Guys, Dark Souls is the best five dollars I've ever spent.
Guys, Dark Souls is the best five dollars I've ever spent.
And it only gets better. Enjoy!
So I can't get my PS3 controller to work with Windows 7 over a wired connection (no bluetooth on my computer). Any ideas?
Edit: Also, it's for a good cause (Dark Souls)!
Guys, Dark Souls is the best five dollars I've ever spent.
Yeah, I was looking for Riddick during the sale and noticed it wasn't there anymore. Such a shame, as I never got to play a single version of it.
I've decided to join the RJP thing, since it's my birthday and everything, I thought what the hell !
happy birthday and everything!
but what's RJP you are talking about?
Real January Pic, fellow gaffers use their real pic during the january month, in february we go back to our usual avatars.
You mean avatars were not real pics until now?
Can't be!
Be real careful with Goof Off on the labels. I've never had a problem with it until DKC 2, now my label is really light.
The protector that is generally over those labels must have been worn off over the years. Just be safe and use water.
SNES Thread > Steam Thread
JaseC has always been real![]()
Did your ugly lame ass dudebro blocky US cartridges had plastic boxes or it is some kind of collecting shenanigan?
I've lost ALL my fucking PAL card boxes, even if I always kept them safe in a dedicated drawer, because my mother was "eh card boxes let's recycle them", including that awesome Secret of Mana box with its beautiful map inside. :'(and at the time in Italy there wasn't separate collection of shit
Collecting shenanigans, they are called universal game cases.
And it only gets better. Enjoy!
I've decided to join the RJP thing, since it's my birthday and everything, I thought what the hell !
Ah thank you, they look really beautiful!![]()
I've decided to join the RJP thing, since it's my birthday and everything, I thought what the hell !
I had an urge to buy Marc Ecko due to missing out on it when it came out, but I heard how bad the port was. I had an urge to buy Crazy Taxi then I remembered how terrible the port was.
come on, ya'll. It's 2013(4). This shouldn't be happening.
Collecting shenanigans, they are called universal game cases.
If nothing else, Classy gets a pass because he made the appreciation thread.
Edit: I forgot to submit this earlier:
It's difficult to say because Anno 1404 and Dawn of Discovery are separate apps, so Ubi has to test both as well as Anno 1404: Venice and Dawn of Discovery: Venice. Within a week, maybe two, assuming the beta patch is in good shape?
Are they re-releasing Anno 1404 on Steam?![]()
Happy Birthday, NingenJanai - hope you have a great day that is somehow just a little more special than normal.![]()
Happy birthday, NingenJanai!![]()
They are, thanks to heroic efforts of Jasec!
Are they re-releasing Anno 1404 on Steam?![]()
I still remember my dad seeing a review of it on a computer magazine and saying "This looks really cool, we should get it". Sadly we never did.I am forever going to be insanely jealous of OutRun 2006 owners. If only I had known back then.
Thanks guys, I woke with a cold, luckily I don't have high fever, just sore throat and fuzzy feeling.
I hope they add more Brothers keys on Amazon, would be a nice auto gift![]()
It takes time, they have to implement Uplay into it.
I am forever going to be insanely jealous of OutRun 2006 owners. If only I had known back then.
They are, thanks to heroic efforts of Jasec!
I try not to think about it. I've missed the boat on so much stuff.
I still can't believe that e-mail actually set something in motion. King Kong and Tintin are pending, right, Ubi?
send more emails JaseC! maybe to whoever who owns Lode Runner now
I try not to think about it. I've missed the boat on so much stuff.
I still can't believe that e-mail actually set something in motion. King Kong and Tintin are pending, right, Ubi?
send more emails JaseC! maybe to whoever who owns Lode Runner now
Thank you for contacting WB Technical Support!
I am afraid we will not be able to help you with this one - Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY is currently the only version of the game available on Steam. We have been issuing Steam codes for Batman: AA GOTY for people with both base and GOTY retail versions of the game, and unfortunately that is the only kind of Steam key we are able to provide.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.
We really need our priorities sorted: first Sega, then Wheelman, then everything else!
Send emails to Hasbro, I want all the D&D games on Steam.
Oh god, the most frustrating thing about this is that Valve employees own them from back when Atari was this close to making them available publicly:
The Realms of Arcadia games are now on Steam: Blade of Destiny, Star Trail and Shadows Over Riva. $4 each but surely there'll be a trilogy sub at some point.
ugh Ys Oath is kicking my butt. Chester y u do dis
I'm seeing a Realms of Arkania Trilogy Classic Bundle on store pages.
They are, thanks to heroic efforts of Jasec!
Remember Me is 12.49 on gametap, any problems with that website?
it's 4.49 too much
haven't heard of the site though
The Realms of Arcadia games are now on Steam: Blade of Destiny, Star Trail and Shadows Over Riva. $4 each but surely there'll be a trilogy sub at some point.