STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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They are updating Arkham Asylum's registry entry as well, whatever is being done to Arkham City will likely be done to Asylum as well.

I think City is just their test bed, they have developer betas going on in Asylum as well, but that title is not seeing updates as frequently.

I hope that's the case. It'd be nice to sit down with Asylum this winter in case Origins isn't up to snuff.


Just a quick question re: Dust. Is a controller necessary or is keyboard/mouse absolutely fine?

Both are fine.

The game benefits from analog movement though.

Bumping this to new page so the guy doesn't make a poor decision

GameFly is holding a Bethesda sale. I'm gonna pick up Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas for that price, damn.

Though now that I take a better look at it, maybe not New Vegas, since that doesn't appear to be the Ultimate Edition.

2/3 of those games won't activate on Steam and those prices aren't particularly good.


Didn't they do Worms already?
Different version :lol

Those deals look like crap to be honest.

Not expecting much from Volvo.

Daily repeats + 10% discounts ahead.

edit: first deal was Worms Revolution and this is Worms Ultimate Mayhem. Unless if I missed another Worms


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't see an update on the Nuuvem deals, so here they (the Steam redeemable ones) are if anyone is interested:

Prices may vary a little with exchange rates.

Don't be buying Special Forces Team X. I really liked the game itself (simple but fast paced and fun) but the game is dead. Noone's playing it and there's point in buying it. Save your monies for other goodies, not that I could see anyone dying to buy it anyway :p. Just wanted to give a friendly warning. Pity the studio doesn't support it at all though looking at what one of the devs said I'm guessing there's more to it than that (maybe publisher disagreements or not being allowed etc)


It only works after 2 weeks. Once you past the 2 week mark, it gives you the error message " your username is not saved could not run offline mode" even though I saved my password and did not check "don't save my credentials".

Its the common, 'you didn't shut down Steam correctly issue.'

You need to backup a file, someone in here will be able to tell you witch one I'm sure.


So is 32 for Skyrim Legendary edition worth it?

I have it on 360 but have been wanting to grab it on PC to try it out with some mods and try the DLC.

Should I wait to see if GMG will have it lower?


I think the Legendary edition of Skyrim was 19.99 a while ago. Not sure, though.


Also, I hope Bastion and Don't Starve go on sale soon.


I'd wait for GMG, some of their current deals are crazy.

I'm kinda expecting an insanely cheap legendary edition from them.
Its the common, 'you didn't shut down Steam correctly issue.'

You need to backup a file, someone in here will be able to tell you witch one I'm sure.

I think you can link the PC Gaming wiki page for Steam at the OP.

Always Force Offline Mode

Forcing Offline Mode will make Steam to always open in Offline Mode, even with a working internet connection. A prompt will appear and the options Retry and Offline Mode will show up. Retry will simply restart Steam and cause the same menu options to come up, whereas Offline Mode will take one into the Steam game library.
This step still requires the authentication to be carried out.
Create or edit the steam.cfg in this folder (the same folder as the steam.exe):

C:\Program Files\Steam\
Enter the following and save:



Don't be buying Special Forces Team X. I really liked the game itself (simple but fast paced and fun) but the game is dead. Noone's playing it and there's point in buying it. Save your monies for other goodies, not that I could see anyone dying to buy it anyway :p. Just wanted to give a friendly warning. Pity the studio doesn't support it at all though looking at what one of the devs said I'm guessing there's more to it than that (maybe publisher disagreements or not being allowed etc)

Aw, that's too bad. I was hoping to try this game out.

Their other game Blacklight Retribution at least still has a online community, but then again it's free to play and from a different publisher...


I actually found this program for managing library categories:
Tried this out just now and it seemed to work pretty well. Much better than how Steam does it anyway. There's a short guide on how to use it in on the 'Wiki' tab at the top.

Ok, got a chance to look at this, seems a bit different to mine and has a few extra features but is also missing some.

If anyone wants to try my version out...

I need to get back to it and fix a few things up that I am not happy with, but got distracted by other projects.


I'd wait for GMG, some of their current deals are crazy.

I'm kinda expecting an insanely cheap legendary edition from them.

Ok. I'll hold out in hope. I guess at worst either Steam or GMG will have something. And at worst GMG seems to at least have 33% off their deals so combine that with a 10-20% voucher and the price shouldnt be too different.


I still can't believe I got every Total War game (with the exception of the first two or so) for €28.

I mean, Shogun II is €29,99 on steam right now. And this bundle includes that game and every Shogun II expansion plus a huge load of the older titles which are great as well. Viking: Battle of Asgard is a small bonus. And a crazy amount of Shogun II dlc.

Amazing deal.
Bumping this to new page so the guy doesn't make a poor decision

Well, I was gonna get a better look tomorrow, anyway, before I decided anything. Thanks though.

Plus, converting pounds to euros is pretty bad psychologically. :(

GameFly can be very weird when it comes to deals, good thing I decided to wait before biting. :p
Hi, technically "new" to Steam (made account in '09, forgot about it) and PC gaming in general. Can't believe I didn't do this earlier. I haven't touched my consoles in days

So far I've been playing Frozen Synapse, FTL, Stealth Bastard, and Vessel.

If anyone's interested in swapping any keys, I got keys for Awesomenauts, Waking Mars, Night Sky, Double Fine 3-pack (Psychonauts, Stacking, Costume Quest), and Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

And I'm interested in Gunpoint, Don't Starve, Incredipede, and Intrusion 2

Either way, getting involved with Steam is the best decision I ever made.


Man, World of Goo's message and funny dialogue is great. Picked it up again after a long break. World 4 is amazing.
Hi, technically "new" to Steam (made account in '09, forgot about it) and PC gaming in general. Can't believe I didn't do this earlier. I haven't touched my consoles in days

So far I've been playing Frozen Synapse, FTL, Stealth Bastard, and Vessel.

If anyone's interested in swapping any keys, I got keys for Awesomenauts, Waking Mars, Night Sky, Double Fine 3-pack (Psychonauts, Stacking, Costume Quest), and Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

And I'm interested in Gunpoint, Don't Starve, Incredipede, and Intrusion 2

Either way, getting involved with Steam is the best decision I ever made.

I think you'll like this thread: The Steam "Take One, Give One" giveaway thread


Hi, technically "new" to Steam (made account in '09, forgot about it) and PC gaming in general. Can't believe I didn't do this earlier. I haven't touched my consoles in days

So far I've been playing Frozen Synapse, FTL, Stealth Bastard, and Vessel.

If anyone's interested in swapping any keys, I got keys for Awesomenauts, Waking Mars, Night Sky, Double Fine 3-pack (Psychonauts, Stacking, Costume Quest), and Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

And I'm interested in Gunpoint, Don't Starve, Incredipede, and Intrusion 2

Either way, getting involved with Steam is the best decision I ever made.

You should play Psychonauts, I don't even like platformers and I enjoy that game.
There is no date, but the first act of the game is almost finished according to Twitter. FaeVerse is the brand name for FS2.
I think they're making a mistake not calling it Faerie Solitaire 2, but whatever, I'll just be glad when it's actually out.
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