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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Perhaps Sega is making a console where it'll only play Sega games of the past...Imagine?

OR: They release them on Steam including Linux versions and release their own Sega branded Steambox with the aesthetics of one of their consoles. Hell, put a cartridge slot in the top that's really a USB interface with a pin-out for a cartridge. The cart is really an oversized bootable USB stick, but when the console is powered on with it present, it boots to a Sega interface with a bunch of games on.

The Banner Saga seems very awesome. but I need a demo or something to try it out, I have not tried the F2P game yet, but Im not sure if it is the same as The Banner Saga.

It's the same combat system. I was super-psyched for this game, but early feedback has been decidedly mixed, so i'm becoming more hesitant.


OR: They release them on Steam including Linux versions and release their own Sega branded Steambox with the aesthetics of one of their consoles. Hell, put a cartridge slot in the top that's really a USB interface with a pin-out for a cartridge. The cart is really an oversized bootable USB stick, but when the console is powered on with it present, it boots to a Sega interface with a bunch of games on.


Ah yes, a mix of old and new ideas. Yep, would definitely want.
Yo Grief.exe, inspired what you said about going to fullscreen/windowed and Metal Gear R, I decided to check what's wrong. First thing I did was go and search for the NVidia panel to make sure that my PC is using the 630m instead of Intel HD Graphics, I press the wrong menu and run into this:


It's in Finnish, but it's "troubleshooting" and "630M does not work correctly". I remember that I updated my drivers some time ago and Geforce Experience crashed. After 6 reboots and time trying to get Geforce XP to work correctly, I performed a clean install and now MGR:R is running rock solid 60FPS!


When Sega put Typing of the Dead on Steam, they fucked up and added the EULA/Metacritic (in the registry) for that random-ass Golden Axe game from 2007. I wonder if they are actually going to release that, and if they plan on putting out more random shit. I still need Future, Sega. I regret never picking it up for a buck.


Yo Grief.exe, inspired what you said about going to fullscreen/windowed and Metal Gear R, I decided to check what's wrong. First thing I did was go and search for the NVidia panel to make sure that my PC is using the 630m instead of Intel HD Graphics, I press the wrong menu and run into this:


It's in Finnish, but it's "troubleshooting" and "630M does not work correctly". I remember that I updated my drivers some time ago and Geforce Experience crashed. After 6 reboots and time trying to get Geforce XP to work correctly, I performed a clean install and now MGR:R is running rock solid 60FPS!

I only play Finnish games anyways.

When you install your GPU drivers always select custom install, check the clean box, and you really only want Physx and GPU drivers. HD Audio if you plug into your TV through HDMI a lot.


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, if we could get Sega's output (including Gunvalkyrie, which was a fun experiment), we wouldn't even really need an Xbox emulator anymore. Other than that, I'd kind of like Konami's Breakdown, but mainly because it was, again, a fun experimental game.
Yes, for Midtown Madness 3. As a big fan of the previous titles, it always bothered me not to be able to play that one.
I only play Finnish games anyways.

When you install your GPU drivers always select custom install, check the clean box, and you really only want Physx and GPU drivers. HD Audio if you plug into your TV through HDMI a lot.

Yup, I'll keep that in mind in the future

I kinda miss the days off compiling new drivers and then fiddling around with xorg.conf with my Linux machine circa 2002-2011


Don't worry - almost everything released is pirated. So even though the source code may be lost, there will probably be emulators that can run DirectX 11 games in the future.

nah. not referring to those games released now.

I sure hope Konami/Hudson bring the bomberman games to Steam :/


Wait, are we talking Original Xbox games?

Cel Damage
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Crimson Skies
Mech Assault
Unreal Championship II
Steel Battalion
Voodoo Vince
Quantum Redshift (well, I liked it)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Otogi I & II

Pretty please and thank you.

edit: everytime I see my face on the screen I cringe. I don't think I'm cut out for real pic Jan.


Unconfirmed Member
The original was PC only, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge came out only on XBox I believe.

Which is a huge shame.
Didn't know there was an exclusive Xbox sequel. I never played much of the original because I sucked hard, but it was fun.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Is Atari still the Atari it was when Riddick was released?
(Fuck that company name's history and my wonky sense of time)

Legally speaking, yes. Atari's more a brand name than a company these days -- the current Atari is actually GT Interactive.
Speaking of games not on Steam, why hasn't Myst III and IV been put on there? I've been wanting to do a run through of the series.
I have the original discs and already played them. I want them on Steam. :p

EDIT: As for why Myst III and IV are not available for digital distribution, Cyan and Ubisoft are currently discussing transferring rights between Ubi (the publisher of 3 and 4) to Cyan, don't have the link right a quick Google should yield that. As Cyan is the franchise rights holder but not the developer of Myst 3 and 4 those 2 games must be in some sort of legal murkiness as to how profits are going to be split and that's why they have not been made available yet, a shame really.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's strange how few publishers make an effort to bring their GOG libraries to Steam -- the only ones that do so with any regularity are Squeenix, TopWare and, to a lesser extent, Night Dive.


It's strange how few publishers make an effort to bring their GOG libraries to Steam -- the only ones that do so with any regularity are Squeenix, TopWare and, to a lesser extent, Night Dive.

Does GOG have a hand in that though? Deterring publishers from bringing their games to Steam so people who want those games must buy them from GOG?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Does GOG have a hand in that though? Deterring publishers from bringing their games to Steam so people who want those games must buy them from GOG?

They have had obvious temporary exclusivity agreements before. A favorite console manufacturer tactic to add value to their platform.
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