steamtrades.comAnyone know some good trader who would trade Dark Souls for 3 keys ? :/
Sorry for trade talk.
steamtrades.comAnyone know some good trader who would trade Dark Souls for 3 keys ? :/
Sorry for trade talk.
Anyone know some good trader who would trade Dark Souls for 3 keys ? :/
Sorry for trade talk.
After the let down of discovering the next Tony Hawks game is going to be mobile exclusive, I wish the old games were sold on Steam.
After the let down of discovering the next Tony Hawks game is going to be mobile exclusive, I wish the old games were sold on Steam.
Not that short with all DLCs.Dishonoured is a fairly short game, so I wouldn't wory too much about it becoming a slog.
Is there any way I can filter out people who are selling games for keys on that site?
Only interested in trading game/game. I use TF2outpost for key-trades otherwise.
Only if you're a murderous psychopath.Dishonoured is a fairly short game, so I wouldn't wory too much about it becoming a slog.
Why does sign me out (seemingly at random) all the time, even when I tell it to remember my login info? Like once every day.
So annoying.
You could post the offer yourself.Is there any way I can filter out people who are selling games for keys on that site?
Only interested in trading game/game. I use TF2outpost for key-trades otherwise.
How can people add me, send me message, and then unadd me so I get the message when I next come online?
And its always some russian phishing scam.
Is this a new steam exploit?
Devolver knows how to pick and pimp an indie, that's for sure. I'm buying like half those day 1.Devolver Digital @ Rezzed
We're adding yet more games to the EGX Rezzed line-up, this time it's a raft of titles from indie publishers Devolver Digital.
Along with the PC version of skater OllliOlli, developer Roll7 will be bringing their brand new, as yet unannounced, game to our show floor. This is all the information they're giving us, the big teases, but if it's anything like as good as OlliOlli, we're in for a treat.
Here's the full list of games from Devolver, give them a click to find out more about each.
Always Sometimes Monsters
Gods Will Be Watching
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Devolver Digital @ Rezzed
We're adding yet more games to the EGX Rezzed line-up, this time it's a raft of titles from indie publishers Devolver Digital.
Along with the PC version of skater OllliOlli, developer Roll7 will be bringing their brand new, as yet unannounced, game to our show floor. This is all the information they're giving us, the big teases, but if it's anything like as good as OlliOlli, we're in for a treat.
Here's the full list of games from Devolver, give them a click to find out more about each.
Always Sometimes Monsters
Gods Will Be Watching
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Devolver Digital @ Rezzed
We're adding yet more games to the EGX Rezzed line-up, this time it's a raft of titles from indie publishers Devolver Digital.
Along with the PC version of skater OllliOlli, developer Roll7 will be bringing their brand new, as yet unannounced, game to our show floor. This is all the information they're giving us, the big teases, but if it's anything like as good as OlliOlli, we're in for a treat.
Here's the full list of games from Devolver, give them a click to find out more about each.
Always Sometimes Monsters
Gods Will Be Watching
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
preloading re4, anyone know what time it unlocks?
preloading re4, anyone know what time it unlocks?
Here's the full list of games from Devolver, give them a click to find out more about each.
Always Sometimes Monsters
Gods Will Be Watching
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Devolver knows how to pick and pimp an indie, that's for sure. I'm buying like half those day 1.
Might as well make a thread about there being a PC version of OO.
Sounds good. Someone should get to it!
Resisting the purchase for Vita redeemed. YES.
Only if you're a murderous psychopath.
How many hours til Thief 2014 unlocks for certain regions on the 28th?
Devolver Digital @ Rezzed
We're adding yet more games to the EGX Rezzed line-up, this time it's a raft of titles from indie publishers Devolver Digital.
Along with the PC version of skater OllliOlli, developer Roll7 will be bringing their brand new, as yet unannounced, game to our show floor. This is all the information they're giving us, the big teases, but if it's anything like as good as OlliOlli, we're in for a treat.
Here's the full list of games from Devolver, give them a click to find out more about each.
Always Sometimes Monsters
Gods Will Be Watching
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Which reminds me: What would say are among the most 'fast-paced' stealth games?
capcom just have to put okami HD at the bottom of the RE4 Ultimate edition comparison page
That's kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?Which reminds me: What would say are among the most 'fast-paced' stealth games?
Which reminds me: What would say are among the most 'fast-paced' stealth games?
Mark of the Ninja moves at a nice clip, it's also amazing.
I have a feeling QLOC will be busy after RE4HD![]()
I bet QLOC's next port starts with "D" and ends with "ragon's Dogma".
Seriously, don't forget about the definitive version of Okami on PSN.
I emulated Okami once I think, kinda shitty, I'd buy a PC release on Steam so fast!
After the let down of discovering the next Tony Hawks game is going to be mobile exclusive, I wish the old games were sold on Steam.
Only if you're a murderous psychopath.
You're probably in the Streaming Beta?Was there a change made recently that, if you log into Steam client from a second location, the first location no longer gets locked?
I opened Steam on my work computer yesterday to redeem some keys, and I noticed that, when I got home, Steam was still running normally on my PC (without the dialog box that locks the client and asks you to re-enter password)