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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 II - The Definitive Edition

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What change did you make? Change blade mode and ninja run to toggles instead of button holds?

The only change I was considering using PGP for was somehow mapping dodge to a button after having a few fuckups where i didn't hit the buttons at EXACTLY the same time and having Sam jump instead of dodge during a good no damage run.
Yeah, they're both toggles now (and that took forever to work out). I've also been thinking of doing a dodge command, but any solution I work out on that front probably wouldn't work on regular controllers (mine is a combo gamepad/keyboard/mouse, so I have tons of buttons to work with).


Nice try, Ubi.

Edit: I bought a ROW copy from this guy for $20, if anyone else is curious. Cheaper than the offerings in the BST thread (iHEO's profit margin is, frankly, ridiculous).

Sweet! Thanks!

On that note, yea, iHEO's progit margin is a little ridiculous. Thankfully there are many other steam traders out there.
9,99 dollars on amazon with the 5 dollar coupon discount.

I'm actually impressed with how completely tasteless the character customization in Loadout can get.

I can't even post these raw, needless to say NSFW. Not even gonna allow these to hyperlink to prevent any accidental clicks.


This.....looks incredible.


Oh, if you mean username as with what you log on to Steam, not your nickname, then no. You should not reveal your logon name to anyone, it's one part of your account security.

which (as far as i remember) they don't tell you when you make your account/profile. and then even though you change it it's stuck in your "also played as" history until you change your name 10+ times
I clearly do not fully understand the logistics of naval transportation in Europa Universalis IV. I managed to send 5000 cavalry to their death in Tangiers when I went to help Portugal in their war against Morocco because I managed to leave behind 15,000 foot soldiers on my own shores. In Civ V you just click the military unit on land and have it move to a water tile, it just disembarks, with EU I actually have to have enough ships to carry 20 regiments and I didn't.

How do you track your aggressive expansion attitude modifier that other nations have towards you?

I'm playing as Castille and just took over Grenada in the Reconquista. I had casus belli and didn't take too much of an aggressive expansion modifier. I have military alliances and royal marriages with Portugal and Navarre. I've used a diplomat to improve relations with Navarre to the point where I could make them a vassal (something I saw quill18 do, I don't know why I want them as a vassal, I just did it). I have been trying to achieve a diplomatic alliance with Aragon and have dramatically improved their opinion of Castille but they haven't done the same so things like a military alliance or royal marriage are completely off the table. They've named me a rival and have done nothing to improve relations.

The thing is, Aragon are in a war with Genoa--which apparently is a thing and I never want to ally myself to Genoa--and most of Aragon's navy and a good portion of their army are off engaged in that. Because I've been trying to achieve a peaceful relation with them, I haven't been fabricating claims on their provinces and have no casus belli buuuuuuuut I could siege and take all of their provinces on the Iberian peninsula right now. I just don't want the rest of the surrounding kingdoms to make an alliance against me because I'm a war mongering douchebag.

I think I'll simply stop my game and watch quill13's playthrough of Castille some more. I'm actually a bit ahead since I managed to not get into a war with Aragon, made Navarre a vasal and have full conquered Grenada.
which (as far as i remember) they don't tell you when you make your account/profile. and then even though you change it it's stuck in your "also played as" history until you change your name 10+ times

No, they don't :/.

They also don't tell you that if you change your payment method for adding funds to your wallet e.g. new bank card replacing a now defunct one, you will be locked out from ALL of your wallet funds for a week. In other words, not only will you not be able to access the money you just added but your existing balance too. Yeah, thanks for the forewarning, jerks :/.

Oh well, all that means is that the next Sale thread when a million GAFers post to moan about it, they'll get a wince rather than a rolleyes from me :/.

Speaking of which, does there tend to be a Spring Sale or will the next one be in the Summer? Last Summer's was my inaugural Steam Sale so it will be nice to have my first Sale anniversary :).

Dr Dogg

know how you feel usually I just laugh when I die it helps me anyway.

The thing that makes me wince after every death in Spelunky is that unlike, say Rouge Legacy or even Dark Souls that you can still grind out progress. With Spelunky death has you starting from scratch (or using a shortcut but then no leaderboard times). Though I'm slowly learning with each death 'don't do that again silly' but my throwing aim is rubbish.


Has it been confirmed whether the game will require Uplay on the Steam side? There is nothing to show that it would on the store page.

How much are the Russian sellers asking for the game right now? I've never dealt with them before.


Has it been confirmed whether the game will require Uplay on the Steam side? There is nothing to show that it would on the store page.

How much are the Russian sellers asking for the game right now? I've never dealt with them before.

Its region locked in RU now. 30$ for a Row copy


Has it been confirmed whether the game will require Uplay on the Steam side? There is nothing to show that it would on the store page.

How much are the Russian sellers asking for the game right now? I've never dealt with them before.

Well I got my ROW copy for 10 keys coming to £14.25.


How do you track your aggressive expansion attitude modifier that other nations have towards you?

You get aggressive expansion when you declare war on someone without a casus belli, when you take provinces in a peace deal or when you annex a vassal. If you either have a core or a claim on the provinces you are taking you'll get less aggressive expansion. Pay attention to the peace deal screen when in a war and it will tell you how much aggressive expansion that peace deal is causing you. It's worth noting that the aggressive expansion the game shows you is the base value, the actual aggressive expansion you get with each country is modified by their opinion of you, their opinion of the country you took provinces from and their distance from you. So, if for example, you take provinces from Aragon, Genoa won't care much, but Aragon's allies will, as will any country that named you a rival. Countries far away, like Poland, won't care either.

About improving Relations with Aragon, forget it. Diplomacy with a country that named you a rival is futile. However if you become more powerful militarily than Aragon (either because you have more provinces and a larger army or because they lost a great part of their army in a war) they might change their attitude from rivalry to threatened and they diplomacy will become effective again.


Probably won't be unfortunately since other sites list it as using uPlay.

Your best hope would be through buying via trader.

I'm ok with spending $60 on it if I have to. It's a game that I'm actually excited to play in 2014, that rarely happens anymore in this industry. Just waiting to see what other options I'll have though.



yeah same guy, 10 dota 2 keys for me :)

I'm ok with spending $60 on it if I have to. It's a game that I'm actually excited to play in 2014, that rarely happens anymore in this industry. Just waiting to see what other options I'll have though.

Same. Somehow the AAA games industry managed to pack in a bunch of interesting games in Q1.

The rest of the year is probably downhill from there then.
Damn, South Park for $20-$22 is tempting. I might get it during my next payday.

My only problem is that I won't be able to play it until March 18 because I'll be on vacation :x


I think I finally understand Europa Universalis IV enough that I won't feel like I'm just be sitting there cluelessly clicking stuff on various menus. I've been playing as one of the easiest countries in the game, Castille, and failing miserably. Tanking my economy, failing militarily, sinking lower and lower in the world standing, you name it. The tutorials kind of helped, as have watching quill18's playthroughs of Castille on youtube. Honestly tho, what has helped the most is simply pausing the game and mousing over all of the notification flags, menus, options and what not and simply reading. Then once a decision is made playing the game at speed 1 or 2 and pausing immediately at any new notification flags. This will probably be the slowest game of EUIV ever but so was my first game of Civ V on Settler on a duel map against Siam.

Yeah, I want to love mapgames but they take so long to understand I just don't bother with them anymore.
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