Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity is the Daily at 66% off ($6.79). Also, Vessel is half off ($7.49) for the next four weeks.
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity is the Daily at 66% off ($6.79). Also, Vessel is half off ($7.49) for the next four weeks.
Apparently Civ 5 is still the daily deal. So we have 2 daily deals.
Yeah, recently the previous "Daily" Deal has continued for a further day while out of the spotlight. I don't know if this in error or an intentional change.
The weeklong deal sets should increase the chance of Timeshift eventually ending up in one, right Jasec?
Speaking of grinding, today, I have understood how to play Dota 2: the game is a grind-festival, but contrary to most games we are used to, you do not grind by fighting but you grind by last hitting. Knowing this transforms me, in the beginners' party at least, from the noobest zero-kill guy to the big boss.
The weeklong deal sets should increase the chance of Timeshift eventually ending up in one, right Jasec?
I like the way you think!
One day we will get it for 5$ and it will be good because it was only 5$.
So Steam did that thing where it randomly uninstalls a game, but not really 'cos all you need to do is double-click and it comes back? Except it did it to all my fucking games. Is there any way to fix this without manually double-clicking them all, cos that will take like FIVE MINUTES.
Already did the .blob thing.
One day we will get it for 5$ and it will be good because it was only 5$.
So your perception will have shifted?
Man they're putting the least interesting Steam games on these weeklong sales
You have a while to go. There is just a bit more to it then that.Speaking of grinding, today, I have understood how to play Dota 2: the game is a grind-festival, but contrary to most games we are used to, you do not grind by fighting but you grind by last hitting. Knowing this transforms me, in the beginners' party at least, from the noobest zero-kill guy to the big boss.
That makes his statement even more strange then.
I like to describe Gatling Gears as a Steampunk version of Renegade Ops. If you like these type of games, it's a lot of fun.
How do the legacy of kain games hold up?
You have a while to go. There is just a bit more to it then that.
Sure, but this piece of knowledge makes a huge difference in the beginners' game. It is as if you play an FPS against people whom nobody told left-click is to shoot.
I think it's way more shmup-like than ROPs.I like to describe Gatling Gears as a Steampunk version of Renegade Ops. If you like these type of games, it's a lot of fun.
You need an EA account (which are now called Origin accounts I guess). I don't think you need Origin.I'm reading the store info of Gattling Gears and... does it require Origin? Just wondering.
You need an EA account (which are now called Origin accounts I guess). I don't think you need Origin.
I believe this game, Warp, BurnoutI see. I was wondering if it's similar to Dead Space 2, that kept nagging me about making an account but, no sir, I didn't make any accounts and played single player and that was it.
Seems in this case I would need to make the account no matter what?
Not very well at all.
That's pretty much the issue that results in any frustration with bosses (that there is a "proper" way to grind and it's not what RPG fans are used to, not that a change in mechanics is a bad thing once you're aware of it). PC version isn't as bad because of the slowed ranking up process, reserves gaining stats, linking not punishing you and various other changes, even if enemies are technically stronger. I'm not sure if it's possible on PC to gimp yourself to the point I did on 360 (having to restart).
Soul Reaver 1 and 2 may be harder pills to swallow but still offer some of the best early examples of 3D action adventure and are worth going through for the story. Your statement however does not apply at all to Defiance, which has tight platforming and combat even to this day. It's the grandpappy of modern third person melee combat along with DMC, but more akin to darksiders with its environmental puzzles mixed with combat bits.
It's almost too much fun once your bloodlust begins to dawn on yourself. Using swordplay and fast teleportation to zip between a few close combat enemies and using the moment you've afforded yourself to quickly toss an archer into a spiked object or throw him off the castle wall holds up against some of the more modern games in the genre. I'll have no such dissing saying otherwise.
Paging Mama Robotnik! Save me!
Well, that sucks. I love to grind, this one was no exception, and I never had any problems, even with the hardest bosses(PC version).
Should I be worried about buying the Soul Reaver bundle and activating it on a US steam account?
The bundle is on the US GG site for $4.50.
You probably won't see higher percentage off before release
10% off + 20% coupon at GreenManGaming.
I am sure you will see some good deals in a week or so.
Normally if a Game is bundled with a GPU, you will see the codes on ebay or such for 15-20.
I got the Game for 19,50 from Nuveem 3 days ago.
err, um... I didn't know there was a US GG site.
I bought it from the UK site before I thought to worry.