I've avatar quoted 4 times today. I feel special.
Last Remnant for $3.75 is fuckin sick
Why is Team Fortress 2 downloading a 12.2GB update all of the sudden? :|
Side note: Finished Tomb Raider, loved it. Installing Dishonored, not sure what to expect
What does QTE mean?Less QTE, more sneaky-stabby.
Quick Time Events. Ew.What does QTE mean?
No... ;__;Hats?
What does QTE mean?
What does QTE mean?
What does QTE mean?
What does QTE mean?
I bought it from the Humble Store and I got the TF2 items.
Quick Time Events. Disgusting
Sorta off topic but something I was pondering. Do people who hate QTE's also hate games like Bit.Trip.Runner which are essentially QTE:The game except without on screen button prompts?
False alarm, it was a regular 140MB update afterall. Steam tricked me.Why is Team Fortress 2 downloading a 12.2GB update all of the sudden? :|
Quick, Turgid Erection
Thanks. I liked Titan Quest. Still on the fence on Sacred 2. I co-op nothing, have no friendsIt's super cool to have a lootwhore ARPG set in a big open world with non-linear quests. In that sense it feels like the janky cousin of the ghost of what Diablo 3 should have been. It has a ton of rough edges, though, to the point that it can get in the way of the fun. It follows the basic rule that everything is fun in co-op, of course, so if you can LAN or tunnel it now that the servers are down, you can have a great time with it. If you're looking for AAA polish it will be an exercise in frustration and maybe Titan Quest would be more your thing.
Sorta off topic but something I was pondering. Do people who hate QTE's also hate games like Bit.Trip.Runner which are essentially QTE:The game except without on screen button prompts?
Sorta off topic but something I was pondering. Do people who hate QTE's also hate games like Bit.Trip.Runner which are essentially QTE:The game except without on screen button prompts?
To the ones who were asking about don't starve it's 20% off here http://www.dontstarvegame.com/blog/landing/buynow.html
and they give you en extra copy both chrome and steam(plus beta). If you are from europe this is even more a steal compared to steam(USD to euro conversion).Plus you get the TF2 items.
Game of Thrones games from Cyanide are the Daily Deal
You can get the RTS or the RPG for $10 each, or $17.50 for both.
To the ones who were asking about don't starve it's 20% off here http://www.dontstarvegame.com/blog/landing/buynow.html
and they give you en extra copy both chrome and steam(plus beta). If you are from europe this is even more a steal compared to steam(USD to euro conversion).Plus you get the TF2 items.
I'm terribly inconsistent about hating them. I wanted to punch someone in the mouth for most of the QTEs in Jericho, but thought Ninja Blade was hysterical even though it was 90% QTEs. Haven't played Tomb Raider yet, but I suspect I will like it because horrifying death.
Mostly I don't mind QTEs if they are very quick, one-off things that don't take too long and are hard to fail. Oh and they should have some resemblance to the current control scheme and the action going on on the screen.
You would be incorrect. Even the brutal death scenes can't save QTE's in this game. I think you get about .2 seconds to press the correct button or spear in the face.
Wait hold up am I missing something here? Doesn't the store usually update an hour from now? Is this because of time savings?
Game of Thrones games from Cyanide are the Daily Deal
You can get the RTS or the RPG for $10 each, or $17.50 for both.
That you're playing a digital version of Simon.What does QTE mean?
No, that's not a boring or lazy game. QTEs in regular games usually are.Sorta off topic but something I was pondering. Do people who hate QTE's also hate games like Bit.Trip.Runner which are essentially QTE:The game except without on screen button prompts?
Got Blackwell, cheers!I have hidden codes for the following.
The Blackwell Deception
Daylight Savings Time kicked in Sunday over here in the US.
If someone were to get a copy of Don't Starve from someone who already bought it, would they get TF2 items as well? If so, I wouldn't mind paying $6 for a copy.
Without co-op, I can't imagine it would be nearly as enjoyable. A lot of the fun for me was laughing about the ridiculous quests (a goofy power metal band shows up in one and plays a song!) with a friend. With the amount of solid loot games that have released in the last year or so, it's hard to send people to this game.
Me, I'm waiting on Grim Dawn.
You get the items, yes.
Without co-op, I can't imagine it would be nearly as enjoyable. A lot of the fun for me was laughing about the ridiculous quests (a goofy power metal band shows up in one and plays a song!) with a friend. With the amount of solid loot games that have released in the last year or so, it's hard to send people to this game.
Me, I'm waiting on Grim Dawn.
How dare you refer to Blind Guardian as "goofy" (if that's who you were referring to)
How dare you refer to Blind Guardian as "goofy" (if that's who you were referring to)
I have hidden codes for the following.
Legend Of Grimrock
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb
The Blackwell Deception
If someone were to get a copy of Don't Starve from someone who already bought it, would they get TF2 items as well? If so, I wouldn't mind paying $6 for a copy.
I don't know why anybody would buy this when A Game of Thrones for Crusader Kings 2 exists. It covers both bases, really. You're managing wars and doing heavy roleplaying with the game's robust social options. Bless Cyanide for their boardgame adaptations but they fail at most other things.
I have hidden codes for the following.
Legend Of Grimrock
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb
The Blackwell Deception
Isn't there a GoT mod for Crusader Kings II?Well, 2 reasons easily. 1: Crusader Kings obviously lacks A Song of Ice and Fire branding, so forget commanding dragons and the like.
Sorry I am holding on to mine so I can trade it with "The Cave" + preorder stuffs in case anybody still has one.
I was going to grab the Grimrock code and put one of my own up I have a duplicate of, but some lurker took it.
Does Valve usually do some sort of Spring sale for games, or is it still just summer?