STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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We all have our faults, mine is that I don't generally enjoy Indie games :( ( apart from few like Recettear).
Meanwhile, GRID 2 launched in an 800x600 window, showed a bit of story and threw me into a race before even showing a menu. *shame shame gesture*

It's jarring how many games do this actually.

RE6 did have some nice PC features. Keeping split screen coop around and the graphics options were ace.

I didn't even realize it had split-screen co-op until I saw it in the options. So good.

I'm pretty sure it was handled by QLOC. Shoutouts to great porting teams like QLOC and Devil's Details (Sonic Gen/BD).

Yeah, it seems it was QLOC. Their DmC port was great as well.


There is an undeniable amount of garbage out there and indie game purchasing is Russian roulette in it's purest form.

Its only Russian Roulette if you pick randomly, if you make an informed decision by listening to people on GAF you can find those great games.

How can you miss out on Rogue Legacy, The Swapper, Don't Starve, Dust? And these are games Indie Titles that were all released very recently.

Dr Dogg

*reads JaseC post*

this thread got way too serious :(

re: my recent Resident Evil 6 purchase

This is the greatest game ever. Why? First time you boot it, it takes you to the PC settings. Praise Capcom and whoever ported this.

I saw you playing it and was gonna ask how the PC port is like. Tempted to pick up 6 and Revelations come sale time. Those 2 and Dust account for 75% of my most wanted seal purchases, one down 3 to go.


RE6 randomly crashed for me on loads, no idea if they fixed it as I have not tried it since then. I liked the game so far, but need coop partner I think.


Pretty common for PC games to start at a low resolution. They don't know what hardware to expect, so start low to insure all computers can boot it.

Too bad there isn't a mechanism to check the desktop resolution.

I have actually never encountered this unless I was playing older games. Any game I have started new recently usually boots into my resolution. I could be wrong as it has been awhile since I have started a brand new game, but I do not recall encountering this.


Unconfirmed Member
Meanwhile, GRID 2 launched in an 800x600 window, showed a bit of story and threw me into a race before even showing a menu. *shame shame gesture*
I hate shit like this. As much as I love Psychonauts, it's guilty of starting right away with a cutscene and then dropping you into the game, without letting you enable subtitles until everything's finished and you can access the main menu. So if your English is not good enough, you'll have to start a new game and watch the cutscene again.


I hate shit like this. As much as I love Psychonauts, it's guilty of starting right away with a cutscene and then dropping you into the game, without letting you enable subtitles until everything's finished and you can access the main menu. So if your English is not good enough, you'll have to start a new game and watch the cutscene again.
The game also has absolutely horrendous menus.


so I have been in the Beta today of The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot...

Ubisoft had a great idea on their hands here, effectively you raid other peoples castle and create you own, with the remit of trying to stop people clearing your castle within a given timeframe and vice versa

They have dropped the ball with the F2P, as for example I am level 4 been playing for 3 hours and my gold is 600...

to upgrade my equipment to a level 4 sword I need 2100 gold, or I can buy bings (game currency) with real money

in other words grind for 15 hours to get the 2100 gold or pay to win!!

I saw you playing it and was gonna ask how the PC port is like. Tempted to pick up 6 and Revelations come sale time. Those 2 and Dust account for 75% of my most wanted seal purchases, one down 3 to go.

Oh, it's very good. I mean, unlike DmC I haven't played RE6 on consoles so I can't directly compare them but other than some blurry textures here and there, which were expected, I haven't noticed anything out of place. Runs perfectly for me and it has the proper button prompts and input swap on the fly. Very satisfied with the quality of the port.

edit: This sounds like the technical aspects are the best about the game but I'm actually enjoying Leon's campaign so far, except for a few sequences in cramped environments.

Apparently Revelations still has some pretty wicked mouse control issues.

I wonder if RE6 has this problem. I'm playing with the 360 controller.


I love the gameplay ideas and the art is fantastic, but the damn villagers keep screwing me over.
Yeah, the worst parts are when you need them to move from a village to another on bridges you basically have to create in different ways. I remember them stopping at every damn slope a bit too steep for them. Also they could have bothered optimizing controls for m/kb considering the genre. The lack of a huge sandbox mode is disappointing as well.

Still, I loved every minute of it, each level has always a new interesting gameplay element and it never overstays its welcome. The game definitely deserved a more refined sequel imho, of couse it must not have sold enough for Ubisoft, better develop yearly AssCreed episodes. Uhmpf.
I wonder if RE6 has this problem. I'm playing with the 360 controller.

Actually I found the game to be much smoother with M+KB, the dodging and sliding feels natural not to mention the mouse aiming.

Dr Dogg said:
I saw you playing it and was gonna ask how the PC port is like. Tempted to pick up 6 and Revelations come sale time. Those 2 and Dust account for 75% of my most wanted seal purchases, one down 3 to go.

Both ports are good. Revelations had horrible mouse controls when released but they patched it and everything's fine now, they added the possibility to remove sticky aim and mouse accel and they tweaked the sensibility. As for gamepad controls I dunno, I've heard some people complain about huge deadzones but I can't say, most of the enemies movements are unpredictable so I stick with M+KB. I don't think they patched the demo though.
RE6 port is fine too.

If someone needs a partner to play through the RE games I'm here, I haven't played Mercs in a long time. I'm ok for some campaign too.


so I have been in the Beta today of The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot...

