Wasteland 2 sixty bucks :/
Should have backed it alongside Torment for 40$
It'll be cheaper on release.
Wasteland 2 sixty bucks :/
Should have backed it alongside Torment for 40$
That's strange, I started to play Spec Ops today, and now it's today's daily deal
So torn. Saints Row Free Weekend has me hooked, and while I could see spending $20 on the game, the stacks of DLC are going to give my OCD fits. Damnit.
Hahaha. Well despite finishing it over the course of the free weekend I'm debating picking it up as well (definitely going to replay it). Though while I'm trying to align my moral compass as to if I should pick it up now or wait for a complete edition the only bits of dlc that look worth it are what's included in the season pass (well and the Child's Play dlc as it won't be available apparently after the weekend and it's for a good cause as well).
Unless anyone has any other comments on wether any of SR IV's dlc packs are worth it?
360 has very little RAM and can't load multiple zones and LoS is a console port.
I literally just beat Spec Ops: The Line a few hours ago, so amused to see it as the daily deal.
Cool preview on Indie open world survival horror game The Forest.
I agree with you when you say that it's really difficult talking about it without spoiling, but I found its story WAY underwhelming.
The gameplay too, is repetitive as hell, but its not what that game si praised for, so who cares.
Fact is,all the choice meant to make you feel bad are forced on you. You can't really do anything different than "enabling" some worst case scenarios. So it all goes in a similar manner than the controversial airport scene of MW (or it was MW2?).
They just give you a full powered thermo-atomic-lazors-nuke and tell you that's the way to go. It's not like you can sneak past everyone or try a diplomatic approach, completing the game with zero kills and not a single casualties. You fire and fire and fire to save your ass, while the game keeps telling you you're a son of a bitch because you're firing. Why? What's the point, then?
And then the ending, with the uber mega plot twist revealing that you've been answering a mute radio all along, in front of your unsuspecting comrades. Wut?
I mean, I usually enjoy a good fucked up unbelievable twist, because in the end, if it entertained me, who cares. But here, we're more toward the lame twist of Heavy Rain than, let's say, the "feel good" ones of Fight Club or The Usual Suspects.
Cool preview on Indie open world survival horror game The Forest.
Our focus is on the single-player game
Do you have or can you point me to the original artwork in the background?
Do you have or can you point me to the original artwork in the background?
Serious spoiler talk for Spec Ops, as warning.
Spec Ops: the Line is supposed to be a crtiticism of heavily scripted, linear, cover-centric third person shooters but the problem with this is twofold: this isn't really revealed until the game's ending and the game you play to get to that ending is a spectacularly average heavily scripted, linear, cover-centirc third person shooter. Spec Ops: The Line is what it mocks, thankfully the game is only 5 hours long.
The world art is amazing in that game.
Spoiler:Maybe if the protagonists apparent madness and his descent into it was telegraphed earlier in the game and the player got to see what he thought he saw versus what his squad mates were actually seeing, it might've been a more interesting campaign.
Blighttown wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Thank God I had the Rusted Iron Ring, though. It made the swamp part much, much easier.
Spoiler:Maybe if the protagonists apparent madness and his descent into it was telegraphed earlier in the game and the player got to see what he thought he saw versus what his squad mates were actually seeing, it might've been a more interesting campaign.
Anyone else having issues with Steam today? I'm getting error code 102 on pretty much all pages of the client.
I installed the standalone Enhanced Steam last night, but I refuse to believe that's the culprit.
This is amazing.I found this (without Imgur compression):
Cool preview on Indie open world survival horror game The Forest.
Does anyone know what happens to those playing SRIV right now? Will it eventually kick or let you play until you close it?
If the game doesn't treat me like an idiot then why does it force the most controversial scene of the game down my throat and remove choice completely to ensure it happens?It is. But unlike other games it doesn't treat you like a fucking idiot so you need to keep an eye out for little things.Watch his trigger discipline. He goes from finger off to finger constantly on even round civvies.
most likely it'll functional as normal until the person actually closes the program in which they'll lose access to it unless they buy it*
*this is based off personal experience in past "free to play weekends"
most likely it'll functional as normal until the person actually closes the program in which they'll lose access to it unless they buy it*
*this is based off personal experience in past "free to play weekends"
Keep game running at all times and alt-tab whenever you aren't playing. Free game![]()
Played like 2 hours of Metal Gear 420 and now my fingers hurt like hell. I really should play Bayonetta some time
Ah brilliant cheers! Guess I'll keep going to get all the activities finished before I close it down.
or just"Game Name -- MB-00000000"
Well that was the most fun I've had with a free weekend game. Didn't know I was getting a sequel to Crackdown.
I had those experiences with the Mario Party games.it's still not worse than bdz tenkaichi though, and it was with both sticks
i think that game killed 4 of my ps2 controllers' sticks
son goku kamehameha spam nights with my brothers nvr frgt rip in peace
Both work as far as I know.When you enter a modbot contest are you suppose to put the whole line in the reply box or just the letters and numbers?
or just
When you enter a modbot contest are you suppose to put the whole line in the reply box or just the letters and numbers?
or just
The scale is next to the rulebook on your counter. If you call out any discrepancies that point to forged documents or anything else illegal, the detain button will pop up after you've pointed out the problem.So I need help on Papers Please again.
Mainly how do I check weight or detain anyone I want to?
Can't figure it out...it should be in the little book right?
EDIT: Well shit got the bad ending already.