Wrapped up first two Blackwell adventure games yesterday.
Overall, they are quite nice if nothing groundbreaking. There are some leaps of logic here and there and quite amateurish production values (voice overs for both games with actors spitting in the mic constantly, some mismatched voice samples, background art for Unbound). Still gives off that AGS feel, is what I'm saying. Also, it's a pity that the game engine doesn't support custom resolutions - playing the game in 640x480 isn't very conductive for Steam overlay browsing (and this being an adventure game, you're bound to be stuck someplace).
The commentary track(s) gives a really 'nice guy' image to Dave Gilbert, and to be fair, he does keep apologizing for both Legacy (first pro game) and Unbound (quickie cash grab) shortcomings.
Got the games from one of the IR bundles IIRC, glad I've finally gotten around to play them. If you're not adverse to AGS, and don't have them yet, you might want to look into them during a sale.