I finally managed to get Dark Souls working and, after three false starts and several hours of troubleshooting, it's pretty good.
So how do I do this? I just select the Dark Souls directory from Gamesave manager or I have to do something else?I think some people over at SPUF are getting a little confused with Dark Souls and GFWL. There are three ways you can play Darks Souls regards to saving and profiles.
1). You play with a live profile you can obviously play online and use your saves on more than one computer.
Now once GFWL has bitten the dust you'll no longer be able to play online or recover your profile if it isn't already backed up. As Drizzle says use GameSave Manager as it backs up your Online Profiles as well so at least when GFWL has had the stake thrust into its heart you can play Dark Souls on multiple pc's without save issues. You can test this for yourselves now by yanking your internet connection.
Not golden text, I can't believe it.If a witch says it in red it's gotta be true.
So how do I do this? I just select the Dark Souls directory from Gamesave manager or I have to do something else?
GameSave Manager will look after your GFWL profile. Thankfully Dark Souls' save are actually backed up to the Steamcloud. I can't remember how I did it as it was a while ago but I think I added every GFWL game and the Marketplace app to it just to be on the safe side, then Dropboxed the lot of it.
I know that SF2 Faith in Destiny is a standalone expansion, if that helps.Thanks Myshkin! I didn't particularly like SF1, but might give SF2 a chance. Talking about SF2, it had some expansions and I've seen several SF2 entries on steam. Do expansions go as separate games or something?
Now once GFWL has bitten the dust you'll no longer be able to play online or recover your profile if it isn't already backed up. As Drizzle says use GameSave Manager as it backs up your Online Profiles as well so at least when GFWL has had the stake thrust into its heart you can play Dark Souls on multiple pc's without save issues. You can test this for yourselves now by yanking your internet connection.
Bulletstorm is the only real pain as this needs a Live profile to save, even if it's offline so you need to have created or recovered one with Bulletstorm's cd key registered to it before GFWL is gone for ever.
End of the day Dark Souls will continue to live on afterwards, albeit without online unless Namco is sorting that out (did I hear rumblings they are?).
GameSave Manager will look after your GFWL profile. Thankfully Dark Souls' save are actually backed up to the Steamcloud. I can't remember how I did it as it was a while ago but I think I added every GFWL game and the Marketplace app to it just to be on the safe side, then Dropboxed the lot of it.
Again, it's bullshit.
I'm pretty relaxed about the whole GFWL thing. For the few things I purchased that had it included, I knew exactly what I was getting into and picked up the games at appropriate prices to match it.
I paid somewhere around $70. I was young and naive.![]()
Well I backed up XLive directory in AppData, going to store it everywhere I can now. :lol
Do I have to back up the registry key too?
thanks for the explanation. I was starting to worry all my progress in the game would be deleted once they shutdown gfwl and I would need to start a new game. For some reason I always thought MS would just end support for GFWL (it would still exist) and not outright cut the cord on it.
Im playing Dead Island, oh man this is like a beta, feels awkward, soulless and after 1 hour and i think i played almost all, the characters have zero charisma, no interesting story, nothing motivates to follow. But a game with a friend it's always fun to play.
I think some people over at SPUF are getting a little confused with Dark Souls and GFWL. There are three ways you can play Darks Souls regards to saving and profiles.
1). You play with a live profile you can obviously play online and use your saves on more than one computer.
2). You create an offline profile which obviously doesn't allow you to play on online and your saves can only be used on the machine you created that profile.
3). You can play without a profile but this will lock you out of online and won't allow you to save.
Now once GFWL has bitten the dust you'll no longer be able to play online or recover your profile if it isn't already backed up. As Drizzle says use GameSave Manager as it backs up your Online Profiles as well so at least when GFWL has had the stake thrust into its heart you can play Dark Souls on multiple pc's without save issues. You can test this for yourselves now by yanking your internet connection.
Bulletstorm is the only real pain as this needs a Live profile to save, even if it's offline so you need to have created or recovered one with Bulletstorm's cd key registered to it before GFWL is gone for ever.