Ubisoft had a great idea on their hands here, effectively you raid other peoples castle and create you own, with the remit of trying to stop people clearing your castle within a given timeframe and vice versa

They have dropped the ball with the F2P, as for example I am level 4 been playing for 3 hours and my gold is 600...

to upgrade my equipment to a level 4 sword I need 2100 gold, or I can buy bings (game currency) with real money

in other words grind for 15 hours to get the 2100 gold or pay to win!!

Can you even pay for gold? I only ask because you call it pay to win. I bought the smallest package from amazon for $7 (which is currently bugged, they give you the $100 key that gives you like $130+ in-game credit, all classes, 3 slots etc.)

I am enjoying it but it feels incredibly unpolished. It's a beta so i forgive some faults but i completely agree about the F2P thing. They should of just released it for $10-15 and called it a day. But, it doesn't really seem like a pay 2 win because i see no way of buying gold which oddly enough you need more then gems from what i can understand and gems are the only currency that can be bought with $. Can you convert gems to gold/lifeforce?


I wish Dust: An Elysian Tail had a demo. While it's greatly praised here it's Steam page screenshots and video doesn't sell it to me.


I wish Dust: An Elysian Tail had a demo. While it's greatly praised here it's Steam page screenshots and video doesn't sell it to me.
Screenshots do this game 0 justice. And the video doesn't do the best job of showing what the game really is.

If you are into these kind of games it is WELL worth the sale price.
Looking at PC release lists for the rest of the year, there isn't really that much I'm interested in in terms of new games. Significant releases:

ArmA 3
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn
Lost Planet 3
Saint's Row 4
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Might & Magic X Legacy
Rome 2: Total War
Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Batman: Arkham Origins
Battlefield 4
Wolfenstein: The New Order

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Need for Speed: Rivals
Watch Dogs

South Park: The Stick of Truth
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

I'm sure I missed a few but out of those I don't really see myself buying any day-1. :/

edit: Whoops, forgot Lords of Shadow 2. But that depends on whether I can finish Lords of Shadow 1 and Revengeance by then.


Stormy Grey
Looking at PC release lists for the rest of the year, there isn't really that much I'm interested in in terms of new games. Significant releases:

I'm sure I missed a few but out of those I don't really see myself buying any day-1. :/

There's only one on my "must have" upcoming list, and that's Payday 2. Rome 2 and Shadowrun are both on the "highly considering" list though.


Can you even pay for gold? I only ask because you call it pay to win. I bought the smallest package from amazon for $7 (which is currently bugged, they give you the $100 key that gives you like $130+ in-game credit, all classes, 3 slots etc.)

I am enjoying it but it feels incredibly unpolished. It's a beta so i forgive some faults but i completely agree about the F2P thing. They should of just released it for $10-15 and called it a day. But, it doesn't really seem like a pay 2 win because i see no way of buying gold which oddly enough you need more then gems from what i can understand and gems are the only currency that can be bought with $. Can you convert gems to gold/lifeforce?

sorry was not clear, you can not buy gold, you need to grind out the 2100 or buy the jewels (bings) to circumvent said grinding.. so 300 gems I need or 2100 gold, I can buy the gems for real money

I watch a lets play on youtube and the guy on there said everything can be earnt just by playing enough, but that time scale seems way off, the rewards are far too low

The guy has commented on the review on to say the bug is fixed, a shame, I just wish they would of done a normal game out of it, as it really is a good idea


Looking at PC release lists for the rest of the year, there isn't really that much I'm interested in in terms of new games. Significant releases:

Saints Row IV will be fun but i still need to beat SR3 with my friend.

Not really interested in the other games besides Watch Dogs.


It sucks because I'm not very interested in many games coming out this year either.

I will pick up DayZ Standalone, but then that is probably it for anticipated releases.

Q1/2 2014 is looking good though. Titanfall, Dark Souls II. Destiny and MGSV might pop up somewhere around that time period as well.


Payday was addictive, but Payday 2 looks to be like a very huge improvement.

Meanwhile, GRID 2 launched in an 800x600 window, showed a bit of story and threw me into a race before even showing a menu. *shame shame gesture*

It seems like every racing game does that and I hate it.
There's only one on my "must have" upcoming list, and that's Payday 2. Rome 2 and Shadowrun are both on the "highly considering" list though.

I've yet to play PAYDAY 1 :(

Shadowrun was on my must-get list, now I'm waiting for impressions first. Their Kickstarter had me worried for a bit :/

It sucks because I'm not very interested in many games coming out this year either.

I will pick up DayZ Standalone, but then that is probably it for anticipated releases.

Q1/2 2014 is looking good though. Titanfall, Dark Souls II. Destiny and MGSV might pop up somewhere around that time period as well.

Well, I'm not really complaining. I will play "smaller" games and ports like Castlevania and Metal Gear Rising and I also need cash for all the JRPGs being released on 3DS. Early 2014 looks great though.


Unconfirmed Member
Screenshots do this game 0 justice. And the video doesn't do the best job of showing what the game really is.

If you are into these kind of games it is WELL worth the sale price.
This is the problem to me. I don't like the art style at all. And I don't know what kind of game it is, other than it has some metroidvania elements.
Looking at PC release lists for the rest of the year, there isn't really that much I'm interested in in terms of new games. Significant releases:

I'd probably throw in Shadowrun Returns (July) and Divinity - Original Sin (Nov - but I could see it being delayed with Dragon Commander releasing in Aug)


You guys are crazy. Wasteland 2, Age of Wonders 3, Rome II, ArmA 3, Divinity, Rise of the Triad, Routine, Starbound and Europa Universalis IV are all coming out this year. I could cover the entirety of 2013 with Rome II or AoW3 alone.


Our site received a TWD 400 days review key but I don't have the original on steam and it's not standalone

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