woo and indeed hoo
110% Castlevania Lord of Shadows, now my body is ready for MGR
Speaking of which....has anyone heard from Derrick? Is he okay? When's he back?
good lord that dude wasn't kidding about the Assassin's Creed credits
did they just list every NPC in the game or something
I had a good laugh at the credits in the original AssCrud when I played it a few months ago, most notably because they seemed to employ Q&A testers that could overcome China through sheer weight of numbers but the game was terribly buggy despite this :/. Gotta get that title out the door and get those sales numbers! Just fix the biggest bugs, you know the ones which mean the game won't load at all. Everything else doesn't matter. No, no, it's okay; you may have spent several years on this and want to put out a game that is fun for the player but we'll fix the other bugs later