End of the day Dark Souls will continue to live on afterwards, albeit without online unless Namco is sorting that out (did I hear rumblings they are?).
Bulletstorm is the only real pain as this needs a Live profile to save, even if it's offline so you need to have created or recovered one with Bulletstorm's cd key registered to it before GFWL is gone for ever.
All you need is xliveless crack though. That's for any gfwl game from my knowledge and experience.
Games to play: Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Papo & Yo, FTL, King's Bounty.
Which one first steamgaf?
Games to play: Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Papo & Yo, FTL, King's Bounty.
Which one first steamgaf?
360 has very little RAM and can't load multiple zones and LoS is a console port.I don't get why the early chapters of Castlevania: Lord of Shadows are broken up in to such tiny sections. It feels like I'm playing through this long continuous level that's broken up at really random intervals by these completion screens. I don't mind that Lords of Shadow is a God of War clone, with a little Shadow of the Colossus thrown in for good measure but the pacing is really stilted. I feel like I'm watching the game in cinematics, scripted sequences and loading screens more than I am actually playing it so far.
360 has very little RAM and can't load multiple zones and LoS is a console port.
Games to play: Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Papo & Yo, FTL, King's Bounty.
Which one first steamgaf?
Games to play: Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Papo & Yo, FTL, King's Bounty.
Which one first steamgaf?
To clarify this, Bulletstorm needs an online profile to be played at all -- the game completely disallows offline (i.e. local) profiles.
All you need is xliveless crack though. That's for any gfwl game from my knowledge and experience.
Games to play: Mark of the Ninja, To the Moon, Papo & Yo, FTL, King's Bounty.
Which one first steamgaf?
I remember someone, maybe JaseC, playing this and getting to 99.7% and there was one thing, a water tower maybe, that didn't spawn so he couldn't get to 100%. Must be so frustrating.the amount of shit there is to do in just cause 2 is overwhemling, i just got back to playing the game after not lauching it for almost half a year
i really hope nobody with ocd bought that game, it must take like 100 hours to 100% it, it's even worse than ubisoft games
the amount of shit there is to do in just cause 2 is overwhemling, i just got back to playing the game after not lauching it for almost half a year
i really hope nobody with ocd bought that game, it must take like 100 hours to 100% it, it's even worse than ubisoft games
Isn't that a bit hit and miss though? I know if works for GTA IV and Fallout 3 but heard it has problems with games that require profile signed and encrypted saves. Still I'm sure we can all chip in a try it out to see what works and what doesn't.
LTTP?Some of Portal 2's levels are absolutely tiny.
Warning: This man has no taste: Dislikes Hot Line Miami
I haven't quite completed it (stuck on the final fight, playing on hard), but I've got to agree. I've been blown away by how good the game is. I'll be writing a glowing review for sure once I am finished. Then, I'll go for round two.Welp, I just played nine straight hours of The Banner Saga and posted my Steam review, so my work here is done.
What a great game. Would have been on the top of my GOTY list if it had been released a month prior. Everyone should buy it.
Just started playing Brothers.
I don't think there has ever been a larger gulf between what my brain intends and what my thumbs and trigger fingers do. It's like there's someone else's hands on my controller.
Still, good times - it's great (and beautifully and cleverly done) so far.
Just started playing Brothers.
I don't think there has ever been a larger gulf between what my brain intends and what my thumbs and trigger fingers do. It's like there's someone else's hands on my controller.
Still, good times - it's great (and beautifully and cleverly done) so far.
lol I've had same issues. I am only able to accurately control the big brother. The little brother always runs off the map like he is drunk or somethinMy brain and thumbs refuse to focus in on both brothers at the same time.
Will wait for Banner Saga to go on sale. Steam, GMG, Amazon, GamersGate, GameFly etc. has made me a cheap bastard. Can't buy a game before the game is at least 50% off.
Will wait for Banner Saga to go on sale. Steam, GMG, Amazon, GamersGate, GameFly etc. has made me a cheap bastard. Can't buy a game before the game is at least 50% off.
What if it's base price is $5 or $10 =V