STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
We all laugh and joke and go "haha, JaceC, what a quirky character with his ironic stalking of Scorcese Romulan or whoever the fuck", but the reality is it's going to end up like One Hour Photo.

You know, I was going to go back to my old avatar not long after I began using Saoirse avatars but Salsa told me not to; far be it from me to disappoint a girl (lol), so I figured I'd stick with them for a while. Before I knew it, though, it'd become my quirk -- my distinctive feature, the element by which people recognise me -- like how, outside of the occasional isolated incident to the contrary, Zelda Williams' rejection broke Chinner and now he only makes joke posts or how blame space only uses capital letters when he's being particularly serious. While, sure, there are moments when this thread is lacking in Steam-related news where we go off on little Saoirse-related tangents, I'd like to to that that, most of the time, I'm contributing in a more meaningful manner, so I thought nothing of the identity I'd inadvertently crafted for myself.

And for the record, I'm not an ironic joke character: yes, I do think she's pretty and the finest actress of her generation, but it's not as though I'm, say, saving up for a trip to Ireland or began pursuing a career in film solely for the chance to meet her one day. I'm just a fan, not a hopelessly and dangerously infatuated weirdo.

I've got a great system going for my categorical needs, I just keep everything installed under installed. That works out for me.

I make use of categories only when I add non-Steam shortcuts. They go under "Non-Steam Shortcuts". ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Oh it's my pleasure. It will be simple enough to check both of those aspects when I next go into town, probably in a couple of days when I have to go in anyway. I'm hoping that a local used book shop will have it. Given he has stock of hundreds of thousands of books and sells them all for £1 each, I think it's pretty likely that he'll have it :).

Thanks and I don't worry about it. Each to their own and all that.

Hah, I grew up hearing that phrase. I hated it when I was a child but now it makes me smile.

Yes, I was very impressed. Frankly I wasn't expecting to be given how everyone in gaming practically fellated the game to death. So I tried the demo out of curiosity rather than expectation and was very quickly enamoured. I haven't played enough of it to encounter the "bad gameplay" yet but given that I'm not much for FPS games it might be okay for me. We'll see :).

I expect I'll have the same experience as I did with BioShock. Massively fellated game where I go in with no real expectations and then BOOM! Heh, I hope so. I've got the demo installed so will give the first game a crack soon. I'm not a big Batman fan either despite growing up reading the comics and watching the tv show etc. Frankly I always thought the Batman character was a bit of a nob but there you are.
Books for a pound? That's a bargain if I ever saw one. I can't imagine a library of over 100000 books, that's like a reader's wet dream.

(getting way too off-topic here, sorry)

Batman:AA was one of those cases where all the hype and praise is well deserved. I found it to be as good as everyone says. Another example would be the original Deus Ex: there's a reason why it's considered a timeless classic. I hope I can feel the same with System Shock 2 when I finally get to play it.

Dr Dogg

Boo. Baldur's Gate isn't SteamPlay.

Why is BG:EE not SteamPlay? What the shit

Could be to do with the Mac version hasn't been released yet. It's still listed as coming soon on Overhaul's site. Same with the iPad and Android links on their site, they don't work yet. More than likely it will be added latter but don't quote me on that. Though one example recently is Brutal Legend. First offer up as PC only but when the Mac and Linux versions were finished it was added as SteamPlay. Sam and Max Season 3 was the same as well. Though with all the recent kerfuffle over the distribution rights recently it's a surprise it's available at all.
Do you know what I would love? Drag and drop category management in any device. Client, browser, mobile or tablet and updates on the fly across devices.

Beats the shit out of playing what I've bought.

drag and drop would be spectacular. Hell, I've finally got my categories to sync between my two computers which seemed like a massive step.


Unconfirmed Member
You know, I was going to go back to my old avatar not long after I began using Saoirse avatars but Salsa told me not to; far be it from me to disappoint a girl (lol), so I figured I'd stick with them for a while. Before I knew it, though, it'd become my quirk -- my distinctive feature, the element by which people recognise me -- like how, outside of the occasional isolated incident to the contrary, Zelda Williams' rejection broke Chinner and now he only makes joke posts or how blame space only uses capital letters when he's being particularly serious. While, sure, there are moments when this thread is lacking in Steam-related news where we go off on little Saoirse-related tangents, I'd like to to that that, most of the time, I'm contributing in a more meaningful manner, so I thought nothing of the identity I'd inadvertently crafted for myself.

And for the record, I'm not an ironic joke character: yes, I do think she's pretty and the finest actress of her generation, but it's not as though I'm, say, saving up for a trip to Ireland or began pursuing a career in film solely for the chance to meet her one day. I'm just a fan, not a hopelessly and dangerously infatuated weirdo.
C'mon Jase, he probably said that as a joke. Nobody thinks you're a joke character :(

You are very helpful indeed, and a great contributor in this thread. And I'm being honest.

Guys, we need to give poor Jase a group hug, I think he's feeling sad.


I got the game a long time back from some Humble Bundle. Don't think it included the expansion. Apparently you need it for the patch too?

Hmm... I think so, yes. Well, you can get it during the upcoming sale if you are liking it. Your progress should carry over.


