have to install all of the add ons its definitely worth picking up.
We all laugh and joke and go "haha, JaceC, what a quirky character with his ironic stalking of Scorcese Romulan or whoever the fuck", but the reality is it's going to end up like One Hour Photo.


We all laugh and joke and go "haha, JaceC, what a quirky character with his ironic stalking of Scorcese Romulan or whoever the fuck", but the reality is it's going to end up like One Hour Photo.

fucking lost it. you win the internet today.

on topic: should I buy baldurs gate if I had never played it?
So what are gafs thoughts on Interstellar Marines? Look interesting to me. Anyone in the early access that can speak on it?

Hate to repost, but I'm seriously considering buying this now at the early access price. Anybody here played it or can tell me anymore about it?


Baldur's Gate: EE bought with card money


Alright I need a new recommendation for categories. My Beat/Unbeat/Unplayed are getting waaaaaaaay too big and I don't like how arcade/racing/card games don't really fit in those at all.


Alright I need a new recommendation for categories. My Beat/Unbeat/Unplayed are getting waaaaaaaay too big and I don't like how arcade/racing/card games don't really fit in those at all.

How about a "Piece of **** games I'll never play" category? Or you could just make one category per year for unplayed games.


Alright I need a new recommendation for categories. My Beat/Unbeat/Unplayed are getting waaaaaaaay too big and I don't like how arcade/racing/card games don't really fit in those at all.

I have a Multiplayer category and a Score Games category for games that don't fit the Beaten/Unbeaten mold. You could also just have a Not Beatable category.


Alright I need a new recommendation for categories. My Beat/Unbeat/Unplayed are getting waaaaaaaay too big and I don't like how arcade/racing/card games don't really fit in those at all.

Make one for new games you want to get to soon and place it at the very top. It's my favorite and most used category.

It's best played in co-op.

Yeah, for sure. I'd be down for another run with more people one day.
My secret is to just use the account page as a quick reference on games that I need to play sorted obviously by bought order. I just use the default ordering. SHHHH don't tell anyone.

Dr Dogg

Make one for new games you want to get to soon and place it at the very top. It's my favorite and most used category.

That's what I use Favorites for. Dead handy as there's always an 'Add to Favorites' right click option. The rest of my categories are just some borderline OCD filling I'll never get round to sorting out.
I wish Steam had a tagging system for games rather than just categories. It'd make organizing so much easier.

That said, I've got:
Backlog — Holy crap, is this getting out of hand. I think I passed 100 a couple of weeks ago.
Favorites — Games I keep around for replays or return visits once they leave the Backlog.
Finished — For games I've completed or gotten my fill of, but don't plan on playing again.
Gave Up On — Stuff I've played but couldn't be bothered to finish.
Stuff I Don't Plan on Installing — Games that just bypass the Backlog entirely. Junk from bundles, secondary entries for games with multiple versions, that kind of thing.


Dust for sale? Nice.

All you guys get to enjoy a great game.

No new cards today? I slept in, so I need to be brought up to speed on all the happenings.
Man, you're awesome. Thanks a lot :)

Oh it's my pleasure. It will be simple enough to check both of those aspects when I next go into town, probably in a couple of days when I have to go in anyway. I'm hoping that a local used book shop will have it. Given he has stock of hundreds of thousands of books and sells them all for £1 each, I think it's pretty likely that he'll have it :).

Don't worry about the "gamer way", one has to play however it's more enjoyable for them, not how other people think it has to be played. If you have fun playing those few FPS on Easy, then by all means keep doing so! You can always up the difficulty level if you feel like having more of a challenge, but fun should come first (sounds hypocritical coming from me, I know; do as I say, not as I do).

Thanks and I don't worry about it. Each to their own and all that.

Hah, I grew up hearing that phrase. I hated it when I was a child but now it makes me smile.

I take it you liked the atmosphere and setting of BioShock? It's extremely well done, which is why I feel the bad gameplay is a shame. It deserves better than that.

Yes, I was very impressed. Frankly I wasn't expecting to be given how everyone in gaming practically fellated the game to death. So I tried the demo out of curiosity rather than expectation and was very quickly enamoured. I haven't played enough of it to encounter the "bad gameplay" yet but given that I'm not much for FPS games it might be okay for me. We'll see :).

Yeah, that's the price for the bundle, but I only need AC GOTY, so I'll wait for an individual sale. Regarding AA, I had tried the demo at a friend's a couple of years back and didn't like it, it looked just like any other random brawler. But the whole game was completely different: played it a few months ago and totally loved it. It's not just a brawler, but also a sort of metroidvania. Along your journey you acquire new equipment, which in turn grants you access to new parts of the asylum, and are also able to grab some collectibles and stuff in parts that were inaccessible before, so you need to backtrack if you want to get everything. The gameplay is great, and I'm not even a fan of the character or anything (never watched any of the movies, nor read the comics).

I expect I'll have the same experience as I did with BioShock. Massively fellated game where I go in with no real expectations and then BOOM! Heh, I hope so. I've got the demo installed so will give the first game a crack soon. I'm not a big Batman fan either despite growing up reading the comics and watching the tv show etc. Frankly I always thought the Batman character was a bit of a nob but there you are.

Dr Dogg

Speaking of categories I just remember I set up a DRM one so I don't get screwed over again but not revoking an activation.

Not really. Everyone would rate games either five stars or one star.

Well then it would still balance itself out. Example; five people vote on a game. 4 of them give it 5 stars the other 1. The result? 4 stars. Say another game. 3 this time vote 1 and the other 2 1 star. This time it's 3 stars. All of them vote 1 star and you get a 1 star game. Even extremists can contribute to an aggregated system.


Category management is horribly cumbersome.

I despise category management in Steam.

The fact that Valve doesn't put any time into modernizing it is a big middle finger to people who spend any significant amount of money on Steam game subscriptions.

Dr Dogg

Do you know what I would love? Drag and drop category management in any device. Client, browser, mobile or tablet and updates on the fly across devices.

Beats the shit out of playing what I've bought.


Alright I need a new recommendation for categories. My Beat/Unbeat/Unplayed are getting waaaaaaaay too big and I don't like how arcade/racing/card games don't really fit in those at all.
This is what I use right now:
* Currently Playing
1. Pickup and Play
2. On-deck
3. Backlog
4. Shelved
5. Completed


Unconfirmed Member
I have more nostalgia for Duke 2 than Duke 3D. Totally grabbing that tomorrow when I get paid.

I can only hope for Monster Bash.
Secret Agent too, and Hocus Pocus and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure and Wacky Wheels and Terminal Velocity.

And then an Epic MegaGames bundle with Jill of the Jungle and Jazz Jackrabbit 1 & 2.


Its interesting to note that the Steam version of the Enhanced Edition is the only place to purchase the game anymore.

The license reverted back to Wizards of the Coast and Beamdog is currently in a dispute with them to try to distribute the game.

From what I have gathered, the Steam version was just thrown up by Atari and isn't updated by the developers. Not sure if the latter has changed.
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