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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 III - Don't Believe The Tags

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Dude, get One Finger Death Punch, it's $4 on Steam and totally worth it at that price, or install and play it if you have it (check your bundles the Steam codes are out for it). Game will make you feel like a total badass.
You can thank me later (unless you start yelling like Kenshiro when playing and waking everyone up in your house or appartment building)


I've been playing it. I was playing it earlier actually. I really like it but I'm not in the mood for it right now. I'd really like a game to grab me and pull me in like FTL or XCOM but they're hard acts to follow I guess. Meh, I think I'll take my mood as a sign to trim my backlog *evil grin*.



Second time I have fallen for that.

Thanks for the suggestion :). I was just thinking just the same funnily enough. I'm in that horrible "Bah! I can't be bothered to 'learn' a new game" mood though :/. I can easily understand why so many gamers buy loads of games and then just go back to CS or DOTA or whatever.

Sleeping Dogs really eases you into the mechanics, even then they aren't too difficult to grasp.



I've been playing it. I was playing it earlier actually. I really like it but I'm not in the mood for it right now. I'd really like a game to grab me and pull me in like FTL or XCOM but they're hard acts to follow I guess. Meh, I think I'll take my mood as a sign to trim my backlog *evil grin*.

Do you have Ys: The Oath in Felghana by any chance? Play that, it's kickass soundtrack, simple yet fun gameplay, and its simple story will get you hooked.
It may start a little slow but once you start playing the first dungeon and you face up against the first bosses, you'll prob. not want to stop playing.

Dr Dogg

While trying to avoid all the Dark Souls II hype and meltdowns I thought sod it, it's about time you got that 1000/1000 GS on the original. Well having a couple of months off I'm completely rubbish at this now. Died about 30 times in Blighttown by falling to my death, completely forgot about the toxic blow dart guys which caused a lot of panic and headless checking running around, messed up my leveling and upgrade plans so beating Quelag was a battle of attrition that took about 10 goes and to top it all when I went to leave and go through the back door back to Firelink, I forgot the lift wasn't there and walked into the empty shaft and plummeted to my death. I'm my own worst enemy.
Sleeping Dogs really eases you into the mechanics, even then they aren't too difficult to grasp.

Thanks Grief; I enjoyed the demo enough that I quit out well before the end of it because after only a few minutes I knew that I would wish to play the full game. Although I did say that about Arkham City too so....

Anyway, I has fired up Monaco again now that I have had the super secret method of playing offline explained to me by helpful fellow GAFers and am really enjoying it so far. I like the follow the coins like a lab rat gameplay :p and it's all very French [in a good way] so am going to settle back into this now and see if it holds up to extended play.

Do you have Ys: The Oath in Felghana by any chance? Play that, it's kickass soundtrack, simple yet fun gameplay, and its simple story will get you hooked.
It may start a little slow but once you start playing the first dungeon and you face up against the first bosses, you'll prob. not want to stop playing.

No but thanks for the suggestion. I had a look at those a few months back but decided they were probably something to consider at a later date.

Right, kettle on and then back to Monaco!


Quick question:
What does modbot mean by 'You have the following unclaimed keys registered with ModBot'.

Are these keys for giveaways I've won but I have not redeemed on my account yet?





In about 1 month on Steam I already have 92 games in my library - crazy!

Just bought Dark Souls and my 5 year old desktop can handle it. Though One Finger Death Punch caught me by surprise - it's so badass!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Still enjoying Prime World: Defenders. I'm kinda addicted to crafting/unlocking new cards...

Same here. I'm later in the game and it's getting really really grindy, but I don't mind too much because the game is fun.


In about 1 month on Steam I already have 92 games in my library - crazy!
That is crazy. I just made the jump about a month ago myself, and I have 93 games! Crazy part is that I've spent about $75 or less... I knew the master race had it nice but not this nice!

Same here. I'm later in the game and it's getting really really grindy, but I don't mind too much because the game is fun.
How far are you? I think I'm on level 11 and it's one of those unfortunate levels where I can't move on without upgrading. I've started finding some of the rarest cards, though, and I really want to buff up that Lightning Tower. Looks like it could be great!

One thing that's annoying me is that you can't use spell cards to craft towers or vice versa. Come on, I have so many useless spell cards and I'd rather upgrade towers than spells I almost never use!


So I mistakenly said I was born in 2014 when Steam asked, now I can't view any adult game at all. How do I fix this?


The most unfortunate thing about this whole Dark Souls 2 fiasco is that all of us who are expecting the PC release have absolutely no way to know if From will actually deliver a product that truly resembles the quality of the promoted game showcased both at game shows and trailers.


The most unfortunate thing about this whole Dark Souls 2 fiasco is that all of us who are expecting the PC release have absolutely no way to know if From will actually deliver a product that truly resembles the quality of the promoted game showcased both at game shows and trailers.

Which is why I can't understand all the people preordering it =p


The most unfortunate thing about this whole Dark Souls 2 fiasco is that all of us who are expecting the PC release have absolutely no way to know if From will actually deliver a product that truly resembles the quality of the promoted game showcased both at game shows and trailers.

Which fiasco? :eek:


From/Namco should put out a simple video of them playing the PC version. Show the menu options then show a bit of gameplay. It would give people an idea of what they're buying, which is good customer service.
I don't get how detatched they seem to be from their potential customers.


For sure. . . I'll just keep myself at bay.

Well, Scamco basically pulled a bait and switch with the console release of Dark Souls 2. They heavily advertised the game with gorgeous looking trailers and an actual running PS3 demo but the final build looks nothing like it.

