I really doubt this will be as deep as Football Manager. That's too bad because I really start loving hockey now that I live in Canada.
You'd think it would be somewhat deep since they're charging a hefty price :/
I really doubt this will be as deep as Football Manager. That's too bad because I really start loving hockey now that I live in Canada.
It's different from those games in that Sony doesn't have any control of the studio or what they make after Rapture.
Wonder what the weekly deals are.
You'd think it would be somewhat deep since they're charging a hefty price :/
Weekly Deals so far:
Unmechanical (Good!)
Postal 2
Chrome - Specforce
Star Trek
The 39 Steps
So far I have played 11 hours of Spelunky. 12,xx was a steal.
Weekly Deals so far:
Unmechanical (Good!)
Postal 2
Chrome - Specforce
Star Trek
The 39 Steps
I must have missed it then, sorry. I'll proceed to shut up because it seems I don't have any idea what I'm talking about.Rionaa dude <3 he did it yesterday.
See? I don't even know what's cool anymoreQuake 3 is so 1999. It's all about ShootMania now.![]()
In the absence of anything I need, I think I'll bite on the Hookups DMC deal.
huh, I thought the Greenlight Anniversary sale was supposed to last longer?
ModBot said:Just quote this message and paste the quote in the thread:
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Mini Motor Racing EVO --MB-0F4CC4A1FF005F8C- Taken by Dambrosi
Skulls of the Shogun is daily deal, 50% off, 6,99.
Not to drag this thread off into a tangent, but what's the currently-recommended method for downloading YouTube videos in 1080p? I usually use the Easy YouTube Video Downloader extension for Firefox, which worked fine in the past, but it's presently awaiting a review by Mozilla and thus hasn't been updated in a while, rendering it useless. Keep-tube.com is apparently of no help also "due to a recent change by YouTube" and the alternatives the site mentioned got me nowhere.
Not to drag this thread off into a tangent, but what's the currently-recommended method for downloading YouTube videos in 1080p? I usually use the Easy YouTube Video Downloader extension for Firefox, which worked fine in the past, but it's presently awaiting a review by Mozilla and thus hasn't been updated in a while, rendering it useless. Keep-tube.com is apparently of no help also "due to a recent change by YouTube" and the alternatives the site mentioned got me nowhere.
If anyone wants to host a Skulls on the Shogun 4 pack, I'm in.
I use Video DownloadHelper, it does the job (and works for plenty of other video websites).
1-Click Youtube Video Downloader is by far the best Firefox one I've used, much better than Easy Youtube.
Neither are working.They detected the various files (though not the 1080p one, but that's okay), however I'm just getting zero-byte MP4s of nothingness.
I use Flashgot, which still seems to work.Not to drag this thread off into a tangent, but what's the currently-recommended method for downloading YouTube videos in 1080p?
Weekly Deals so far:
Unmechanical (Good!)
Postal 2
Chrome - Specforce
Star Trek
The 39 Steps
You can try Jdownloader, used to work, but haven't tried in a while.Neither are working.They detected the various files (though not the 1080p one, but that's okay), however I'm just getting zero-byte MP4s of nothingness.
I was going to say this, and also mention the Java applet. This site always worked fine for me, and it also allows you to download the audio in .mp3.I've always used keepvid.com. Still working, gives you 3gp, flv, mp4 and webm options for youtube videos.
Edit: You may not like having to agree to using the java applet though.
I was going to say this, and also mention the Java applet. This site always worked fine for me, and it also allows you to download the audio in .mp3.
I've always used keepvid.com. Still working, gives you 3gp, flv, mp4 and webm options for youtube videos.
Edit: You may not like having to agree to using the java applet though.
I use Flashgot, which still seems to work.
You can try Jdownloader, used to work, but haven't tried in a while.
jDownloader does work, but it's kind of a pain in the ass to wait for it's JavaScript ass to load.
Here are the two easiest ways to download things from youtube, and a third one I stopped using because the other two are much easier:
Method 1: Change the address bar address to www.ssyoutube.com
I don't really like this method, because the page is not to the point. There's too much shit for me to click to find the video I want, but it's the dumb, foolproof, "my mom keeps asking me how to download videos from youtube" method: go to the youtube page you want to download, let's say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JoQZs72JKE. Just add "ss" before the youtube address (change www.youtube.com to www.ssyoutube.com). It'll redirect you to a page that will allow you to download the video in the qualities it show up.
Method 2: http://videotools.12pings.net/
This site is much better as it works with a million video sites, including twitch. It's usually a copy/paste url process, but I've learned that YouTube requires you to add a javascript bookmark on Chrome, because the youtube videos served to you depend on your location. Just go to the youtube page, click a bookmark on your toolbar and a new tab will show up with all the youtube links for you to download.
Method 3: Chrome Extension
Ultimate Youtube Downloader adds a dropdown menu on youtube pages that provide you with links to download the videos, but it recently stopped working with SOME 720p videos. However, it's so non-intrusive that I usually try to use it first, only going for the Javascript Bookmark method when this one fails.
