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Unconfirmed Member
One thing to keep in mind is that no-one is magically instantly good at these games. You get good at hem by putting lots of time into them. Practice makes perfect, and these games are eventually much more satisfying when you do get good at them.

Some of the skill does transfer over between games though, someone who's mastered several bullet hell games will probably progress much more quickly in a new bullet hell game. If you've beaten Demon Souls, Dark Souls will be a lot easier, etc.

Rogue Legacy is a bit different as the upgrading means everyone can beat the game eventually if you keep levelling up. Someone who's better at the game will just beat it sooner, but eventually you reach the point where you can simply tank the final boss by standing next to him and hitting him.
The problem is that I can never get the motivation to keep playing for long. After dying repeatedly on the same part, I don't feel like playing the game anymore. It's simply not fun, and makes me feel like the worst player in the world.

How can people put up with that, and continue anyway? What's the secret?


Pretty sure that's the last daily deal for Acti also. Man they just don't want to sell.

Yeah,did not buy shit from Steam or any other digital store this weekend except MoH: Airborne on Steam. Was about to use the GOG 5 games for 80% off deal when I saw how crappy Driftmoon looked.


The problem is that I can never get the motivation to keep playing for long. After dying repeatedly on the same part, I don't feel like playing the game anymore. It's simply not fun, and makes me feel like the worst player in the world.

How can people put up with that, and continue anyway? What's the secret?

This. Plus, I've got like, 500 other games, so why should I spend my valuable time on this game that might get "fun if you spend 50 hours training yourself, yo"?


This. Plus, I've got like, 500 other games, so why should I spend my valuable time on this game that might get "fun if you spend 50 hours training yourself, yo"?

For some people, that whole process of training yourself and getting better until you can get past those rough parts is where a lot of the enjoyment comes from. People have different thresholds for frustration, though. What one person considers an enjoyable challenge, someone else might find too grindy or tedious.


For a company that tried to move away from Steam they sure have had a lot of daily deals this week.
I don't think Valve is ever again going to let them have a publisher weekend like what Acti has going on right now, so guess they'll have to settle for sloppy seconds.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that's what I hesitated to say to RionaaM yesterday when he mentioned the fact that he skipped 2.
Yup, it is indeed a meh port, I experienced several crashs, the game is not beautiful and I even had to tone down the settings a bit for the frame rate seemed, not bad, just strange, floaty (?).
Buttt, in my experience it was nowhere near a catastrophic port. In fact I just played through it for the first time some days ago in preparation for SR3 then SR4.

And for the record RionaaM, I think I could have wrote 90% of what you replied to me concerning you desire to play series in order, that's partly why your post resonated so much for me.

So it buggered me to no end that I hadn't finished SR1 and was jumping on 2. But all that my time with the first one evokes to me is 'shitty, very shitty GTA clone'. So 2 it was. And while there is quite some references to the first one, I could enjoy SR2. It still has an awful lot of secondary mission padding. Bad secondary missions too. But the main quest is full of fun moments and quirky characters you grow fond of.
Still of the mind that Volition didn't know where it wanted to go with the series, what's with the huge tonal change practically at each iteration, but after SR2 I will gladly play SR3 and onward.
So I'm not alone in that way of thinking, great!

It's nice to see the SR2 is still playable despite everything, so I may try it someday. It isn't as crazy as SR3, right?


I don't think Valve is ever again going to let them have a publisher weekend like what Acti has going on right now, so guess they'll have to settle for sloppy seconds.

I don't think Valve should ever let anyone else have a publisher weekend like what Acti has going on right now. :p


Some guy added me to trade then spoiled the ending of GTA V.

Some guy added me to trade then spoiled the ending of GTA V.

It's almost like you didn't listen to everyone when they said don't give out some free crap to someone and then you got bombarded by invites, scammers, and trolls.

And you've been complaining about it for weeks now.


Unconfirmed Member
The worst thing I realized about sharing with my friends is that i'm the only one who really buys games on steam. Im not greedy but man I don't exactly want to share on a one way street.
Yeah, if I add the games of all my RL friends who use Steam it probably doesn't reach half of my games count, and I don't even have that much.

