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Question on cards.If i trade or sell a card that i have, will i be able to earn that same card again by playing or will i need to trade with someone or buy the card?
Question on cards.If i trade or sell a card that i have, will i be able to earn that same card again by playing or will i need to trade with someone or buy the card?
1 day 21 hours here, durn. I shouldn't pick up more games at full price at the moment, but I've got a soft spot for CoI... I think it was one of the first 16-bit games I played, if not the first.
Apologies if I missed an earlier explanation but I've seen you state the same regarding difficulty on other "troubled" games and I'm curious why? Having recently beat Hitman Absolution and Dead Space 3 (and currently playing the recent Wolfenstein), the idea of playing through those games on a difficulty that would more significantly impede my ability to get to the good elements seems counter-intuitive, particularly when the game may not really be tuned for those difficulties and would result in disproportionate frustration (Hitman certainly created this scenario).
Easy is often tuned too far down to pose any challenge (which is fine and IMO how it should be) but I've played many flawed games where a "correct" difficulty didn't exist and you're left teetering between "a little easy for my tastes"-medium and "gun in mouth if I have to replay that section"-hard, in which case the former option at least lets you experience the content without pointlessly wasting hours of your life.
You have a chance to get duplicates whenever you get a card through drops or booster packs, whether you've sold or still got the card.Question on cards.If i trade or sell a card that i have, will i be able to earn that same card again by playing or will i need to trade with someone or buy the card?
Fair enough, although in Hitman that delineation iirc didn't really exist between option 2 and 3. It LOOKED like it existed on the menu but in reality the 2nd difficulty semi-fixed the instinct mechanic (in that you only needed it for the rare multi-kill and disguises) and still let you play the challenges.I play most games on the normal difficulty... so if there are three choices, the second of three, if there are four choices, I normally go with two or three depending on descriptors. If there are five choices, three or four. All the reviews for A:CM mentioned the enemy AI was braindead so I figured hard (3rd of 4) was a good choice to make it not a cakewalk. I do like being challenged. The checkpointing is quite poor, though, so that's a major disincentive to playing anything above easy. The boss fight which is by far the worst part of the game was actually altered in a patch to be even harder.
Hitman is a little different. The game groups its difficulty levels into gimp mode or actually playing Hitman mode. So I played on the easiest of the actually playing HItman difficulties. Hitman's problem is that sneaking-stealth just isn't enjoyable and instinct is basically broken as a game mechanic. Bring back my social stealth. But actually my save got corrupted 13 missions in so I'm probably going to replay on the easiest.
It was all explained on the previous page.So someone is working on a STALKER: SOC beta patch.
Previously, the most recent patch was 1.005, someone just updated a beta build on the registry titled, '1.006.'
It seems weird to put The 39 Steps on sale while it's still in a bundle. You can get it from Groupees for a dollar if you really want it.
Once again, anyone want to host a Skulls of the Shogun 4 pack?
Just completed To The Moon.
Just completed To The Moon.
Buy it, yo
No reviews for outlast or amnesia yet right?
Just completed To The Moon.
Oh man, this game. So good. Never thought such a little game could be so powerful, but it is. Loved the writing, which at first I thought would be pretentious and ridiculous. But no, To the Moon hits you hard, but does it in a good way.Just completed To The Moon.
I was just half way through, will finish before Rome 2.Just completed To The Moon.
I can honestly say that my hype for the sequel exceeds that of many long-standing franchises including GTAV, just the perfect game to play while curled up in your bed with a nice mug of hot cocoa.
Indie games have basically kept me in this hobby after Sony and Microsoft came in and did what they did.Indie games have provided me far more enjoyment than AAA games have in recent memory.
I remember playing Hotline Miami immediately after Tomb Raider, and surprised how not fun a multi-million budget AAA title is compared to an indie game.Indie games have provided me far more enjoyment than AAA games have in recent memory.
Alright my good fellow GAFfers, decided to start fresh (again) on Legend of Grimrock. Wish my luck!
Here's my gang for now:
I remember playing Hotline Miami immediately after Tomb Raider, and surprised how not fun a multi-million budget AAA title is compared to an indie game.
Indie games don't have the hype or expectations that AAA games do. It makes a huge difference to me.Indie games have provided me far more enjoyment than AAA games have in recent memory.
Indie games have basically kept me in this hobby after Sony and Microsoft came in and did what they did.
Indie games have basically kept me in this hobby after Sony and Microsoft came in and did what they did.
Damn tee-vee boxes ruined games!What exactly did they do... Your telling me PC gaming was better pre PSX ?
What exactly did they do... Your telling me PC gaming was better pre PSX ?
You could make an excellent case for it.
What time do pre-loaded games unlock? Rayman Legends comes out tomorrow and I want to be able to play it, even though I have classes literally all day
If you go to the store page it gives you the unlock time. I am seeing 16 hours on the US store.
I agree. It isn't either-or, nor us and them. They're all games, and I'm glad the two of them coexist. And even bad devs can make good games, and vice versa.I don't really see a difference between AAA and indie titles anymore. There are just good games and bad games, good devs and bad devs to me. I'm hoping the superior titles from smaller devs force bigger companies to lift their game. I think this is already somewhat evident with titles like The Last Of Us, which added a lot more "gameplay" than perhaps could have been expected.
I spent 40 hours playing Civ V in the last 3 days.
What exactly did they do... Your telling me PC gaming was better pre PSX ?
Or like how I don't limit myself to being attracted to one race.I try not to limit myself to one set of games. Just like I don't limit myself to arthouse films.
I put in about 20 hours this weekend after saying I'd only play for a couple hours to check out the new expansion.
Last night, I look at my watch and it's 2 AM. I look down again and it's 4 AM. Scary stuff.