Anyone got any Leviathan Warships impressions? Was thinking of biting on the Humble Weekly but only want that game.
Huh. Why don't you try pasting that Saoirse video link here so we can try puzzling it out along with youWasn't doing anything for me.![]()
Not to drag this thread off into a tangent, but what's the currently-recommended method for downloading YouTube videos in 1080p? I usually use the Easy YouTube Video Downloader extension for Firefox, which worked fine in the past, but it's presently awaiting a review by Mozilla and thus hasn't been updated in a while, rendering it useless. Keep-tube.com is apparently of no help also "due to a recent change by YouTube" and the alternatives the site mentioned got me nowhere.
Huh. Why don't you try pasting that Saoirse video link here so we can try puzzling it out along with you![]()
Valve should have a 10th september anniversary sale where every single game released is 90% off.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6ZV_pZZ_V8 (It's a music video, but she's in it.)
Valve should have a 10th september anniversary sale where every single game released is 90% off.
Added to the week long sale:
Deep Black: Reloaded
Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
I beat Aliens: Colonial Marines on hard, all collectible dog tags, all audio logs, all legendary weapons. My Steam playtime was about 12 hours, but the timer keeps ticking when you alt-tab out so my total actual playtime was more like 10. If you count all the crummy checkpointing and near auto-deaths that I got from playing on Hard, I suspect this is more like a 6-7 hour game for most people playing. I played with a 360 pad.
What worked:
- Moving and shooting is basically competent, although weapons feel samey and weapon feedback is not great in audio or visual terms.
- Most of the minute-to-minute stuff in the levels was decent although pretty linear. Some visual design aspects were nice. The variety of areas was fairly low, though.
- The score is good, but maybe a little too bombastic for what's going on. It's especially annoying when an event happens, there's 20 Xenos, massive score up in here, and then... you kill 19 and you're walking through a mostly empty room with one Xeno left but the score is still playing like it's an adrenaline pumping moment.
- There's a good number of collectibles that help encourage you to pace yourself more slowly. Many of the collectibles are references to non-in-game Alien stuff, so if you're a series fan there's some stuff here that's cool
- It's neat that you can level up and unlock upgrades for weapons, but the system is too shallow. Most of the upgrades are more like side-grades, and actually function mostly to lower weapon variety. Given that I can carry an Assault Rifle and a Shotgun, why would I choose an upgrade that switches my Assault Rifle's grande launcher alt-fire with a shotgun alt-fire? Likewise, the legendary weapons are neat throwbacks to Alien/s but they don't actually play any differently. Weapons boil down to semi-automatic assault weapons and shotguns. Period. You have pistols but you'd never use them. Grenades suck. No matter what upgrades you get you get some variety of semi-automatic assault weapons and shotguns.
- The stealth level. So there's the famous GIF of the game where a Xenomorph walks right by a stationary player and ignores him. This gives the false impression that Xenomorph AI is terrible. Well, sorry, the xenomorph AI is terrible but this GIF is not accurate. The level in which this GIF takes place is a stealth level. The premise is that the type of xenomorphs you are in the level with are completely blind but hear sound. Make a sound and they will suicide bomb you. But walk quietly and you are safe. So what you see in the GIF is the intended gameplay. I liked this level well enough--but one problem: for plot reasons, the level takes away your weapons and scanner. That's fine. So why do I still have my welding torch to cut through doors?
- Graphics are a mixed bag. There are some pretty ugly textures, especially humans coccooned by Xenomorphs. Hideous modeling. But there's also some occasionally nice light and weather effects, mud looks decent, etc. Note: I played this post-graphics improving patch. Seems to me like a nice looking game that's been in development way too long.
- There are in-game challenges for you to complete while playing to encourage gameplay variety. This is very cool. The problem is the system is not that well implemented. There are three tracks of challenges. One is Xenomorph-related, so can only be worked through in Multiplayer. Fine. There are two tracks of challenges. Challenges include things like "Shotgun two enemies to death with one shot", "Fire an entire rifle clip without missing a single shot", "Headshot ten xenomorphs with your pistol", etc. The first major problem is that particular challenges are only possible on particular levels. So for example I got a xenomorph themed challenge in a segment of the game where I went about 45 minutes without fighting a xenomorph. You can't switch out challenges, and each track has a linear list--you can't complete a challenge that isn't active. As a result, I think it'd only be possible to actually get through all the challenges if you played 4 or 5 times or if some of them unlock in multiplayer
What didn't work
- Combat design basically consisting of insane amounts of identical enemies is boring. The game consists of human enemies, human tank enemies, xenomorphs, xenomorphs that spit acid, xenomorphs that hide and charge you, and facehuggers (and for one level the aforementioned blind suicide bombers). That's the extent of enemy variety. It's relentless. Every room you enter will have a half-dozen vents for Xenomorphs to jump out of. Xenomorph jumps towards you -> shotgun to face. Enemies are further away -> machinegun them.
- Cover. The game is built around cover based combat. There is no cover system, it's just manually ducking behind boxes. This is one way in which the game reminds me of DNF. It's a relic. When they started making this game, cover meant what it means here. Today we expect more agile cover options.