I had just opened what I believe is the relative thread ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=781625 ), but those OP screenshots looks way too different to me.
I mean, they're like with light switched on/off. What's the point of building a lighting system and then killing it? I guess there will be a fine explanation in due time, but still, it seems to me a little too much of a downgrade. :eek:
-It doesn't effect the moment to moment gameplay or AI (other than the base difficulty setting you chose), it's just additional rules/restrictions.

-The QTEs can be turned on and off at any moment during the game.

-The game still feels a lot like a GOW game in terms of combat, but the level structure is different in LOS2.

I played a friends copy on Family Sharing.

Oh. Family Share. I wonder if JaseC will share with me, since I could be JaseB. :p

The art design of Dark Souls II is just as good as the prequel


That sentence reads funny... I think prequel would read better as original. Usually prequels come after the establishment of a franchise and tell the story beforehand. So I don't think the word really describes Dark Souls accurately in it's relationship to Dark Souls 2. :)
I guess it's technically correct, but it'd be like people referring to Star Wars/Empire/Return as prequels to the Star Wars 7 movie that is coming out eventually...

Speaking of... I looked it up the other day and apparently there's no real correlation in story between Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2? It's not like the game makes one of the endings from the previous game canon and goes from there... it's just apparently set in the same world?


I had just opened what I believe is the relative thread ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=781625 ), but those OP screenshots looks way too different to me.
I mean, they're like with light switched on/off. What's the point of building a lighting system and then killing it? I guess there will be a fine explanation in due time, but still, it seems to me a little too much of a downgrade. :eek:

That's the thread, yes.

This user posted several screenshots taken directly from the PS3 version. While some of those don't look too bad, others look worse than any other locations from vanilla Dark Souls (pre-Durante).

Some people have been very vocal about how horrible certain locations look in-game: Grey, watered down halls without any ambient light. A mod in the OT quoted impressions of a friend of him speaking nothing but shit about the game's overall visual style. There's constant mention of big framerate drops (especially with multiple light sources on-screen) and how it also affects the gameplay directly while trying to fight several mobs. Others speak of a constant inconsistency in the game's visuals: Some places looks gorgeous while others look absolutely hideous.

From/Namco should put out a simple video of them playing the PC version. Show the menu options then show a bit of gameplay. It would give people an idea of what they're buying, which is good customer service.
I don't get how detatched they seem to be from their potential customers.

Seriously. And with such a simple solution to calm this storm, getting any public statements or explanations aren't likely to happen soon.


I just had the most INTENSE RACE in Burnout Paradise........seriously...I won the race by microseconds.

I made a wrong turn while being ahead of everyone so I had to find my out path through the mountains and stuff with so many turns...it was a huge adrenaline rush. I wish I recorded it.

Speaking of which, what programs do you all use to record gameplay?
Riptide GP2 the smartphone game released on Steam 2 days ago and I had no idea... I remember having so much fun playing the first one on my iPod Touch. Maybe I'll get this as well since it's cheap.

Also, I had no idea that NASA has a game on Steam... for free.
Oh. Family Share. I wonder if JaseC will share with me, since I could be JaseB. :p

That sentence reads funny... I think prequel would read better as original. Usually prequels come after the establishment of a franchise and tell the story beforehand. So I don't think the word really describes Dark Souls accurately in it's relationship to Dark Souls 2. :)
I guess it's technically correct, but it'd be like people referring to Star Wars/Empire/Return as prequels to the Star Wars 7 movie that is coming out eventually...

Speaking of... I looked it up the other day and apparently there's no real correlation in story between Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2? It's not like the game makes one of the endings from the previous game canon and goes from there... it's just apparently set in the same world?

You are correct; the word prequel is often misused. A prequel is a sequel to a movie [or whatever] where the story in the sequel pre-dates the story in the previous movie [or whatever].

Take the four Alien movies. Alien was the first in the sequence and the subsequent three movies were all sequels because the events in each movie happened chronologically after each other in that movie universe. However, if Aliens had been the first to be released and Alien was its sequel then Alien in fact would have been a prequel in that scenario as the events in the movie predated those in the previous movie in that movie universe.
If I could family share with a GAFfer, it'd be for Outrun...
I wonder if there are unused Steam keys out there of games no longer available for purchase on Steam, and if so, could you activate them since they are valid keys?

I would love to get a hold of games like Outrun if this method were possible, but these keys would probably be expensive.



A prequel is a literary, dramatic, or filmic work whose story precedes that of a previous work,[1][2] by focusing on events that occur before the original narrative.[3] A prequel is a work that forms part of a back-story to the preceding work. Like sequels, prequels may or may not concern the same plot as the work from which they are derived. Often, they explain the background which led to the events in the original, but sometimes the connections are not as explicit. Sometimes, prequels play on the fact that the audience knows what will happen next, using deliberate references to create dramatic irony.

Thanks English Patrol.


Riptide GP2 the smartphone game released on Steam 2 days ago and I had no idea... I remember having so much fun playing the first one on my iPod Touch. Maybe I'll get this as well since it's cheap.

Also, I had no idea that NASA has a game on Steam... for free.

Total Biscuit reviewed it and he had a few positive things to say about it, though from what I gathered he felt rather underwhelmed by the game.
Non the less I got it today and will try to put some time into it later.


Unconfirmed Member
You are correct; the word prequel is often misused. A prequel is a sequel to a movie [or whatever] where the story in the sequel pre-dates the story in the previous movie [or whatever].

Take the four Alien movies. Alien was the first in the sequence and the subsequent three movies were all sequels because the events in each movie happened chronologically after each other in that movie universe. However, if Aliens had been the first to be released and Alien was its sequel then Alien in fact would have been a prequel in that scenario as the events in the movie predated those in the previous movie in that movie universe.
I was thinking the same when I read Grief's post. Glad to see I wasn't mistaken :p
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