Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 4 Pack having a price glitch again?
why do I keep missing this :/
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 4 Pack having a price glitch again?
why do I keep missing this :/
It's a rather good game, yes, though I think I had more fun playing the first game on my old Nokia 5200 than with the Steam version. Maybe because of the novelty, haven't played many space combat games. That is, until I experienced a glitch which made me get stuck right in the beginning of a certain mission, and couldn't move at all, rendering the game completely unplayable unless I started a new game.I am actually digging Galaxy on Fire 2, but that could just be ancient X-Wing vs Tie Fighter nostalgia since probably the only real space flight combat game I've played since then would be the old Microsoft Allegiance once it became open-source. I can see certain things may be become repetitive, but it seems pretty well done.
A final fantasy 8 package just got updated in the registry. Probably nothing but intriguing nonetheless.
What does it really mean when a package is updated?
That's just the universe protecting you.
that's a good way to think about it -fuzzy feeling-
Sleepy Dawgs DLC Q
Somehow i managed to finish the game w/ only like 9.5 levels of Triad XP. Are there any DLC's that add Triad missions or some that can boost that XP? I'm getting pissed running the same missions over and over again and since the DLC is just some change right now, figured I'd bite and save myself a headache.
I was going to buy Killing Floor while it was on sale on GmG for $5 but I guess my bank considers it a "Gambling site". Sale is over now, unfortunately.
Game looks pretty cool. Do people still play it enough to make it worth buying for $20?
Guys. GUYS!
You were totally right, Hotline Miami is brilliant.
Guess that'll work. thanks!
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 4 Pack having a price glitch again?
You probably only need to pick up one of those packs to finish up the Triad leveling.
This one might work too, but I don't have it to confirm:
I was going to buy Killing Floor while it was on sale on GmG for $5 but I guess my bank considers it a "Gambling site". Sale is over now, unfortunately.
Game looks pretty cool. Do people still play it enough to make it worth buying for $20?
damn i missed it. how much was it?
right, was looking at that one as well. Will probably pick up all the ones that have 'missions' associated with them. Definitely the Batmobile one because....Batmobile
Yeah, I plan on picking up all the DLC with any mention of missions (the batmobile pack supposedly has 5 missions) this summer sale probably and just blow through it all in one go. I have forgotten all the combat mechanics so I'd rather not go piecemeal.
Xi3 Piston Steam Box trailer
source:”-trailer-surfaces/ - deserves its own thread?
You think there will be more DLC? If so, probably best to wait until SummerSale as well. It would have to be 75% during SS as well I'd imagine.
It just occurred to me that the original Euro Truck Sim was released on Steam without needing to go through Greenlight. Is this the first piece of evidence we have that suggests greenlit developers/publishers can leave the less-than-perfect system behind them once one of their products has been selected?
Been a long time since I've lurked in this thread. Since it's my birthday, and I have gotten some games here in the past; First person to quote this gets Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.![]()
Tomb Raider is good so far (30%). Could have been great if it didn't take away control the whole time. CD needs to be punched in the balls for calling them "tombs" though. More like "tight tubes with babby's first puzzle at the end".
Been a long time since I've lurked in this thread. Since it's my birthday, and I have gotten some games here in the past; First person to quote this gets Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.![]()
Thank you so much! And happy birthday!Grats! Nice avatar btw.
Pick up Bioshock Infinite, comes in a couple weeks.
You get Bioshock 1, Infinite, and Xcom with one preorder.
Age of Empires II HD is coming out April 5th, as Jase said.
Sword of the Stars: The Pit, cool little top down futuristic rogue like that just came out.
Don't Starve, nearing the end of its beta period. A survival-themed, topdown, roguelike.
Day Z should be entering its beta phase shortly.
Star Conflict, and interesting F2P space combat game.
Fez is looking like its getting a release sometime in the next month.
For Fez and Day Z I don't have any actual information, just been following the steam database entries and they are getting updated frequently.
Saw there was a new patch out the other day. Hows it holding up on Nvidia cards at the mo? Playing it on the 360 but it's a bit too brown and way too blurry for my liking so might chop this in and double dip.
Late, but I still wanted to say: that's a great gift.
Also, happy birthday man.
Thank you so much! And happy birthday!
Tomb Raider is good so far (30%). Could have been great if it didn't take away control the whole time. CD needs to be punched in the balls for calling them "tombs" though. More like "tight tubes with babby's first puzzle at the end".
It runs pretty well on my 670 most of the time, highest settings w/o TressFX and Tesselation. The latter basically crashes my game after ~5min so I turned it off until nVidia updates their drivers. Larger areas have some framerate drops but I didn't really want to tinker too much. It's a bit ghetto right now but still absolutely playable so I suggest you wait until the end of March if you're on the edge.
Maybe. How well was ETS 2 doing when it got greenlit? Might be a unit threshold thing like Nintendo did with WiiWare titles where you'd need to sell x amount before you get a paid but in this case allowed to self-publish. Guess we'll never know the mystery's of the inner workings of Valve.
Bought the tropico 4 steam bundle on impulse due to the whole simcity fiasco and its been eating away at meThe hours just flew by this past weekend. This shit is so damn good.
You ever play 3? Is it enough of an improvement to buy 4? I played 3 for about 20 hours and liked it.
I recall the game hanging around the Top 10 sellers for a spell, but beyond that it's hard to say as Valve discourages developers/publishers from publicly disclosing specific sales figures and SCS hasn't offered any relative performance statements (e.g. "ETS 2 sold more in its first month on Steam than in the previous three combined").
No. I'm gladly admitting I've never played a game of D&D in my life. And if an RPG starts out with an encyclopedia of text (it really wants me to read) and has character creation that can easily allow non D&D nerds to create a broken character that can't complete the game, I'm glad they pissed off the D&D crowd to serve the rest of us. The haters can call it dumb downed, and I'll embrace their hatred and accept the crown, but IMO I consider it necessary streamlining. It's a genre that was way too convoluted for its own good.
And besides, had they not did this, they never would have expanded the market. And they'd be just as niche as JRPGs have become. Some people here crucify games if they don't have AAAA graphics, and call them indie crap without it, but that's the price you pay. If you want the mega-budget, you need to expand outside of the hardcore D&D crowd. You can't have both and it really irritates me when people go on tirades wanting both.
I'm not saying I'm a fan of the dumbing down of gaming, cause I'm not. I'm just saying I love the new Bethesda cause as a non D&D gamer who actually likes adventure gaming, the WRPG was in fact way too convoluted for my tastes.