True - there are a fair number of Enhanced Steam features that would never make it on to Steam. toddhunter even made a blog entry about
the Top 5 Enhanced Steam Features Valve Needs to Implement. (though he erroneously accredited me as adding the "Add all DLC to cart" buttons)
There were several features I've put in Enhanced Steam that I knew full well would not make Valve happy. I spent a lot of time deciding if it was the right thing to do, since it would be my dream job to work for Valve some day. In the end, I decided that the needs of the customers (or users) outweighed the needs of the company (Valve, it's publishers, etc). It just seemed like the right thing to do, and still does.
I hope that in the future, when being evaluated for a job at Valve, whoever is responsible for my hiring looks on these features as "Mr. Shackles understood that customer service is more important than making money." Even though, yes, there is no way in hell that price comparisons will ever make their way to Steam.