MoH:AA is my favorite war game ever. The soundtrack is top-notch, and the gameplay is very fun. That said, it can be a bit frustrating at times, especially when it comes to stealth levels (whoever thought this was a good idea was wrong) or sections with respawning enemies. If you're willing to put up with those things, the rest of the game is fantastic.How is Nox and MoH: Allied Assault? Both are on sale on GOG.
Interestingly, I've heard that the knock off is the better product in this case.Does anyone know where to get a genuine 360 wireless adapter? All I can find online are knock-offs.
My adapter finally died, but frustratingly, I have no idea why. It simply will not power up when plugged into any usb port.
Is XCOM + EW gonna get cheaper? I've been interested in it for a while. Don't have time to play it now though (for more than an hour or two).
I've heard the knock offs work fine but I got my official one on amazon. Seems like you cant trust any of the listings there anymore.
Actually how can I be confident my isn't a knock off..
I think Toma played but I don't remember in which of the Indie threads it was talked about.
On an unrelated note, is Enhanced Steam for Opera 12 not working? Since yesterday none of its functions are showing on my browser, be it highlighting owned games or showing lowest prices.
I'm liking what they've shown us of Woolfe so far.
Anyone have any impressions of 7 Grand Steps? It seems like my kind of game, but I've never heard of it.
Is Fallen Enchantress pretty good? It looks like Civilization set in a fantasy world.
lords of shadow kind of reminds me of the first devil may cry somehow, so much running around doing pointless annoying shit.
Anybody know if I can use streaming to stream from my Windows desktop to a laptop running Linux? Seems like it should work.
I haven't used streaming yet but I'd like to try to see how well it works for me.
ModBot said:Instructions for Da DreadLord:
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Instructions for participants:
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Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition --MB-02C01E97CD0D97A0- Taken by scorpscarx
Hmm, must be that then, as the damn thing won't draw any power at all, even from a power adapter for my phone or tablet.Cheapest it's been so far separately is 6 and 10 so this is the cheapest the two have been together. It's easily worth $15 imo!
Official one has a fuse that blows out pretty easily (not sure if they ever fixed that in a revision or anything) so both could be hit or miss. I'd just go with a knockoff personally.
Does anyone know where to get a genuine 360 wireless adapter? All I can find online are knock-offs.
My adapter finally died, but frustratingly, I have no idea why. It simply will not power up when plugged into any usb port.
Everybody prefers 4 over 5, it's rule of nature!Thank you for Civ! I have a friend who bugs me a lot about how much he still prefers 4 over 5, so I've always wanted it.
Yes, this is the whole point of SteamOS streaming, being able to stream DirectX games onto other OS's.
remember to use lan cables to get the best performance.
It's on my "pick up when 75% off" list.I really, really liked LocoCycle. It was a fun game. Clearly I'm in the minority as people in here have already shit on the game or described it as self-evidently terrible (I'm assuming they played the Xbox One version) but I really liked it.
Cheers for the info!Your adapter blew a "protection" fuse (that apparently blows for no reason at all). It's hard to replace (because it's so small) but you can plop down a glob of solder (bypassing the fuse) and it'll work.
Sure, you're risking frying your USB port, but since you're not constantly plugging it in and out your computer, it shouldn't be a problem.
Knock Offs, on the other hand, work without an issue and I've never heard of a knock-off stop working (probably because they don't have the fuse).
Either buy a fake one (which is what everybody does. My fake one has been going strong for 4 years now) or fix yours following this guide:™-wireless-gaming-receiver-for-windows®/
I fixed one of my originals (i sent the other one to a friend) and it's still working. However, it sits most of the time on my drawer, as I have no use for it since I bought the fake one (before fixing it). A lot of gaffers fixed theirs as well, and it has been discussed in numerous threads, including earlier versions of this one. afaik, nobody ever reported a problem with fixed adapters.
