Did you include the word "register" in the subject line? Not doing so is an easy mistake to make (I've done it once myself).
Yes, I did as usual.
Did you include the word "register" in the subject line? Not doing so is an easy mistake to make (I've done it once myself).
New patch for Völgar
"* Volgarr can now step up a few pixels automatically when walking instead of being required to jump over very tiny ledges." makes me very happy.
Edit: Wireless X360 controller support seems to be broken, though. I can move the camera around in the garage and, uh, nothing else.
Yes, I did as usual.
Had to use a mouse to enter the derby but my DS4 worked then.
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys.
You clicked on a link that had ?l=blahblah attatched to it. http://store.steampowered.com/?l=english
That's the thing I didn't. It just changed to my local language, and it's only happening in Community, not on the store.
I don't want this Gabe!
Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 5.7. Not too many changes this time, as I've mostly been focused on updating the Firefox version this past week. Anyway, the changelog includes:
This version should update to all users within the next 60 minutes. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.
- Adds Steam review percentage of most helpful positive and negative reviews on app pages
- "Hide -> DLC for games you do not own" now works with the new releases section on the homepage
- Added new option to hide owned games on the homepage
- Added Square Enix and Bundle Stars sites to price history information
- Price history now shows for all apps on a store page, not just the first
- Fixed a bug that caused early access banners on the "featured" section to not position correctly
- Fixed a bug that caused regional pricing on sale pages to sometimes display incorrectly
- Fixed a bug that broke formatting on badge page when crafting badges in certain situations
Working title one imagines
Must resist.
It's virtually half price in Russia. Go forth!
I really want to purchase Humble Bundles, but I don't have a credit card and i don't trust paypal anymore (there were several security issues in the past).
There is bad luck and there is this
I mean, seriously... if it was to happen for the first time it would be slightly less maddening.![]()
I'm not sure of what security issues you talk, I used paypal for more years that I care to count, and it is the safest way, imo. If you make your rule to ignore all fake playpal e-mails, there are lots of those around, evade all questionable sites and things like that, common sense mostly. Not to mention that if you use basic precautions, you can get your money back if deal goes wrong. I don't know better service of this kind.
Less than an hour to go on this one people.
Well don't cry: I only got naked Phil Fish from Indie Game The Movie.
Just imagine what your inventory could be full of naked Phil Fish, I dare you.
and? They have millions of deals every day.They've got 11.000 cases of fraud each day =P.
Best thing about in-home streaming? Dual login![]()
Played an hour of Max Payne 3 and it is all pretty well done.
Can I ask if it is a game with a bail out point? (Where you have seen and done everything good and it is rinse and repeat time) or is it worth sticking with until the end?
Play until you're no longer having fun I suppose? It's a pretty straight shooter with none of the divergent dream elements the first two games had although there is down time in terms of environmental things you can play with(watching tv, clues, etc) I've played through the game 7 times at this point, just a fun game to fly through every now and again although of course the cutscenes get annoying after a while. Quality stays pretty steady throughout as well, although there are a few bits in the two penultimate chapters that are annoying.
You clicked on a link that had ?l=blahblah attatched to it. http://store.steampowered.com/?l=english
Played an hour of Max Payne 3 and it is all pretty well done.
Can I ask if it is a game with a bail out point? (Where you have seen and done everything good and it is rinse and repeat time) or is it worth sticking with until the end?
added to OP.
Thanks to Cheddahz for Bad Rats.
I can finally say I am part of the SteamGAF Elite.
Catlateral Damage needs to happen. On Greenlight now
Needs some more content if it was on Steam, but you can play the alpha now
Also going to have to get Next Car Game when I'm paid in a couple of weeks. Love FlatOut far too much.
Now get Barbie and you're SteamGAF Gold.
Best add the Steam Community equivalent, too, since they're distinct.
Once it hits that 75% off i'll be all over it.
Nope. You can't buy it. It must be gifted or won through raffle.
Only when the stars align and the ModBot allows it, may you be inducted into the circle that is SteamGaf Platinum.
Catlateral Damage needs to happen. On Greenlight now
Needs some more content if it was on Steam, but you can play the alpha now
Also going to have to get Next Car Game when I'm paid in a couple of weeks. Love FlatOut far too much.
Working title one imagines
What game is this?
Geez it took me ages to get Bad Rats.
Barbie will probably be delisted by then.
I have neither. Am cry. But please don't gift me anything. Must win them through raffles to unlock achievements and bragging privileges.
Also seem to remember a game making the rounds that involved magic crystals.
What game is this?
Looks like Flatout, maybe a new Flatout?