I'd still do it, it's not like I'll lose anything by doing that. But in my case the sharing feature is only useful for my friends, not for me.


Registry leaks are now somewhat less likely to occur going forward as subs marked as DevComp no longer publicly broadcast their actual names.

This is exactly right.

At this point, a developer has to slip up royally for us to even know who is working on what, let alone what game they are working on.


Daily: Red Alert 3 75% off
Activision daily: Blops 2 50% off?

Is this real life? Why do they completely disregard the rest of their library.

I'll definitely miss my Genuine Stovepipe Sniper Shako.

There was a great item in Diablo 2 called Shako.


Harlequin Crest

Defense: 98-141 (varies)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
+2 To All Skills
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
Damage Reduced By 10%
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 To All Attributes
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

Totally waiting for a PS4 version or a PC version at the very least. There are a bunch of other games to play while waiting. Plus, by the time a PS4/PC version is available, we will have the real picture, not IGN's wallet filling one.

I found this in a GTAV thread, I thought he made a very good point.
Going to post this again: I have a code from the Elder Scrolls Anthology which includes the Morrowind Game of the Year Edition, Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe Edition, and Skyrim Legendary Edition. Anyone who doesn't have any of these games feel like trading? Especially someone with a spare code for Dishonored lying around somewhere. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Is this real life? Why do they completely disregard the rest of their library.
25% off is 3DS eShop-like levels of terrible sales. Such a joke.

I know, 25% is better than 0%, but I'm not going to touch such old (and not so old) games at those ridiculous prices anytime soon. Your loss, Acti.

Going to post this again: I have a code from the Elder Scrolls Anthology which includes the Morrowind Game of the Year Edition, Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe Edition, and Skyrim Legendary Edition. Anyone who doesn't have any of these games feel like trading? Especially someone with a spare code for Dishonored lying around somewhere. :lol
Wanna trade it for Rage?


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
The problem is that I can never get the motivation to keep playing for long. After dying repeatedly on the same part, I don't feel like playing the game anymore. It's simply not fun, and makes me feel like the worst player in the world.

How can people put up with that, and continue anyway? What's the secret?

It's a matter of perspective for the most part. The key is not "I'm the worst player in the world" or "I'll never get better at this, I suck", but having the desire and believing that you will get better or will learn that one trick that it takes or figuring out the mechanics of the world. In my mind getting better at titles like Super Meat Boy from Super Mario 3D Land or Kirby's Epic Yarn to Volgarr the Viking isn't that far removed, it's me learning the mechanics and learning how to best use them even if I do die often/lose points or time.

A title like Demon's Souls or early Castlevanias or Rayman Legends I see what's coming in front of me and I know I could get there, I just have to learn to react better or figure out the right way to go about it. A title like Mega Man 2 could seem hard with the bosses, but once it's known what they are weak to it's suddenly not so bad for most. The fact it's not "impossible" tells me it can be done, so I keep going for it.

The important key in that though is if I enjoy the game play. I don't actually like Dark Souls due to certain sections, certain enemies, and other issues I won't get into and it simply wasn't fun for me I had to force my way through certain parts of the game and I can't stand that. So even though I could get past areas, I could improve and react better, I didn't want to because it wasn't fun for me to play. A lot of single player FPS on the hardest difficulty setting could be beat I know, but if it's just bullet sponges with cheap A.I., and me with very little health as the "difficulty" than I'm not going to bother because it's no fun for me.
On the other hand Rogue Legacy and FTL I'm always dying and not always improving, but I enjoy playing it still because the game play is fun and that prevents any stress. There is a game on Mega Drive called Death Duel that I have never beat, I'm not sure I will ever be able to beat it, and yet I love playing the game from time to time despite getting stuck at the same enemy every time with no visible improvement.

I enjoy a challenge in games, Save for a few games where I just play to play such as Death Duel or most casual puzzle titles (sudoku, picross, etc) I enjoy being able to say I improved or figured out what the game was throwing at me. Single player or multiplayer, it's a sense of progression in a game even if it's just me being better at it rather than a level bar increasing or percentage going up. If you don't feel that progression any more, if you don't have the sense of "I could get better at this" and most importantly you don't feel like the game play by itself is fun enough to keep going at, than there is no secret or way to get over it and may never be, and that's okay to move on from if it's just not for you.