I really, really liked LocoCycle. It was a fun game. Clearly I'm in the minority as people in here have already shit on the game or described it as self-evidently terrible (I'm assuming they played the Xbox One version) but I really liked it.
Just to get this out of the way -- I don't recommend the game to you or to anyone because I'm in the minority on it. A lot of people didn't like it. The core gameplay loop is pretty shallow (you get a shallow spy hunter clone, a button-mashing brawler element, some analogue stick rail shooter sequences, and then a few other surprises that I won't spoil here. Here's a screenshot of a late game boss fight if you REALLY want to spoil yourself, but if there's any chance you are going to play the game at all, this is an awesome surprise so don't spoil it.). So if you're looking for a deep, replayable game, it's not here. Despite per-level leaderboards and a score attack element, I don't think people will be coming back to this.
However, I found the game consistently funny (lots of puns, lots of deadpan humour, tons of reference humour, lots of great visual gags in the gameplay, it's so hilarious), it was always introducing new enemy types and patterns so that any shallowness in the gameplay was made up with sort of consistently new things, there are so many different gameplay genres including the second last boss fight which basically made me drop my jaw when it happened I couldn't even believe it. I thought the 30+ minute long B-movie that provides the game's live action scenes was funny and enjoyable. I thought the audio was excellent, with great performances by the Prague Symphony Orchestra. It ran well on my computer, it looked great in a cartoony way in motion (not so much in screenshots). As with every Twisted Pixel game, there are hundreds of unlockable concept art bits, pitch videos, production shots from the live action movie, and historical stuff--including a sneak peak at their next game which seems to me to be ambitious. I think the game succeeds at what it sets out to do.
It took me about 4-4:15 to finish the game with all upgrades, A grades on most levels, 17/20 achievements, and look through all the concept art and stuff. This is not a long game. But I feel absolutely like I got my money worth out of it. I'd place it above Comic Jumper in execution, and personally I was pretty burned out by the end of Ms. Splosion Man. I liked Gunstringer and the Maw more. I continue to think that Twisted Pixel is an interesting studio doing interesting work and I'm glad they're around. While I think LocoCycle worked, I hope their next project manages to find the right balance between core gameplay that appeals to other people and their own unique style.
I uploaded 40-ish screenshots. I put spoilers on most of the later game or live action shots.
P.S. Double Helix did the Xbox One and PC ports. The game has a 32-bit DX9 version and a 64-bit DX11 version. I don't have a DX11 video card, so I played the DX9 version.
In summary
nuh uh!
you pain me, what you call pointless annoying shit... is what an adventure is about. I think that the first DMC is the better game than all later ones because they shifted heavily from adventuring to pure action.
Wow, breaking my dreams thrice. Thanks GAF!
Moving to my next question:
Does these work on W8.1 ?
ModBot said:Instructions for Pakkidis:
Instructions for participants:
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And yet it moves --MB-7559313910D05E05- Taken by VikasNarula. 1 entrants total.
Luxuria Superbia --MB-24C8C396503E3F65- Taken by Alessandro. 27 entrants total.
Cheapest it's been so far separately is 6 and 10 so this is the cheapest the two have been together. It's easily worth $15 imo!
is that Luxuria game in any bundle, im seeing alot of it in giveaways
It's in the current Humble Weekly.
It's in the current Humble Weekly.
Would anyone recommend 7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat? I'm kinda thinking about getting it.
There is a demo (PC/MAC):
Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 5.9. The change log for this version includes:
This update should apply itself automatically within the next 60 minutes. And just a heads up, I'm working on porting some of these features over to Firefox soon.
- Added a link on user profiles to their wishlist
- Added back the achievement section to app pages that Valve mysteriously removed
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- Fixed homepage "Featured" section being incorrectly sized due to layout changes
Well, I was just about to buy Arkham Origins and I see that the developers aren't planning on patching the game anymore. Is it still worth $12?
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Crusader Kings II Collection --MB-77B174A560073F1C- Taken by Aitor. 24 entrants total.