Member I the only one around here who appreciates other people's avatars of pretty women?

Scorsese Romulan was pretty funny though.


Member I the only one around here who appreciates other people's avatars of pretty women?

Scorsese Romulan was pretty funny though.

What pretty women?

Also don't they usually add new trading cards around this time by now? Gabennnnnnnnnnnnn.


Does xelios still do those sale summary posts? Now that I'm way too busy at my new job to follow this thread as closely as I used to I miss out on a lot. I now see the value of those posts that he does (used to do?) =(


Further evidence that the sale isn't starting this week - the Midweek Madness deal ends at 4pm Pacific on Thursday, not 10am which is when a sale would start.
Its interesting to note that the Steam version of the Enhanced Edition is the only place to purchase the game anymore.

The license reverted back to Wizards of the Coast and Beamdog is currently in a dispute with them to try to distribute the game.

From what I have gathered, the Steam version was just thrown up by Atari and isn't updated by the developers. Not sure if the latter has changed.

Apparently it is the same version for both Steam and the now missing Beamdog version.


I concur, random impulse buy turned out to be great. And I'm not a fan of Indie games.


It's noon PST, and there are still no new cards. What's going on over there at Valve?

Probably just going to a one day per week release like last week now.


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Man the pathfinding and AI for the villagers in From Dust can be downright infuriating at times. It makes maps take much longer than they would if the villagers were even remotely competent. It also doesn't help that they refuse to acknowledge orders sometimes and just fuck around in their current village.

Otherwise the game is great.


Unconfirmed Member
no shit. He is doing work
Yeah, though I wasn't referring to the amount of posts, but to their quality. He's often helping people with their PC/games/purchases issues for example, among other things.

I say we all collect some money and buy him TimeShift, to let him know we still love him.
*reads JaseC post*

this thread got way too serious :(

re: my recent Resident Evil 6 purchase

This is the greatest game ever. Why? First time you boot it, it takes you to the PC settings. Praise Capcom and whoever ported this.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
This is the greatest game ever. Why? First time you boot it, it takes you to the PC settings. Praise Capcom and whoever ported this.
Meanwhile, GRID 2 launched in an 800x600 window, showed a bit of story and threw me into a race before even showing a menu. *shame shame gesture*


*reads JaseC post*

this thread got way too serious :(

re: my recent Resident Evil 6 purchase

This is the greatest game ever. Why? First time you boot it, it takes you to the PC settings. Praise Capcom and whoever ported this.

RE6 did have some nice PC features. Keeping split screen coop around and the graphics options were ace.


*reads JaseC post*

this thread got way too serious :(

re: my recent Resident Evil 6 purchase

This is the greatest game ever. Why? First time you boot it, it takes you to the PC settings. Praise Capcom and whoever ported this.

I'm pretty sure it was handled by QLOC. Shoutouts to great porting teams like QLOC and Devil's Details (Sonic Gen/BD).


Man the pathfinding and AI for the villagers in From Dust can be downright infuriating at times. It makes maps take much longer than they would if the villagers were even remotely competent. It also doesn't help that they refuse to acknowledge orders sometimes and just fuck around in their current village.

Otherwise the game is great.

I can't believe it. Finally someone saying it's great like I always do. Every time someone asks about the game I feel like the only one who has kind words for it :( Sure, it could have been tons better but it's a really nice game as it is. Those water effects won me over at first sight.


Meanwhile, GRID 2 launched in an 800x600 window, showed a bit of story and threw me into a race before even showing a menu. *shame shame gesture*

Pretty common for PC games to start at a low resolution. They don't know what hardware to expect, so start low to insure all computers can boot it.


From GMG's website

A message to all our GMG users:

Hi, I'm Paul Sulyok, Founder and CEO of Green Man Gaming. On behalf of the team here, I'd like to take a moment to apologise to all of you who experienced issues trying to purchase from GMG in the last 24 hours. The GMG 666 Sale promotion is proving to be much more popular than we initially anticipated - despite significantly increasing our capacity in preparation for the sale, we unfortunately still underestimated demand for the offers available.

To put this into perspective, GMG is currently running more than double the absolute highest traffic spike that we saw in 2012, and over 10x the normal traffic level that we have seen in 2013.

Clearly this is no excuse and so we've had the whole team working hard to increase capacity and remove barriers to you getting to our deals.

I am very aware that you may have missed out on some of the great deals we've been offering in the 666 Sale promotion. Rest assured we are working closely with our publishing partners to bring back some of the deals affected. We will post all information about these deals on our Twitter stream @greenmangaming and also on our Blog

Finally, as a small digital retailer trying hard to make our way in this market, we really appreciate your ongoing support and hope that we can welcome you back again very soon. Thanks and enjoy the rest of our Sale.


Too bad there isn't a mechanism to check the desktop resolution.

Yes, they seemed to have adopted this. More recent games will boot in the correct resolution.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I can't believe it. Finally someone saying it's great like I always do. Every time someone asks about the game I feel like the only one who has kind words for it :( Sure, it could have been tons better but it's a really nice game as it is. Those water effects won me over at first sight.

I love the gameplay ideas and the art is fantastic, but the damn villagers keep screwing me over.
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