- Nothing really happens. The levels really lack either interesting design (like Doom, Quake, and other early FPS games) or interesting setpieces (like the modern CoD/Halo pedigree). You just kinda keep on keeping on. I liked maybe a handful of segments of the game outside the stealth level mentioned above. The few sections, particularly the hangar, where you had to defend against an onslaught of enemies were pretty neat.
- The story and characters. Dialogue is terrible and mostly just marine jargon. Everyone in this game boils down to being characterized as "Badass"--there's no real depth beyond that. The story makes absolutely no sense. I feel like I had an idea of what my current objective was, but looking back I don't really see how the story spread out. The ending especially makes no sense. Some of the story would probably make sense if you're a die-hard series fan and you've rewatched Alien 3 recently, but I haven't and mostly when cutscenes popped up (cutscenes btw are typical ugly in-engine pre-rendered macroblocked-to-fit-on-a-DVD crap) I groaned. The voice acting also sucks because the material they have to work from sucks. I can't imagine that either Alien fans looking for more or people who haven't seen Alien looking for original and interesting sci-fi would find much to like here.
- When fighting Xenomorphs, damage feedback is terrible. They jump near you and your health drains. You don't see any kind of clawing animation. There's no pain sound effect. You just take damage. I still don't actually know why. Also occasionally they one-hit kill implant you in a dumb death thing.
- Occasional QTEs add nothing and suck. Object interaction (cutting through doors, pressing elevator buttons, "hacking computers" by pushing X and watching a bar fill) is boring. Enemies can attack you just after object interaction and before you get your controls back including OHKOs.
- The first boss fight, against the Raven. I talked about it earlier. It's terrible. You pilot a very very slow power-loader. You use melee attacks against a boss that does a third of your health in damage every time he hits. It takes 36+ hits to kill him on Hard. He's surrounded by smaller xenomorphs who also do 1/3rd of your health in damage. Your AI companions shoot at the boss, which they cannot injure, rather than the smaller xenomorphs, which they can. The suggested strategy is to glitch the boss into a wall and wail on it and hope the smaller xenomorphs do not kill you. The patch actually made this fight more difficult. This is inexplicable. Games that have parts that have nothing to do with the rest of the game and make those parts exponentially more difficult than the rest of the game are the worst (like Dead Space 1's asteroids minigame). This was a miserable experience, probably took me 50 tries. I googled it, and everywhere on the internet the feedback is that this fight sucks.
- Checkpointing is terrible. Lots of segments where there's checkpoint, long stretch of walking through nothing in particular, combat scenario, combat scenario, combat scenario, walking, combat scenario, checkpoint... so if you die in that final combat scenario, expect 5-10 minutes of replay and a total slog. No idea how they haven't fixed this with patching. And because health is segmented and regenerating and health drops appear in between the checkpoints this doesn't really make particular checkpoint gauntlets challenging or fulfilling... just long and annoying. There are no alternate dialogue lines for cases where you fail multiple times in arrow, so expect a lot of "Look at all DAT JOOOOSE!!!!" style frustration.
- The final boss fight, againstis very anti-climactic. The way you fight it is kind of neat conceptually but it's not really engaging or challenging when you play it.The Alien Queen
- Lots of clipping glitches, several enemy stuck in wall glitches (including the aforementioned way to beat the first boss).
Final verdict
I can handle games that are rough around the edges because usually they try something different. Unorthodox mechanics, interesting themes or characters, maybe an emphasis on score attack or something that incentivizes alternate playstyles, whatever. I play a lot of "bad" games--I've played Neverdead, Dead Space 3, Too Human, Beowulf: The Movie the Game, Infinite Undiscovery, Darkest of Days, Secret Service, EYE, Exodus from the Earth, Deus Ex Invisible War, Lost the Game, most of Hitman Absolution, Red Faction: Armageddon, the Sherlock Holmes adventure games--some of these I really really enjoyed (and almost all of them I've finished). I think there's value both in playing a trainwreck to help better understand good games and why they're good, and because it's useful to understand that even when something doesn't work, some elements do.
All in all this is not a good game and more importantly, it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Because it doesn't bring anything new to the table, I wouldn't recommend it at any price. If you do choose to put yourself through this, play on a lower difficulty to avoid the boss fight difficulty spike and also to make the experience quicker. Most deaths come from instantaneous and unexpected sources rather than prolonged poor play.
I'd give it a 4 or 5/10 or so. It's functional, but boring and derivative and generally frustrating.
Looks like this one is recent enough to have the latest youtube encryption to defeat downloaders. Give it a week, I'd say.
Including long-lost titles like Stalin vs Martians and Outrun 2006.
WHAT?!?!?! Why did I never heard of it before? Does it allow to download videos in 1080p?It's weird that you of all people don't use that Opera Extension
Aw.Thanks for the looking into it.
They don't have the rights to sell those games anymore. So they'd have to just give them to us for free.
Well, keepvid does it as mentioned before, but has the whole java applet and suspicious ads thing against it.
wall of text...:O