Risen 2 is bad?
I looking for my next RPG...Oblivion is good? i never played a Elder Scroll game..
Risen 2 was a disaster. Oblivion is good if you play with Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod. Vanilla is pretty awful.
Risen 2 is bad?
I looking for my next RPG...Oblivion is good? i never played a Elder Scroll game..
Every Rockstar game is cheaper here, I think. At least L.A. Noire and the GTA franchise pack are, as well as the 3 Max Paynes.oh I see
no not at all, same price as the US on everything
only time there's been anything cheaper it has been Max Payne 3 ($45 instead of $60) and Bioshock Infinite ($45 instead of $60)
Oh no. I HATE badly ordered games in my library. Looks like the Blackwell games are going to share the wall of shame with the Hitmans and the Serious Sams and the Red Factions and the Monkey Island remakes (which don't even appear next to each other).![]()
why would they do that
This is my shocked face. For real. Wow.They added Microsoft Flight Simulator X to the registry.
They added Microsoft Flight Simulator X to the registry.
The main difference between Bit.Trip Runner and any random QTE thrown into a game, art and music aside, is that Gaijin's game isn't a case of "Press A to awesome". Here every action has its own button, just like in Super Mario Bros or pretty much any other platformer.Well, QTE sections often take the guise of an auto playing segment of game play where you push buttons in a specific sequence until the segment ends.
Bit.Trip.Runner, with the removal of button prompts, is exactly the same thing. An auto playing gauntlet where you input a sequence of button presses to succeed.
Now...you could be reductive to the extreme and just say "lol but all games are basically a sequence of button presses so is everything a qte", at that point it's silly. The main point really would be that the game assumes control and you merely react to it appropriately.
I understand the hate towards them myself, the point being in most games the trivialization of the gameplay from full control to menial button presses is as others have put very lazy.
The reason I questioned it though is that people's knee jerk reaction is to spew vitriolic hate about it, then go on to praise games like Bit.Trip.Runner. If you were to view it as a sentence it would look like "We hate everything about QTE's except a game made entirely of QTE's". It's an odd mixed message but it makes sense when you realize that in a game like Bit.Trip.Runner, the gameplay is not being reduced from a higher level of freedom, so therefore it is considered acceptable. Plus they manage to capture it all in a game with fantastic production values (art, music etc) so people don't knee jerk over a mechanic they claim to hate.
Also, got $33 from the Ap-Sap, I decided to just buy two more soundtracks from Amazon and see if I can make more. I'm guessing it is ether very impatient people buying, or people in other countries.
This is my shocked face. For real. Wow.
I'm stunned they would be willing to cannibalize Flight microtransaction sales with this. Maybe it's completely dead?
This is my shocked face. For real. Wow.
I'm stunned they would be willing to cannibalize Flight microtransaction sales with this. Maybe it's completely dead?
So far i've been very pleased with indi adventure games. Machinarium specially. So i must say that Geminie Rue interests me a lot, being hearing quite a bit of praise for the title... So if anyone has a spare key, it would be most apreciated if you give me the chance to try it out.
A lot better than putting it in a quote and suffer the risk of a lurker grabing it withouth at least thanking the generous person.
I have a Gemini Rue key for anyone interested.
I'm interested in that key if you still have it?
I already said MS realized their faults and they see the huge potential with sales in Steam.
Not bad at all - Workshop support would be bonkers.
I believe MS abandoned the F2P game awhile back.
I've had one of the crayon physics deluxe. Thanks for that
To pay karma forward, the 13th pm i get will get a gift emailed to them
This is interesting, i always had the mental image that Botanicula was somthing reminiscent to Osmos. Turns out is an adventure game and a one visually stimulating.PM'ed.
And have you tried Botanicula? If you like Machinarium, you'll probably like it a lot.
You need to search for Sacred 2 Gold. Great game in co-op and includes the previously unavailable expansion, enjoy.
I thought Microsoft completely got rid of the FSX team years ago. I wonder if they brought anyone back, or if they have new people responsible for updating it for Steam now.They added Microsoft Flight Simulator X to the registry.
How much is Infinite's season pass over there?
One thing should be noted about Sacred 2 [Gold] on PC. I don't think you can play it on coop anymore due to servers being turned off, only LAN. I think some folks use Tunngle but you can't just jump on and play coop. At least last time I started the game up there seemed to be no way to do it from what I could see.
This is correct. I've been playing LAN with my boyfriend just fine, but Open/Closed Net options don't work. I'm sure there's a way around it, like you said, if you know specific people you want to play with online. Just don't expect to get into a lobby and create/join random games.
Project Cars just got a Steam sub in the registry. I don't know if it's new but it's there now. Nice.
In case you havent tried Alastor you can go here:Im searching for a Resonance key, Im new to the forum, can we do an exchange ? (or any cool other games :3, PM me!) I have a Steam key for the Humble Indie Bundle number 2 (Braid, Machinaria, Osmos, Cortex Command and Revenge of the titans) But I guess everyone have them :/ They gift it for me twice so I guess my second code is intact. I also have a steam key for SpaceChem!
Gears of War, Halo 1,2,3, ODST, Reach, 4 and Wars on Steam, plz.
edit: oh shit, and Forza.
In case you havent tried Alastor you can go here:
It was made specifically for what you seek. Hope it helps.
Has anyone heard anything good or bad about Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves?
I just noticed that it's done by fellow Montrealers and it seems to be inspired by the Quebec folklore, so it makes me curious.
So... beat Minerva's Den.
I don't quite get what was so special about it.
I won't deny it was as finely crafted a Bioshock experience as it gets but still, I expected much more.
http://penny-arcade.com/report/edit...nsic-rewards-in-kleis-latest-game-dont-starveDon't Starve could really benefit from some Steam achievements.
Basically, achievements (or quests, etc) in the game would "force" people down a narrow path -- they would only focus on completing them and once they were done, they had no motivation to continue playing. Instead, Klei want the player to have their own goals, to do what they want without the distraction of achievements. I am admittedly, an achievement junkie, lol, but in this case, I kind of agree with them.1. Rewards can cause players to do less of what you want
Players given rewards will stop doing the thing youre rewarding them for once you stop the rewards, even if that action was fun in the first place.
2. Rewards can cause players to care less about everything else
Players looking for a reward become so focused on the reward, that any distraction is exactly thata distraction.
3. Rewards can cause players to perform worse
Players who are trying to optimize for the reward will often stop taking risks, in fear of losing the reward, even if this risk taking behaviour could actually improve their performance.
All this Don't Starve talking makes me wanna buy it
Damn you, guys!
A first time gaf-hype victim, I guess.Another Gaf-hype victim..