Yeah, if I add the games of all my RL friends who use Steam it probably doesn't reach half of my games count, and I don't even have that much.

I'd still do it, it's not like I'll lose anything by doing that. But in my case the sharing feature is only useful for my friends, not for me.

look at this guy, boasting about all the real life friends he has


Going to post this again: I have a code from the Elder Scrolls Anthology which includes the Morrowind Game of the Year Edition, Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe Edition, and Skyrim Legendary Edition. Anyone who doesn't have any of these games feel like trading? Especially someone with a spare code for Dishonored lying around somewhere. :lol

Wrong thread to post in, either go here: Steam Trading OT or here Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2013

Wanna trade it for Rage?

Same for you ;p


It's almost like you didn't listen to everyone when they said don't give out some free crap to someone and then you got bombarded by invites, scammers, and trolls.

And you've been complaining about it for weeks now.

Nah man, this guy was a actual trader. Decided to ask me if I liked GTA V. Said yea, few days lter I wake up to a slashing steam message. He didn't even think it was a big deal.
After 19 hours of Spelunky I finally reached the jungle.....and died.

Well if it makes you feel any better, I've just got to the penultimate sector in FTL for the first time and I've played the game for 26 hours.....on EASY!

I rock! :p

Seriously though I'm loving the game and gradually getting there. It will be nice to finally finish it but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a game I often fire up to play just for fun. It might even be hard to tear myself away from it to play a game in my backlog. If this is what rogue-likes are generally like then I may have a found a new gaming genre love :D.


For some people, that whole process of training yourself and getting better until you can get past those rough parts is where a lot of the enjoyment comes from. People have different thresholds for frustration, though. What one person considers an enjoyable challenge, someone else might find too grindy or tedious.

I am a fossil and never trained muscle memory when I was younger with the 'right' kind of games (I was an adventure/turn based RPG gamer and played PC games exclusively), so yeah, not much enjoyment for me in those games.


So I finally started up Afterfall Insanity that I won from JaseC.
Played about an hour so far. It's not bad at all, has the typical jank from these sort of euro games and is a bit simple game play wise. But i've never been one to be bothered by that sort of thing. So it's definitely worth a play i'd say thus far.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
So I finally started up Afterfall Insanity that I won from JaseC.
Played about an hour so far. It's not bad at all, has the typical jank from these sort of euro games and is a bit simple game play wise. But i've never been one to be bothered by that sort of thing. So it's definitely worth a play i'd say thus far.

It becomes progressively shittier and by the end you will probably take back everything positive you said about the game.
I am a fossil and never trained muscle memory when I was younger with the 'right' kind of games (I was an adventure/turn based RPG gamer and played PC games exclusively), so yeah, not much enjoyment for me in those games.

Pfft, I'm even more of a fossil than you youn'un.

Yeah that's my excuse too :p. That and my thought process isn't as nimble as it used to be when I was younger. As a result I get on much better with slower paced games or games that give me enough time to think and not have to process too much sensory input at the same time. So you can imagine that I'm not overly drawn to bullet hell shooters for example [although I like the idea of them]. Heh, when I play 2D Mario platformers I forget that it's essentially a game designed for the player to hold down the run button and use quick twitch reflexes to make quick decisions and try to play it methodically as that's my natural bent [as it were]. Consequently I always fare much better with 3D Mario games and am pretty rubbish at 2D Mario games as a result. I think I've only finished a couple of those despite playing most of them. I can generally get by through sheer bloody minded perseverance though but I have to enjoy the game enough to put the hard yards in. I'm not that much of a masochist :). Right, back to my gaming love du jour.
Some guy added me to trade then spoiled the ending of GTA V.


But how do you know if it's the real ending or not? I remember coming up with bogus movie endings that my friends wanted to see just to tease him. Then the cads started to spoil the endings for real and week before seeing Armageddon I received an SMS containing "He dies" from one of them.

That's why I hate Ben Affleck.
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